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December 24, 2020                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Rezoning OK'd to allow meat processing plant

           Wayne City Council members  ings on the site. According to the                                                          kept in temperature-controlled
        have approved the rezoning of a  rezoning proposal, Michigan                             ”                                 areas. Waste will be picked up
        5.63-acre property on Cogswell to  Meats is a USDA (United States          The meat processing operations                  daily for disposal. Plans include
        facilitate a $1.7 million invest-  Department of Agriculture)              will store all animals indoors and              the installation of a 4-yard size
        ment in the city.              approved and monitored facility.                                                            Dumpster on site to dispose of
           The property, zoned as Heavy  The company will invest $1.7 mil-  no animals will be stored outside the buildings.       manure and straw.
        Industrial has been conditionally  lion in the construction of three                                                         Michigan Meats representa-
        rezoned to allow for the butcher-  buildings on the site at 8,000, 3,200                                                   tives have agreed to comply with
        ing/slaughtering of animals and  and 3,000 square feet in size,  plans submitted to the city.  stored outside the buildings,  all city noise and odor ordinances
        retail sales as requested by   respectively. One of the buildings  The meat processing opera-  according to the plans. Waste  and claim that the loudest noise
        Michigan Meats, a company pro-  will be a small custom butcher  tions will store all animals  materials will be stored and  at the facility will be from the
        posing to construct three build-  shop for retail sales, according to  indoors and no animals will be  inside the buildings in drums  cooling compressors.

        Tongue-in-cheek health report

        helps save local bowling alley

           The announcement by Gov. Gretchen   any longer,” he wrote. “Her customers are
        Whitmer last week that the state       finding other places to bowl. The people
        Department of Health had lifted the ban  she loves are being forced to bowl in
        on bowling alleys starting Monday rolled a  another State just to do what they love
        strike with Steven Klein.              doing with her at her house. But, she is not
           Klein, who posted a dramatic account  conscious. She is not available to them.
        of the potential demise of his “baby” due  She is dying. Something is killing her and
        to COVID-19 on Facebook recently, was  she is being told that she needs to be sacri-
        overwhelmed by the attention and sup-  ficed,” Klein posted.
        port his creative announcement prompt-    “Her death will save lives. She sees the
        ed.                                    mailbox continue to fill up with bills. Bills
           Klein posted the tongue-in-cheek    that have never stopped coming. The bills
        account of the dire effects of the virus on  are as unrelenting as a shark that smells
        Dec. 6 and one of the regular bowlers at  blood in the water. The end is near. There  he continued in his Facebook narrative.  Klein said he was hoping for the ban on
        the Westland facility began a GoFundMe  isn't anything her Daddy can do to save  His creative narrative also caught the  bowling to be lifted for the love of the
        account to help save the establishment.  her. He is helpless. It's killing him. So  attention of both local TV and out-of-state  sport. Vision Lanes is also still open at the
           “She is barely conscious. She is dying  when you see her Daddy, and he doesn't  media.                          Ford Road location for carry-out only
        slowly. She is watching her loyal staff and  have that same sparkle in his eyes or same  The GoFundMe account had generated  from All-star Grille and Music Bar and for
        caretakers go find other sources of income  love in his heart understand he is watch-  $8,000 to help the lanes continue to roll  bowling with capacity limited to 100 peo-
        because she can't provide for her family  ing his baby die, right in front of his eyes,”  along through the pandemic by last week.  ple.
                                                                                     City offers housing, rent relief

                                                                                       Westland residents whose income has  affected due to job loss or medical costs.
                                                                                     been negatively impacted by the COVID-19  Preference will be given to applicants who
                                                                                     pandemic can now apply for rent or mortgage  deferred rent/mortgage payments during the
                                                                                     relief through the Westland Cares program.  moratorium. Payments will be made directly
                                                                                       The Westland Cares program was designed  to the rental owner or mortgage company.
                                                                                     to assist low to moderate income families with  Residents can obtain more information or
                                                                                     emergency emergency rent or mortgage pay-  apply online at www.cityofwestland
                                                                                     ments for households whose income has been  .com or at (734) 713-3711.

