Page 5 - ff2019
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Community from page 3
attend the taste fest,” Geitzen said.
This year, as usual, the nationally
famous Plymouth Fife and Drum
Corps will again be selling their deli-
cious roasted almond during the festi-
val and the Boy Scout Troop 743 will
have a concession booth selling
smoothies, fries, corn dogs and steak
and chicken pitas along with lemonade
and other treats.
Plymouth Canton Little League will
sponsor the Bingo games from 6-9 p.m.
at the Gathering to help fund the
leagues for the year and the Optimist
Club will be selling hot and cold cider
and donuts to help fund their charita- said, “is that all the proceeds from all community concerts and other events
ble causes dedicated to the welfare of these volunteers working at the booths during the year, agreed.
children. during the weekend, all go back into “The Plymouth Fall Festival really
New Morning School will be at the the community making it a better place is a special event. It is all volunteers,
festival with the traditional Spin Art for everyone.” from civic groups and clubs, all work-
Table which attracts crowds of “artis- Geitzen, president of JAG ing together for one weekend,” he said.
tic” young visitors during the weekend. Entertainment which books profes- “It really is what being part of a com-
“The most important thing,” Joy sional bands for performances during munity is all about.”