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Sumpter Township administrator resigns post
Members of the Sumpter and we will get through this,” he
Township Board of Trustees ” said. “We need to put a plan in
“regretfully” accepted the resig- We have always gotten through place to take care of payroll,
nation of Township major problems and we MERS, HR issues and payroll
Administrator Michelle Cole dur- issues.”
ing a special meeting Nov. 30. will get through this. Cole repeatedly assured the
Cole, who dated her resigna- board members that she would
tion letter Nov. 22, said her last do whatever possible to ensure a
day with the township would be her offer and instructed town- added responsibility for the tech- smooth transition and help pro-
Nov. 29, providing the board with ship attorney Rob Young to pre- nology issues in the township but vide whatever instruction and
the week-long notice required in pare a contract for Cole at a rate cautioned the board members information possible to benefit
her employment contract. Cole of $95 per hour for no more than that he was only the “semi-pro” the township.
was named as township adminis- 8 hours a week. The contract was in dealing with computer and Trustee Matt Oddy repeatedly
trator in August at an annual limited to 90 days but could be software issues. He said others in urged the board members to
salary of $94,000. She joined the extended, Young said. his department were far more decide on a plan of action to
township as finance director in Cole's extensive duties will be skilled and that it would be vital move forward. Oddy made the
2019 and was named deputy assigned to other department “we are able to use the informa- various motions assigning the
supervisor in 2020. She was pro- heads and elected officials in the tion Elle has.” department responsibilities to
moted to township administrator township. After much discussion, “We'll step in and take up the the elected officials and to Luke Michelle Cole
by the board of trustees in August board members agreed to assign slack,” he assured the board and requesting the contract for
this year. She has reportedly the responsibility for the water members. Cole from the attorney. His right around the corner,” she
accepted a new job with the City and building departments to the During the extensive discus- motions were approved by unan- said. “I will continue to work
of Howell. office of Supervisor Tim sion of various options for assign- imous vote of the board mem- with the board to achieve growth,
In her letter of resignation, Bowman; general accounting ing Cole's responsibilities during bers. further financial security, inter-
Cole said she would be willing to and payroll to the office of Clerk the transition, Trustee Tim Rush In her letter of resignation, nal controls, relevant and for-
work with the township adminis- Esther Hurst and Information urged the board members to uti- Cole expressed her regard for ward-thinking budgeting and
tration as an outside contractor Technology (IT) to Director of lize the talent already available. Sumpter Township and her information technology systems.
to ensure a smooth transition of Public Safety/Police Chief Eric “We have a great deal of talent appreciation for the community. “There are so many wonder-
her extensive responsibilities. Luke. on this board. We have always “Sumpter is in a critical space ful things ahead for the town-
Board members agreed to accept Luke agreed to take on the gotten through major problems right now, with development ship,” she said.
Effort to recall school board members continues in Romulus
Romulus resident Rita L. recall president Pyles, and Judy ing of Interim Superintendent
Hampton is not a woman to give Kennard, the school board vice- ” Sean McNatt and claim he is
up easily. president, were considered Union officials, educators, parents being paid more per day than
Hampton said that while two “unclear in language.” The peti- Edmondson. The board has also
petitions to recall Romulus tions, submitted by the Citizens of and residents have been vocal hired Dixon Public Consulting to
Community Schools Board of Romulus Community Schools, in their protests of the board actions. investigate practices in the busi-
Education President Debi Pyles were in response to the actions of ness office.
have been rejected by the Wayne four board members in placing In a report posted on the
County Election Commission, Superintendent of Schools Dr. school district website, represen-
she will submit a third petition Benjamin Edmondson on paid work have failed by 4-3 votes of vocal in their protests of the tatives from Clark Hill ques-
this week. Hampton said the leave during an independent the board members twice. School board actions. tioned appropriate purchasing
petitions were rejected by the financial audit of central busi- board meetings during the past At one meeting, Hampton told practices in the business office,
three-member panel due to “a ness office practices by law firm two months have been con- Pyles that her recall proposal but did not report any criminal
lack of clarity.” Clark Hill PLC. tentious with shouting members was not “personal” but that she wrongdoing.
Petition language for the While Pyles has stated at pub- of the audience protesting the felt the procedures involved in “I never give up and I will
recall of school board Secretary lic meetings that Edmondson “is actions of the board members. placing Edmondson on leave never give in,” Hampton said,
Debbie Evitts was approved on not the target” of the investiga- Union officials, educators, par- were grounds for the action. regarding her plan to resubmit
Dec. 2 while the language to tion, motions to return him to ents and residents have been Residents have protested the hir- the recall petitions this week.
Annual holiday concert set To subscribe to The Eagle
The Belleville Community Chorus songs of the season. As always, the concert
members will present their 15th annual is free, though donations supporting the
holiday concert titled Swing into tri-community chorus are encouraged.
Christmas at 3 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 12 at Those interested in knowing more
Belleville United Methodist Church, 417 about or being part of the Belleville
Charles St. in Belleville. Community Chorus, should contact
Under the leadership of director Claudia Roullier at (734) 697-8235 or clau-
Rachel Parr, accompanied by Judith Weed, for more informa-
the award-winning chorus will perform tion.