                                                                                                             CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
                                                                                                              ACCESS TO PUBLIC MEETINGS

                                                                                      The Charter Township of Canton will provide necessary, reasonable auxiliary aids and services to individuals with disabilities at
                                                                                      the meeting/hearing upon notice to the Charter Township of Canton.
                                                                                      In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA"), the Charter Township
                                                                                      of Canton will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its services, programs,
                                                                                      or activities.
                                                                                      Employment: The Charter Township of Canton does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its hiring or employment prac-
                                                                                      tices and complies with all regulations promulgated by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission under Title II of
                                                                                      the ADA.
                                                                                      Effective Communication: The Charter Township of Canton will generally, upon request, provide appropriate aids and services
                                                                                      leading to effective communication for qualified persons with disabilities so they can participate equally in the Charter Township
                                                                                      of Canton's programs, services, and activities, including qualified sign language interpreters, documents in Braille, and other
                                                                                      ways of making information and communications accessible to people who have speech, hearing, or vision impairments.
           Hometown heroes                                                            Modifications to Policies and Procedures: The Charter Township of Canton will make all reasonable modifications to policies
           The COVID-19 pandemic did not stop the City of Wayne Fire Department version  and programs to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to enjoy all of its programs, services, and activi-
           of Shopping with your Heroes. Members of the Wayne Firefighters Local #162  ties. For example, individuals with service animals are welcomed in the Charter Township of Canton's offices, even where pets
                                                                                      are generally prohibited.
           shopped for holiday toys and gifts and made special deliveries to  Wayne-
           Westland students,. Fire Department Capt. Dave Wylie and Firefighters Jeremy  Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to par-
                                                                                      ticipate in a program, service, or activity of the Charter Township of Canton should contact the office of Barb Brouillette, Human
           Tima and Tavis Brehmer brought holiday cheer to area residents recently.   Resources Coordinator, Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S. Canton Center Road, Canton, MI  48188, (734) 394-5260 as soon
                                                                                      as possible but no later than 48 hours before the scheduled event.
                                                                                      The ADA does not require the Charter Township of Canton to take any action that would fundamentally alter the nature of its
         Synopsis of Charter Township of Canton Board Proceedings                     programs or services, or impose an undue financial or administrative burden.
         Members: Supervisor Anne Marie Graham-Hudak, Clerk Michael Siegrist, Treasurer Dian Slavens  Complaints that a program, service, or activity of the Charter Township of Canton is not accessible to persons with disabilities
         Trustees: Kate Borninski, Sommer Foster, Tania Ganguly, Steven Sneideman     should be directed to Barb Brouillette, Human Resources Coordinator, Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S. Canton Center Road,
         Regular Meeting 11/10/2020: Synopsis: Held Public Hearing on the Adoption of the Fiscal Year 2021 Budget.  Approved con-  Canton, MI  48188, (734) 394-5260.
         sent and general calendar as posted in full on website.                      The Charter Township of Canton will not place a surcharge on a particular individual with a disability or any group of individu-
         Regular Meeting 11/17/2020: Synopsis:  Held Public Hearing on Dangerous Buildings Show Cause.  Approved consent and gen-  als with disabilities to cover the cost of providing auxiliary aids/services or reasonable modifications of policy, such as retriev-
         eral calendar as posted in full on website.                                  ing items from locations that are open to the public but are not accessible to persons who use wheelchairs.
         Regular Meeting 11/24/2020: Synopsis: Approved consent and general calendar as posted in full on website.
                                                                                      Publish: 12/24/20                                             CN2149 - 122420  2.5 x 4.72
          Copies of the complete Board minutes can be found for free at Minutes can also be viewed or copied at
          1150 S. Canton Center Rd, Canton, MI during normal business hours. Call 734-394-5120 for more information. CN2150 - 122420  2.5 x 1.574
                                                                                                              CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
                                                                                                             ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS AGENDA
                                         SYNOPSIS                                                                    January 14, 2021
                                     REGULAR MEETING
                              CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE                          Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals MONDAY, January 14, 2021 at 7:00 PM.
                                     BOARD OF TRUSTEES                                The meeting will be held by electronic remote access.  Individuals may join the video teleconference by going to:

