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December 19, 2019                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 7

                                    INKSTER - PLYMOUTH

        Local tattoo artist facing sexual misconduct charges

           An area tattoo artist has been  claims that from April to June of  numerous women, all via social  recognized tattoo establishments.
        arrested on charges of criminal  2015, Boyko, 26, of Livonia, had  media, according to the website.   Those “guest-spots” are a com-
        sexual conduct for acts that   inappropriate sexual contact     Boyko     specializes   in  mon practice, industry sources
        allegedly took place in the City of  with her in Plymouth. The  American tradition-style tattoos  said, offered to tattoo artists visit-
        Plymouth in 2015.              woman, now 25, is a Redford    and he formerly served as a guest  ing from other cities working on
           Alex Boyko, 26, was arraigned  Township resident, according to  artist in shops across the  a commission-only basis. They
        Dec. 12 in 35th District Court  reports from the office of the  Midwest and in Los Angeles,  are often granted at studios for a
        before Judge Michael Gerou on  Wayne County Prosecutor.  The  according to the Jezebel website.  short period of time--from a few
        three counts of fourth degree  charges indicate that the contact  According to the police report,  days to a week.
        criminal sexual conduct. The   included coercion or force.    the complainant and Boyko were   Officials did not release fur-
        charges are misdemeanors car-    Tattoo artists in Michigan   interviewed by Plymouth detec-  ther details about the nature of
        rying a maximum penalty of 2   require county licensure or certi-  tives who determined that the  the contact that prompted the
        years imprisonment. Gerou      fication as body-art workers.  alleged incident included tattoo-  warrant arrest by Plymouth
        ordered a $50,000, or 10 percent  Boyko had been accused two  ing outside of regular business  police.
        bond, no travel outside Michigan,  years ago on the feminist website  hours at the Plymouth location,  Boyko entered a not-guilty
        and no tattooing of women with-  Jezebel where it was alleged that  locking of the door to the place  plea during his court appearance
        out adult supervision in addition  Boyko had been accused by  and the “tracing” of a tattoo on  which some members of his fam-
        to wearing an electronic tether.  dozens of women of inappropri-  the victim's sternum.     ily attended. He is due back at
        Boyko was also ordered not to  ate sexual behavior. The alleged  Reportedly, Boyko's career  35th District Court for a probable               Alex Boyko
        have contact with the victim in  acts on that website ranged from  was negatively affected by the  cause hearing tomorrow and his
        the allegations.               lewd invitations to physical   Jezebel article and he was no  preliminary examination on the  defendant is represented by
           The complainant in the case  assault and were made by      longer offered any guest-spots at  charges is set for Dec. 27. The  attorney Jeffrey Perlman.

           Inkster sets                      Arts complex awarded $40,000 state grant

           holiday hours                     Complex (PARC) has received a grant of
                                               The Plymouth Arts & Recreation

                                             $40,000 from the Michigan Council for Arts
             Like other municipal offices    & Cultural Affairs (MCACA) to help fund
           throughout the area, the Inkster  major repairs and renovations to the park-
           city administration buildings will  ing lot behind the building.
           have special hours during the       Following approval of the state budget,
           holiday season.                   MCACA officials announced that the coun-
             City offices will close from 1  cil would be able to move forward with the
           until 4 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 20.  funding process and grant awards. Officials
           The offices will also be closed   at the Plymouth facility were recently noti-
           from noon until 4 p.m. on         fied that it had been awarded a capital
           Monday, Dec. 23.                  improvement grant for the major upgrade
             The offices will close on Dec.  the paved parking area behind the build-
           23 at noon and will be closed     ing, bringing it up to standard.
           Christmas Eve Dec. 24 through       “PARC Board of Directors and PARC
           Wednesday, Jan 1.                 staff are extremely pleased and filled with
             The offices will reopen for     gratitude for the $40,000 grant awarded by  with developing arts and culture policy and  civic, economic and educational benefits of
           regular hours from 8:30 a.m.      the Michigan Council for Arts & Cultural  grant-making. MCACA provides grants to  arts and culture”
           until 4 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 2.    Affairs,” said PARC President Don Soenen.  encourage, initiate and facilitate an  PARC is a 501(c)3 public charity, leading
             Inkster City Hall is located at  “These funds will be extremely helpful as  enriched artistic, cultural and creative  the effort to convert the historic Plymouth
           26215 Trowbridge in Inkster. For  we move forward with our plans to resur-  environment in Michigan. According to the  High/Central Middle School and the 16.6
           more information, call (313)563-  face the parking lot and improve the light-  mission statement of the group, “The coun-  acres on which it stands, into an arts, edu-
           4232.                             ing.”                                  cil is dedicated to ensuring that every citi-  cation and recreation complex serving the
                                               MCACA is the key state agency charged  zen and community in Michigan enjoys the  greater Plymouth community.
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