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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        November 24, 2022


        Community continues to mourn death of local couple

           Northville police are continu-  geon at Dexter Oral Surgery.
        ing to investigate a single car  Friends and family members
        accident last week that claimed  described the couple as a “per-
        the lives of a Northville couple,  fect pair.”
        survived by their four children.   Since the incident, family and
           The accident took place at  friends have flooded social chan-
        12:17 a.m. Nov. 12 on Bayberry  nels with tributes to the couple's
        Way in the area of Seven Mile  memory. Bassam Kadry said he
        and Napier roads in Northville  started the social media cam-
        Township. The couple were      paign in an effort to combat the
        identified as 46-year-old Omar  torrent of automated - and at
        Salamen and his wife, 40-year-  times, false - online accounts of
        old Manal Kadry. Preliminary   the accident.
        findings indicate the Salamen,   The #MyManalStory cam-
        who was driving,  was attempting  paign is also an effort to compile
        to navigate a curve, left the road  an archive of stories for the cou-
        and struck a tree. Police said nei-  ple's survivors, Salamen's two
        ther occupant of the vehicle sur-  teenage sons and their shared
        vived the crash. The couple was  children both under the age of 4.
        reportedly returning to their  Bassam Kadry said he wants     Manal Kadry and her husband, Omar Salamen were killed in a tragic single-car accident in Northville
        Northville Township home fol-  their story to live in the hearts of  Township last week while returning home from visiting friends. They leave behind four children.
        lowing a visit with friends.    everyone - not just those who
           Manal Kadry was an interior  were close to the couple. He said  “They just loved their family,  monalities on that front than any-  beyond language, beyond reli-
        designer operating her own     he planned to present the memo-  friends, jobs, their community,  thing else,” Bassam reportedly  gion beyond everything - because
        design firm while her husband,  rial tributes to the surviving chil-  their country, the world, and I  said. “I'm praying that their story  it resonates with what it means to
        Omar Salamen,  was an oral sur-  dren on Manal's birthday, Nov. 21.  think there are a lot more com-  and their legacy will resonate -  be human.”
        Redesign of downtown city streets will be meeting topic

           The Northville Downtown     (GMA) examine the current                                                                     GMA is working with the DDA
        Development Authority (DDA)    assets and conditions and consid-                         ”                                 Economic       Development
        and representatives from design  er 'what could be' in terms of an          The downtown street closures                   Committee, also known as the
        firm Grissim, Metz and Andriese  iconic social district entrance; a    on Main and Center are in the spotlight .           advisory committee, to address
        (GMA) will host a meeting regard-  rejuvenated public space; and                                                           the design, management and
        ing design plans for the down-  new activities and amenities,                                                              operational issues associated
        town street closures at 8 a.m.  according to a recent online                                                               with the creation of the perma-
        Nov. 29 at Northville City Hall.  account posted in the City News.  impact of weather on the outdoor  Vandenbrink, which is address-  nent pedestrian area. When the
        The design consultant and traffic  “The Downtown Development  experience and provide a safe,  ing the impact of rerouted traffic  project is complete, GMA will
        consultant teams (GMA and Fleis  Authority (DDA) goal is to create  clean place to gather. The struc-  on residential areas and non-  provide a conceptual plan with
        & Vandenbrink) will host a joint  an environment that is active and  tures and fixtures will be able to  arterial roads, which provide  phasing and cost estimates. This
        workshop on Dec. 7 to make pre-  interesting with a sense of com-  be moved or removed if place-  local access but aren't neighbor-  initial project cost was shared by
        sentations, gather public com-  munity, and is beautiful and com-  making plans change,” the  hood streets, according to offi-  the DDA and city of Northville,
        ment and take a walking tour of  patible with historic downtown.  account continued.        cials.                         city personnel noted.
        the downtown street closures.   It will become a so-called “third  Key to the transition are   The main entrance to the      The    Historic    District
           “We're inviting anyone who is  place” where friends, families  details such as lighting, activating  social district, at Main and  Commission (HDC) is involved in
        interested to attend the meetings  and guests can gather, in addition  the pavement to make it more  Center, will reflect the “timeless  the project since the street struc-
        and share your thoughts and    to home and work or school.    like a promenade, removing traf-  with a twist” theme for    tures could become semi-perma-
        ideas,” said DDA Director Lori  Restaurants and retailers will be  fic signage, and making the area  Downtown Northville by estab-  nent fixtures. Those include the
        Ward.                          able to optimize their business  more accessible to people with  lishing a sense of place that is  DDA-owned booths for visitors
           The downtown street closures  offerings through unique outdoor  disabilities. GMA will share  “magical yet authentic.” It could  and vendors, and restaurant-
        on Main and Center are in the  settings on an expanded foot-  information with traffic engi-  also provide branding opportuni-  owned sidewalls and arched
        spotlight as representatives from  print. The plan will minimize the  neering consultant, Fleis &  ties for the city and businesses.  plexiglass roofs.
        Tipping Point Theatre

        presents holiday classic

           Tipping Point Theatre launched the  Play will continue at the Tipping Point
        15th theatrical season this month with a  through Dec. 18. Tickets are on sale now
        production of Joe Landry's adaptation of  and for prices and availability, call (248)
        It's A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play.   347-0003.
           “We begin our 15th season with a clas-  Following these performances, the sea-
        sic,” said Co-Producing Artistic Director  son continues with the Michigan pre-
        Julia Glander. “This story within a    miere of Loy A. Webb's The Light, fol-
        story…within a story about love and    lowed by Robert Harling's modern classic
        redemption holds up remarkably well in  Steel Magnolias, and concludes with the
        our present, pandemic world.           world premiere of the Tracy L. Spada
           It's A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio  comedy Game. Set. Match!
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