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Police investigation into shooting of teen continues
Sumpter Township police are the scene, they found a 15-year- pect group fled the mobile home
continuing the investigation into old boy who had suffered a gun- ” park on foot and entered a vehi-
a shooting that took place Nov. 7. shot in his upper leg/buttocks. Police said it appears the suspect cle waiting on Rawsonville
According to police reports, The teen was transported by group fled the mobile home park on foot., Road.
officers were dispatched to the emergency responders by ambu- Police have requested that
area of Rustic Lane North and lance to a nearby hospital where anyone who may have any infor-
Knollwood in the Rawsonville he was reported in stable condi- mation about the individuals
Woods Mobile Home Community tion. from a group of individuals walk- The teen was among the group involved or the incident call the
at about 6:30 p.m. Nov. 7 in A preliminary investigation ing down the street towards in front of the residence, police Sumpter Township Police
response to a report of shots appears to show the victim was another group standing outside said. Detective Bureau at (734) 461-
fired. When officers arrived on injured when shots were fired of a residence on Knollwood. Police said it appears the sus- 4833 ext. 2254.
Cause of fatal crash is probed
The investigation into a fatal The victim was treated and Investigators do not know the
hit and run accident in transported from the scene by color of the vehicle but believe
Plymouth Oct. 30 is continuing, emergency personnel but suc- the vehicle would have sus-
officials said. cumbed to the injuries sus- tained damage to the front pas-
Police are seeking the identi- tained and died later at a local senger side, including the head-
ty of a driver who fatally struck hospital, according to police light and fog light assembly.
a pedestrian at about 7 p.m. on reports. Anyone with any informa-
Beck Road between Powell and Currently, police suspect the tion about the incident is asked
North Territorial Road in car is a 2007 to 2010 Pontiac to call Plymouth Township
Plymouth Township. Solstice two-seater sportscar. police at (734) 354-3232.
Paid parking plan to be topic
Discussions of a plan to Authority (DDA) and members the area.
implement paid parking in of the Plymouth City The meeting Nov. 21 is a
downtown Plymouth will con- Commission have been dis- Committee of the Whole
tinue at a 5 p.m. meeting cussing the various possibilities Meeting of the DDA Board
Monday, Nov. 21 at Plymouth for a paid parking system in the members and the members of
City Hall. city. Officials said the paid park- the Plymouth City Commission.
Representatives from the ing system could potentially The meeting is open to the
Downtown Development increase the parking stock in public.
Mistiletoe Market returns Dec. 1 Congratulations
Sumpter Township Police Sgt. Beth Egerer celebrates her
Christmas will be a little until 9 p.m. The Gathering will drawn carriage rides, carolers recent graduation from Siena Heights University. Egerer earned
a bachelor of applied science - law enforcement degree, with a
early in downtown Plymouth be the site of more than 60 ven- from local school and church minor in public administration. Egerer was also named as
this year with the return of the dors offering a European style groups street performers and police officer of the year in 2018 based on her exemplary serv-
popular Mistletoe Market on market with Michigan-made brass bands will begin to fill ice in the department. Police Chief Eric Luke congratulated
Dec. 1. crafts, treats and greenery. downtown at 5 p.m. organizers Egerer on her accomplishments.
Again this year, from noon Attractions including horse- said.
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