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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        December 19, 2019


        Loving tribute

        Parents honor deceased son’s wish with retreat center for veterans

                          Julie Brown  “It did certainly take some time                             year; and we do have a few win-  where the drinks are, the cups
                          Staff Writer  to acclimate.  I was strictly a city                        ter 'takers'. Any guest may stay  and glasses and snacks.”
                                       girl born and bred; but with time,                           with his/her most immediate      The veterans on retreat then
           Terry and Jan Blumberg are  this place has become home and                               family up to five days free at our  help themselves, she explained.
        honoring the final wishes of their  a wonderful sanctuary.                                  home.  Some choose long week-    “We insist on a family-style
        son, Trevor, who was killed in   “Friends in Canton were sup-                               ends, too,” she said.          welcome dinner to send a loving
        action Sept. 14, 2003.         porters of our plans.  The mem-                                 She and Terry struggle with  message of thanks.  We also pro-
           Growing up in Canton        bers of St. Michaels Lutheran                                some last-minute changes due to  vide treats throughout their stay
        Township meant a great deal to  Church, The American Legions,                               deployments, hospitalizations or  as a way to kind of spoil them.”
        the U.S. Army sergeant who was  VVAs, VFWs in the area gave us                              other issues. Generally, there   Santa and Mrs. Claus have vis-
        killed in Fallujah, Iraq, his par-  much backing and encourage-                             have been up to 14 families each  ited Blum's Landing, and Trevor's
        ents said and they are honoring  ment by donating time and                                  year, some more, some less.    parents find a veteran sharing
        his wish to establish a retreat  money to make this place come                                 “Families who have come     his story the best publicity they
        center in northern Michigan with  to fruition,” she said.                                   here have stated that they felt  can receive.  Blum's Landing can
        the help of volunteers and veter-  The website www.blumsland-                               calmed and comfortable in this  handle some disabilities and the
        ans organizations.    notes that it is a 501(c)3                           environment.  How do we know?  pontoon boat and landing are
           The couple stays in touch with  nonprofit “for the military per-                         Terry and I wondered if we need-  handicap compliant.
        members of their son's Army unit  sonnel and their families to                              ed to do a survey; but we don't.  They received funding and
        through email and Facebook,    relax, to recoup, and to re-ener-            Trevor Blumberg  We base it on how long they   are awaiting the builder to com-
        although Jan Blumberg noted    gize from the stress of their cur-                           remain on the front porch and  plete a handicap compliant
        that some veterans remain dis-  rent rehab and duties.”       of teenagers, young adults and  talk and talk and smile prior to  cabin although no service ani-
        tant as memories are too painful.  Trevor's parents now live near  active lives.  We also have had  their having to leave.   mals nor other animals are invit-
           Veterans also face post-trau-  Rogers City from where they  families with 'His, mine, ours  “The veteran's who have come  ed.
        matic stress disorder, she added,  operate the retreat. They first  kids' making for a different kind  here have found folks who  “After Scrappy died three
        and visiting the retreat named  also honored their son's request  of social need.  Because of sports,  understand the wounds emotion-  years ago, we decided it was
        Blum's Landing helps them.     to care for his dog, Scrappy, who  etc. they just cannot get away.  ally that each of them suffer.   We  best,” said Trevor's mom, noting
        Trevor's unit members have visit-  is now deceased.           And, we do not operate at holi-  encourage just enjoying the  that also keeps the rooms clear of
        ed the retreat near Lake Huron   Jan Blumberg noted, “We are  days; so we can be with our little  blessings.  Some of these vets  allergic reactions.
        beaches. The veteran and his or  open all year; but seem to get few  family.                have strong family units who love  “We have had several of our
        her most immediate family stay  takers.  When we first planned  “Guests are first come, first  and care for them.  Some of the  vets who understand and still
        at the home which serves as a  this, our thoughts were of the  serve with schedules begun as  families are sadly very disrupted.  choose to come; and there are
        free bed and breakfast retreat.  average 22-year-old vet (Trevor's  early as late January.   We prima-  We try to create a home where  some that cannot separate.  We
           Blumberg, a retired Garden-  age).  But, reality hit and we real-  rily focus after Memorial week-  they become family.... after a 'for-  understand and keep the invita-
        City teacher and principal, noted,  ized these 'kids' are now families  end.  We did go into the fall this  mal' run through we show them  tion always open to the future.”
        Diversion                      years of age, according to the  of the program was an Oversight  innovative pilot program will  makes a request for restitution
                                                                        Included in the development
                                                                                                                                   to be paid, the victim makes a
                                                                                                    benefit the community, and the
                                       state law governing the pro-
                                       gram.                          and Review Panel that will    potential positive-impact it may  request for the offender to be
        FROM PAGE 1                      Diversion participants who   focus on ensuring the program  have on the juvenile partici-  criminally prosecuted or the
                                       do not successfully complete the  conforms to community stan-  pants,” said Canton Township  parent/guardian of the offender
           Diversion records for partici-  requirements established with  dards, maintains equality of  Director of Public Safety Joshua  refuses to allow the minor child
        pants who successfully complete  Growth Works will have their  opportunity for juveniles, and  Meier.                      to participate in the program,
        the program are sealed and can  misdemeanor case re-opened by  policy compliance. The review   All juvenile offenders are    On Monday morning, Wayne
        only be opened by order of the  the police department, and any  panel will meet every six   originally considered for the  County Prosecutor Kym Worthy
        court. Records of juveniles    appropriate course of court    months and will provide feed-  program unless the juvenile has  announced a similar diversion
        enrolled in the diversion pro-  action will follow which may  back and recommendations at   a prior arrest history, the offense  program for youth offenders
        gram are destroyed within 28   include the issuance of a cita-  the one-year mark.          is a felony, the offender lives out-  through her office that will
        days of the minor becoming 17  tion or petition to court.       “I'm eager to see how this  side of Wayne County, the victim  implemented county-wide.

