Page 17 - ice2019
P. 17
Page 17
It’s ‘Party Time’
Tent features live entertainment, benefits Vietnam veterans
One of the most popular attrac- crowds and on Saturday, Power Play because it is such a good cause.” The
tions at the Ice Festival each year will Detroit will take to the stage. The $5 cover charge at the Ice Festival and
return during the weekend and will cover charge will be a donation to the Plymouth Fall Festival are the largest
once again be a benefit for the local Vietnam veterans group and annual fundraisers for the veterans
Vietnam veterans organization. Agostini stressed that the donations group, Agostini said.
The annual party tent this year will stay in the community and help the Moxie Blitz, which will provide the
take place in a 4,000 square-foot, local group. entertainment Friday night, is a
structured tent in the parking lot “We have people who drop $20 and Detroit music group founded by
behind E.G. Nick's on Forest Street. $50 in because this is such a good Noreen Novrocki with a growing fol-
The tent, which is more like a build- cause,” Agostini said, “and every lowing, Agostini said, and on
ing, has doors and retains heat, dime of the money goes to the local Saturday, Power Play Detroit will per-
explained E.G. Nick's co-owner Frank veterans. It is used to help the local form.
Agostini. group. When people donate money at “They have a huge following and
The party will start at 8 p.m. Friday the tent, it goes directly back into the we expect a large crowd, as usual,” he
when Moxie Blitz will entertain the community. I think people donate said.