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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        December 24, 2020

                                                   INKSTER - NORTHVILLE
                                                   INKSTER - NORTHVILLE

        Northville police chief to lead associations

           Northville Police Chief Alan  He also gained  experience as an  At the Southeastern Michigan  statutes, good police practices
        Maciag has been elected presi-  accident investigator and evi-  Association Chiefs of Police,  and the general welfare and safe-
        dent of the Wayne County Chiefs  dence technician. He was named  Maciag served as first vice presi-  ty of the public. Among his duties
        of Police and also will serve as  Wayne's Police Officer of the Year  dent in 2020. He begins his one-  as president, he will preside at
        president of the Southeastern  in 2001.                       year term as president on Jan. 7,  all meetings of the executive
        Michigan Association of Chiefs of  He earned a B.A. in Criminal  2021. Among the association  board and association, serve as
        Police.                        Justice from Western Michigan  goals and objectives, is the  association spokesperson to the
           Maciag joined the Northville  University;  an  M.A.   in   improvement of law enforcement  press and public, appoint com-
        Police Department as chief in  Criminology from Eastern       through the cooperation of pub-  mittees and designate chairs of
        December of 2018.              Michigan University and gradu-  lic and private agencies focused  those committees.
           Maciag started his law      ated from the FBI National     on protecting lives and property;  At the Wayne County
        enforcement career at the Wayne  Academy in Quantico, VA.     encouraging     professional  Association of Chiefs of Police,
        Police Department more than 21   Maciag is also a graduate of  recruitment, selection and train-  Maciag was vice president in
        years ago and rose to become   Northwestern University School  ing of qualified law enforcement  2020. He represents member
        police chief in that city. While  of Police Staff and Command. He  personnel; promoting and adher-  police chiefs, directors and exec-
        with the Wayne department, he  serves on several boards of chiefs  ing to high law enforcement stan-  utive-level law enforcement pro-
        held supervisory roles in the  organizations in the state and is a  dards of conduct; stimulating citi-  fessionals across Wayne County
        Investigative and Traffic Bureau  member of the Curriculum    zen interest in law enforcement  during his one-year term. His
        and in the undercover unit     Committee of the FBI National  through good public relations  term as president began on Nov.
        (COPC-RU), among other areas.  Academy Michigan Chapter.      and aiding the adoption of    17.                                              Alan Maciag

        Heat in the Street pods now being installed

           The "Heat in the Street" pro-  p.m.  Saturday and from noon  made locally. To contribute, visit
        gram is under way in downtown  until 6 p.m. Sunday in Town    the GoFundMe campaign.
        Northville with vendor stands  Square, which is decorated for   Dining pods operate on a first-
        and eating pods to expand the  the season. The centrally-located  come basis and can't be reserved.
        restaurant scene and create a  park on Main Street, east of   Food may also be purchased
        European-style outdoor bistro  Center features a large        from area restaurants and con-
        area.                          Christmas tree, a Letters to Santa  sumed at these pods. Designated
           The stands will enable restau-  mailbox, and a year-round con-  restaurants/bars with special
        rants to sell prepared food and  cert stage and Wi-Fi.        liquor licenses can sell alcoholic
        beverages in an outdoor setting  Several restaurants have     drinks for consumption in the
        and patrons will be able to con-  erected structures outside their  Social District. All restaurants
        sume meals, snacks and bever-  buildings to continue serving  are open for carry-out with deliv-
        ages in the heated pods, which  patrons while abiding by state  ery options. For a full list of
        have three open sides for good  mandates that closed indoor din-  restaurants, visit the DDA web-
        ventilation.                   ing due to a spike in COVID-19  site.
           Toria and Table 5 and Lucy  cases.                           Portions of Main Street and
        and the Wolf restaurants will be  The Downtown Development    North Center are closed to traffic  An artist's rendering of pods and stands set up in Town Square.
        the first to serve special quick-  Authority (DDA) and area busi-  so people can stroll through the  end of this month. Those visiting  er frequently.
        bite menus from the food stands.  nesses continue to raise funds to  pedestrian walkway, dine out-  the Social District should still  The street closures will be
        The stands are open from 4-9   purchase the outdoor pods and  doors or shop. More pods and  practice physical distancing,  monitored by the DDA and could
        p.m. Friday, from noon until 9  stands, which were designed and  stands will be delivered by the  wear masks and use hand sanitiz-  change if warranted.
        Grant to fund upgrade

        of service in Inkster

           Inkster is among the communities that  the growing disparities in our communities
        will soon realize free Wi-Fi access at more  caused by the digital divide,” said Nick
        than 50 community locations across     Michaelides, senior vice president, U.S.
        Southeast Michigan.  The effort is part of  Public Sector at Cisco. “We are proud to
        the Merit Network Michigan Moonshot ini-  launch this initiative alongside Merit and
        tiative and was supported by contributions  Toyota to help ensure equity of access, and
        from the Toyota USA Foundation and Cisco.  to power an inclusive future for all
           “For thousands of students across the  Michiganders.”
        state of Michigan, the pandemic has intro-  Moving into the future, the Michigan
        duced new challenges or highlighted exist-  Moonshot will continue to identify and
        ing ones. We expect this to help both rural  lessen the impacts of inequitable access to
        and urban communities access the internet  broadband internet with the help from area
        for basic informational needs tied to living,  communities.
        learning and working,” said Charlotte    The Michigan Moonshot is a collective
        Bewersdorff, Merit Network vice president  call to action which aims to bridge the digi-
        for Community Engagement.              tal divide in Michigan. Stakeholders
           The grants address the digital divide by  include Merit Network, the Quello Center at
        providing community organizations with  Michigan State University and M-Lab, the
        the technological ability to extend their  largest open internet measurement plat-
        existing internet connectivity through Wi-Fi  form in the world. This call to action is an
        networks which are accessible outside their  initiative to expand broadband access to all
        walls.                                 citizens through policy and funding, data
           “It is our responsibility as business lead-  and mapping, education and resources.
        ers to step up and mobilize the tools and  Learn more about the Michigan Moonshot
        innovations at our disposal to help curtail  at


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