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       Fall Festival celebrates community spirit

         James Geitzen has a lot of experi-                                   festival, said. “There is nothing like
       ence with local festivals and public              ”                    seeing families enjoying the events and
       concerts, but he readily admits that the  The heart and soul           knowing that we have provided a good
       Plymouth Fall Festival continues to        of the Fall Festival        time and really helped a good cause,
       impress him.                                                           well, several good causes,” Joy said.
         “The heart and soul of the Fall          are the non-profit            In addition to the traditional
       Festival are the non-profit and commu-      and community              Chicken Barbeque, the Spaghetti
       nity group members,” Geitzen said.                                     Dinner, the Pancake  Breakfast, Bingo
       “They work hard all year preparing for     group members.              and the Taste Fest, other groups, too,
       the weekend event.”                                                    set up smaller booths during the festi-
         He isn't exaggerating in that estima-                                val attempting to generate funds to
       tion.  Volunteers from both the morn-                                  help fund their group activities.
       ing and noon Rotary clubs, the       As Geitzen and Plymouth Fall        “It takes a lot of people to make a
       Kiwanis members, the Lions Club and  Festival Chairman Eric Joy are proud  community work,” Geitzen said. “Some
       the Civitans have been planning the  to explain, this is the largest festival in  are called to volunteer for a communi-
       weekend activities since last year.  the area and is the major fundraiser  ty group, others make donations to our
         The groups' activities have become  for most of the civic groups.    service organizations, but the simplest
       a tradition at the event which will  Participation in the various events pro-  way to make an impact in the commu-
       mark 64 years in the community Sept.  vides donations, scholarships and com-  nity is by buying a chicken or spaghetti
       6, 7 and 8 and draw more than 50,000  munity benefits all year long.   dinner, go to the pancake breakfast or
       people to downtown Plymouth during   “The festival is about community,”
       the weekend.                       Joy, in his fifth year at the helm of the      See Community, page 5
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