                      NOTICE OF INTENT TO ISSUE BONDS                                                               Classified
                                                                                                           1999 FORD
                NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter  Township of Canton,                               1FAFP13P6XW243703
                                                                                                           2006 KIA
         Wayne County, Michigan, intends to issue limited tax general obligation bonds in  THE FOLLOWING   KNDJC733765512957
         one or more series in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $20,000,000  VEHICLES HAVE BEEN  2002 HONDA
                                                                                      DEEMED ABANDONED
         for the purpose of defraying all or part of the costs of Township capital improve-  BY THE        2006 PONTIAC               Help Wanted
         ments as described in the Canton  Township Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)     WESTLAND POLICE     2G2WP552361224507          Truck Driver
                                                                                                           2009 SATURN
         2019-2023 Township Owned Facilities, as such capital improvement plan may be  DEPT. AND WILL BE   5GZER23D49J146915     CDL-A DRIVERS WANTED,     T o subscribe to The Eagle   call 734-467-1900.
                                                                                       SOLD AT A PUBLIC
                                                                                                                                   3 MONTHS MINIMUM
                                                                                                           PLEASE NOTE THAT THE
         amended or supplemented from time to time.                                       AUCTION AT       BIDDING WILL START AT      EXPERIENCE,
                                                                                                                                     EXCELLENT PAY,
                                                                                         BISHOP AUTO
                The bonds will bear interest from their date at a rate or rates to be deter-  WRECKING LLC   THE TOWING AND STOR-  BENEFITS SIGN ON
                                                                                                           AGE CHARGES.
         mined upon the sale thereof but in no event to exceed such rates as may be per-  AT 2780 SPRINGHILL                         BONUS, 401k,
                                                                                      INKSTER, MI 48141 ON
         mitted by law.                                                               MONDAY DEC. 30, 2019      To advertise in    DEDICATED ROUTES
                                                                                                                                   ROMEO AND WAYNE
                                                                                                                The Eagle call
                The bonds will be issued under and pursuant to the provisions of Act No.  AT 10:00 AM           734-467-1900.      DISPATCH, CALL RON
         34, Public Acts of Michigan, 2001, as amended, and the full faith and credit of the                                      586-752-4529 EXT 1028
         Charter Township of Canton will be pledged to pay the principal of and interest on
         the bonds as the same shall become due. The Charter Township of Canton will be
         obligated, as a first budget obligation, to advance moneys from its general funds
         or to levy ad valorem taxes on all taxable property within its corporate boundaries
         to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds as the same shall become due;
         provided, however, that the amount of taxes necessary to pay the principal and
         interest on the bonds, together with the taxes levied for the same year, shall not
         exceed the limit authorized by law.  The source of payment for the bonds may also
         include other legally available funds.

                         RIGHT TO PETITION FOR REFERENDUM

                This notice is given, by order of the  Township Board of the Charter
         Township of Canton, to and for the benefit of the electors of the Charter Township
         of Canton in order to inform them of their right to petition for a referendum upon
         the question of the issuance of the aforesaid bonds.  The bonds will be issued,
         without submitting such a question to a vote of the electors, unless within 45 days
         after the date of publication of this notice a petition requesting a referendum upon
         such question, signed by not less than 10% or 15,000 of the registered electors
         residing within the Charter Township of Canton, whichever is the lesser, shall
         have been filed with the undersigned Township Clerk.  In the event that such a
         petition is filed, the bonds will not be issued unless and until the issuance thereof
         shall have been approved by the vote of a majority of the electors of the Charter
         Township of Canton qualified to vote and voting thereon at a general or special

                                 FURTHER INFORMATION

                Further information relative to the issuance of said bonds, the capital
         improvement plan and the subject matter of this notice may be secured at the
         office of the Township Clerk of the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S. Canton
         Center Road, Canton, Michigan 48118.

                This notice is given pursuant to the provisions of Act 34, Public Acts of
         Michigan, 2001, as amended.
                                      Michael A. Siegrist, Clerk
                                      Charter Township of Canton

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