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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         December 9, 2021


        Community mourns death of Lisa Barry, 62

           Northville residents will miss  Motherwell, WEMU station gen-  creatives as creator and co-host  anticipated football match up
        the traditional good humored   eral manager in a statement. "In  of the "Art and Soul" series.  with rival Ohio State, a week
        commentary of Lisa Barry dur-  the news business that can't   Those intimate on-air conversa-  before her death.
        ing the annual community       always happen, but whenever    tions displayed a talent Barry   Ms. Barry is survived by her
        Fourth of July parade next year.  she had the opportunity she  honed through a career that saw  husband, Frank; her sons,
           Ms. Barry, who for several  would do stories and interviews  her interview U.S. presidents,  Benjamin (Lisa) and Parker; and
        years joined local dentist Dr.  and anything she could just   celebrities and officials at all lev-  her siblings, Edward Barry,
        William Demray in hosting the  about positivity and hope and  els of government, according to  Kathleen Wilcox and Michael
        popular downtown event, died   inspiration."                  her WEMU profile.             Barry (RoxAnne). She is also sur-
        unexpectedly Nov. 30 due to com-  Ms. Barry, 62, began her radio  That included trading pan-  vived by many nieces, nephews
        plications from a heart condition,  career in morning newscasts for  demic hair tips with Michigan  and friends. Ms. Barry was pre-
        according to a statement from  WVIC in Lansing, according to a  Gov. Gretchen Whitmer during  deceased by her sister, Susan
        WEMU, where she was a well-    profile of Barry published by  an interview and speaking with  Barry.
        known radio personality. Ms.   Concentrate. She joined WEMU,  U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow min-   Donations in memory of Ms.
        Barry was the local host of    a NPR affiliate based at Eastern  utes after the evacuation caused  Barry can be made to Peony
        National Public Radio "All     Michigan University, in 2015 after  by the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.  Garden - Nichols Arboretum,
        Things Considered." She present-  a lengthy career in Detroit-area  She produced one of her last  University  of  Michigan
        ed local and national news on the  broadcasting, including stints at  radio segments, an interview  https://www.peony.mbgna.umich.
        station at 4 and 7 p.m. every day.  WXYT, WNIC and WJR-AM.    with a University of Michigan  edu. Michigan Association of
           "She just wanted to be a posi-  At WEMU, Barry used the    drum major in the marching    Broadcasters     Foundation
        tive   force,"  said   Molly   microphone to spotlight local  band ahead of the school's hotly-                          Lisa Barry
        School superintendent announces retirement                                                                            Country Garden

           Superintendent of the Northville    have had the honor of working with and
        Public Schools Mary Kay Gallagher will  learning from a tremendous cadre of                                           Club sets meeting
        retire at the end of the 2021 school year.  educators, mentors, colleagues, board                                       Members of the Country Garden
           Gallagher publicly announced her    members, staff, parents, families, com-                                        Club of Northville will resume meet-
        plans to leave the district where she has  munity partners, and perhaps most of all,                                  ings at 11 a.m. Jan. 5 at Plymouth
        been an educator                                         our students ... who                                         First United Methodist Church.
        and administrator                  ”                     have inspired me,                                            Speakers begin at 11:30 a.m. follow-
        for 37 years in a                                        challenged me to                                             ing a short business meeting and
        letter to parents     Gallagher publicly announced       grow as an educa-                                            refreshments.
        posted last week.           her plans to leave           tor and a human                                                The January speaker will be
        Gallagher, who has                                       being, and have                                              Laurie Medrea who will discuss
        been the superin-         the district where she         contributed     to                                           Winter in the Garden. The next
        tendent of the dis-       has been an educator           Northville Public                                            meeting is set for Jan. 5 with speaker
        trict for a decade,                                      Schools' longstand-                                          Celia Ryker whose topic will be Trail
        is credited with           and administrator for         ing tradition of                                             Stories of a Hiking Gardener. The
        successfully lead-          37 years in a letter         excellence."                                                 March 2 speaker will be Carolyn
        ing    Northville                                           Gallagher began                                           Paten who will discuss Dow
        schools through        to parents posted last week.      her career in edu-                                           Gardens.
        the effects of the                                       cation in 1985 and                                             The church is located at 45201 N.
        COVID pandemic                                           she has served as                                            Territorial Road in Plymouth.
        and the approval                                         an early childhood                                             The Country Garden Club of
        of a $104.85 million bon proposal.     program coordinator, principal of                        Mary Kay Gallagher    Northville is a non-profit organiza-
           "It is with mixed emotion and a deep  Moraine Elementary School, assistant                                         tion founded in 1977 and members
        sense of gratitude for the opportunity to  superintendent for instructional services  Michigan State University.      are dedicated to community
        learn, lead and grow with this tremen-  and, since 2011, as superintendent. She  Gallagher said she was making the    improvement through service, con-
        dous school community that I notify you  earned both her bachelor's degree in ele-  early announcement in an effort to pro-  servation and education. For more
        of my intent to retire," Gallagher's letter  mentary education and teaching in 1983  vide ample time for the board of educa-  information, contact the group at
        read.                                  and her master of arts degree in educa-  tion to conduct a thorough selection
           "Throughout these past 37 years, I  tional administration in 1988 from    process and leadership transition.
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