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November 24, 2022                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5


        Longest serving mayor set to resign Jan. 16

           Bill Wild may be leaving the                                                             allow him to spend more time
        mayor's office but he isn't leaving                       ”                                 with his family. His son plays col-
        Westland just yet.                           He said the change to the new                  lege hockey and his two daugh-
           Wild announced that he will                                                              ters are “very active.” He said
        resign as the mayor of the city                  job will allow the family                  the change to the new job will
        Jan. 16 to take a position as the            to enjoy a more normal lifestyle.              allow the family to enjoy a more
        president and CEO of the                                                                    normal lifestyle.  He added that
        Midwest Independent Retailer                                                                he and his family have no plans
        Association, based in West       Wild has guided the city in  also at the helm of the city dur-  to leave Westland.
        Bloomfield.                    attempts to convert the old    ing the renovation of the former  He said he was honored that
           Wild, who was raised in     Marshall Upper Elementary      Circuit City building which   the Midwest Independent
        Westland and is a graduate of  School building into a communi-  opened as the new city hall in  Retailer Association considered
        John Glenn High School, has    ty facility, was instrumental in  2014. That renovation and build-  him for the prestigious position.
        been the mayor of the city since  the initial curbside recycling  ing have been awarded several  Wild added that he is confident
        2007 and is the longest serving  program in the city and the  honors for innovation. He also  that the city is in good hands
        mayor in Westland. He served on  return of the program after  hired the first Chief Diversity  with good leadership. He added
        the city council prior to becom-  financial concerns forced can-  Officer in the city.      that he is “proud of the work I've
        ing mayor.                     cellation of the service. Wild was  Wild said his leaving will  done here.”                           Mayor William R. WIld

        Westland man accused of                                                        Fill a SWAT truck tomorrow

        helping terrorist groups                                                       SWAT truck parked in the lot at Crunch  Christmas. Crunch Fitness is located at
                                                                                          There will be a menacing looking
                                                                                                                           35715 Warren Road and Santa Claus
                                                                                       Fitness tomorrow, but there is no cause  will be on hand for free photos.
           A Westland man is accused of attempt-  Naser ,                              for alarm. The vehicle is there for a  To help the effort, 99.5 WYCD will
        ing to provide material support to the  whose                                  good cause.                         be at the event and representatives will
        Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, also  Department of                            The Westland Police Department is  be handing out free giveaways to those
        know as ISIS, a designated foreign terror-  Corrections                        sponsoring the fifth Stuff a SWAT Truck  who donate.
        ist organization.                      file shows he                           event, an effort that provides gifts for  The Westland Goodfellows program
           In a federal indictment unsealed last  has several                          the Westland Goodfellows No Child   has seen a decline in donations this
        week, Aws Mohammed Naser, 34, was      aliases, was                            Without a Christmas campaign. From  year and the supply of toys for the less
        charged with the federal offense which, if  convicted of                       10 a.m. until 2 p.m. the truck will be col-  fortunate is slim, a spokesman noted.
        convicted, carries a 20 year prison term.  armed robbery                       lecting donations of new, unwrapped  This event is the main source of gifts for
        Naser is also accused of being a felon in  in 2013 in                          gifts for Westland children for     the program.
        possession of a destructive device, an  Oakland       Aws Mohammed Naser
        offense which carries a 15-year prison  County and
        term upon conviction.                  sentenced the next year to between three
           “Terrorism poses significant threats to  and 20 years, and assigned to the Carson  Library remodeling under way
        people living in our district and around  City correctional facility.
        the world,” United States Attorney Dawn  A news report from 2013 said Nasar     A planned $5.3 million renovation and  without interruption, other services
        Ison said. “We will aggressively investigate  used pepper spray on a gas station clerk  expansion of the William P. Faust  including loaning of books and materials
        and prosecute anyone who seeks to aid  and robbed him on New Year's Day.     Westland Public Library is now under way  will be available at nearby libraries
        terrorists.”                           According to the report, it was a Mobil sta-  and will include the addition of 7,000  include Canton Township, Garden City
           Federal officials said Naser tried to  tion on Opdyke Road where he once  square feet to the building. The current  and Wayne. Officials said those facilities
        provide support to ISIS in the form of per-  worked. There were no serious injuries.  location will close to the public until a  will honor a Westland library card during
        sonnel, including himself, and services  The Justice Department offered few  potential reopening of the remodeled  the project.
        between 2011 and October 2017, knowing  details about Naser or the case. Assistant  facility next fall. Services will be available  Among the planned improvements at
        that ISIS was a designated terrorist organ-  U.S. Attorney Saima Mohsin is prosecut-  beginning in late January at the Marshall  the Westland library are an additional
        ization.                               ing the case, with assistance from Dmitriy  Upper Elementary School building on  nine meeting rooms. A new open layout, a
           The FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force is  Slavin of the national security division  Bayview Street, officials said.  programming room, new carpet and paint
        investigating the case.                counterterrorism section.                While online services will continue  are all planned for the building.
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