Page 4 - ice2019
P. 4
Page 4
Basics from page 3 mask, too, depending on the numbers,
but people will have that choice since
space between the outdoor sculptures we are outside on the public sidewalks
will provide an added level of safety and the sculptures are distanced.”
for visitors. There will be a few larger ice sculp-
“People need to get out. We've all tures in Kellogg Park as usual, but
sort of been locked up for so long,” even those will be further apart to
Gietzen said. “This is safe, it's outdoors ensure safety. Those won't be the huge
and it's fun for the whole family. I think carvings the festival has sometimes
it's people's nature to want to get out- featured. This year, Gietzen said, the
side and this festival gives people a professional carvers will be concen-
chance to remember all the good trating on smaller, more unique and
things about being outside and the intricate sculptures throughout town.
good things still going on in the com- Those will be displayed in front of
munity despite the virus.” businesses and attractions throughout
He added that the festival would be downtown. Gietzen said he estimates a
safe, no matter what the COVID levels total of 80 to 100 sculptures.
might be because it was outdoors and The Gathering will again host the
people could determine their own Hot Spot where visitors can warm up
level of contact. “We suggest wearing a and enjoy the festival food from the