         DATE:  Thursday, December 17, 2020                                                          
         TIME:  7:00 p.m.
         CALL TO ORDER:  Supervisor Abbo called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.                Or iPhone one-tap:  1-312-626-6799 (89184868953#) or 1-301-715-8592 (89184868953#)
         PRESENT:      Mark Abbo, Supervisor  Scott Frush, Trustee                                          Or Telephone:  1-301-715-8592 or 1-312-626-6799
                       Roger Lundberg, Clerk  Mindy Herrmann, Trustee
                       Jason Rhines, Treasurer  Cynthia Jankowski, Trustee                                        Webinar ID: 891 8486 8953
                                             Christopher Roosen, Trustee
         PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:                                                                       International numbers available:
         1. Agendas:
            A.  Regular Agenda and the Consent Agenda items - Approved                7:00 P.M.
         2. Appointments, Presentations, Resolutions & Announcements:
            A.  NHS Girls Golf Team Resolution - Approved                             Call to Order
            B.  Board of Trustee Appointments to Boards/Commissions - Approved
            C.  Planning Commission - Gary Yang appointment - Approved                Pledge of Allegiance
            D.  HDC - William Sivy reappointment - Approved
            E.  Parks & Recreation - Gift Acceptance - Approved                       Roll Call: Jim Cisek, Vicki Welty, Craig Engel, Greg Greco, John Badeen.
            F.  Landfill Working Committee Report - Presented                         Alternate: Gregory Demopoulos
         3. Public Hearing: None
         4. Brief Public Comments: Two residents had questions or comments for the Board of Trustees.  Approval of Minutes:
         5. New Business:                                                             December 21, 2020 Meeting Minutes
            A.  Finance - 1% Administrative Fee - Approved
            B.  Finance - Water Fee Recommendation - Approved                         Approval of Agenda
            C.  Board of Trustees - Study Session 2021 - Approved
            D.  Board of Trustees - Seven Mile Park Committee - Approved              General Calendar:
            E.  Board of Trustees - Pathway Committee - Approved
            F.  Public Services - 48515 Seven Mile Road Bid - Approved                   1. Applicant, Danny Veri, for property located on the east side of Lilley Road between Warren Rd. and Joy Rd., Zoning R-
            G.  Public Services - Water Storage Analysis - Approved                        6.  Property address is 7720 Lilley Road N.  Appealing Section 6.03(A)(6) of the Zoning Ordinance.  The requested vari-
         6. Unfinished Business: None                                                      ance is to allow a 10-foot separation distance between the north building wall and the access drive - a variance of 15 feet
         7. Ordinances:  None                                                              from the minimum 25-foot separation distance.  Parcel ID 71-008-99-0001-707 (Planning).
         8. Check Registry:
         A. In the amount of $2,051,092.64 for the period of November 7, 2020 to December 4, 2020. - Approved   Written comments need to be submitted prior to 4:00 PM on the date of the hearing.  All written comments must be sent to the
         9. Board Communication & Reports:                                            Charter Township of Canton. Clerk's Office, 1150 S. Canton Center Rd., Canton, MI  48188, Phone 734-394-5120.
            A.  Mark Abbo, Roger Lundberg, Jason Rhines, Scott Frush, Mindy Herrmann, Cynthia Jankowski, Christopher Roosen
            and Todd Mutchler                                                                                 CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF CANTON
         10. Any other business for the Board of Trustees: None                                                ACCESS TO PUBLIC MEETINGS
         11. ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 8:39 p.m.                                         In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals with disabilities who require special
         A draft of the meeting minutes will be available on December 29, 2020.               accommodations, auxiliary aids or services to attend participate at the meeting/hearing should contact
         Respectfully submitted:                                                                        Kerreen Conley, Human Resources Manager, at 734-394-5260.
         Mark Abbo, Supervisor                                                                          Reasonable accommodations can be made with advance notice.
         Roger Lundberg, Clerk                                     NT0105 - 122420  2.5 x 5.303  A complete copy of the Access to Public Meetings Policy is available at  CN2151 - 122420  2.5 x 5.515
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