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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        November 17, 2022


        Northville Township Fire Department adds 7 members

           The Northville Township Fire  fall of 2023. It will be built with-
        Department welcomed the        out any new taxes, officials
        largest class of firefighter   stressed.
        recruits in a decade last week.  These hirings will allow for
        Seven firefighters/paramedics  this second fire station to be
        took the oath of office, creating a  staffed fully.
        37-member department.            “This is an exciting day for
           The firefighters were sworn in  Northville Township,” said
        by Northville Township Clerk   Northville Township Supervisor
        Roger Lundberg in a township   Mark J. Abbo. “Today we took a
        hall ceremony in front of friends  step toward a safer community
        and family. Each firefighter is  while focusing on further
        also a paramedic.              improving service delivery to our
           Public service officials said  residents. We welcome all of our
        that rising population rates in the  new first responders.”
        township have reached nearly     Each recruit is an experi-
        32,000 which impacts requests  enced firefighter, hailing from
        for service. This hiring, they said,  the following community fire
        matches staffing with current  departments: Ferndale, Garden
        incident volume.               City, Westland, Canton Township
           Fire calls for service have  and Wayne.                    Northville Township Hall had a full house last week as the fire department welcomed seven firefighters to
        increased by nearly 49 percent   The fire team organized a hir-  the organization. New Northville firefighters include, from left, Francis Dreslinski, Peter Michalak,
        since 2012 as township popula-  ing open house on their own to  Mackenzie Slowik, Kevin Pietrasinski, Thomas Wilson, Zachary Sprys-Tellner and Kody Gazdag.
        tion has grown. In 2021, the   invite possible candidates  to
        Northville Township Fire       determine if they had any inter-  ice.”                         Mackenzie Slowik, Allen Park  Support and prides itself on car-
        Department responded to more   est in joining the township      Northville Township Fire    (formerly   Westland    Fire   diac arrest survival rates, which
        than 3,100 incidents, they noted.   department.               Department personnel average  Department); Zachary Sprys-    are three times greater than else-
           The hiring also helps         “Currently, the fire industry is  more than 6,000 hours of training  Tellner, Brighton (formerly  where in the state and nation.
        Northville Township prepare for  undergoing a shortage of fire-  annually because of the large  Canton Fire Department) and  The Northville Township Fire
        the future, officials said, as they  fighters, so to get 13 people to  scope of services the department  Tom Wilson, White Lake (former-  Department is also is a member
        expect to break ground on an   show up for the open house and  provides, officials said.    ly Westland Fire Department).   of the Western Wayne County
        essential services complex on  34 to apply for the positions    Joining the township fire      Northville Township Fire    Fire Department Mutual Aid
        the Seven Mile Road property of  translated to a success,” noted  department  are:  Frank   Department is an all-hazard    Association, the Western Wayne
        Legacy Park.                   Northville Township Fire Chief  Dreslinski, Milford Township  emergency response department  County Hazardous Materials
           The new complex will include  Brent Siegel.                (formerly   Ferndale    Fire  which handles fire suppression,  Response Team and the West
        a second fire station, a new     “We are confident that       Department); Kody Gazdag,     emergency medical service      Wayne County Urban Search and
        Public Safety Headquarters, a  Northville Township is in good  Whitmore Lake (formerly      (EMS) and rescues including    Rescue Team.
        new headquarters for Public    hands,” said Siegel. “Since our  Garden City Fire Department);  motor vehicle accidents, open  “We appreciate all of the sup-
        Works and some storage for     first meeting, it was clear that  Peter Michalak, Brighton (for-  water and ice rescues, hostile  port our community gives to our
        Parks and Recreation. This     each person we hired was a     merly Ferndale Fire Department  incidents (i.e. active shooter),  fire team,” Siegel said. “When
        multi-year project is in the early  skilled  professional  who  and recently promoted to ser-  technical rescue (high-angle, col-  you see us out and about, we
        stages of design and planning  embraced our emphasis on train-  geant); Kevin Pietrasinski,  lapse, trench, rope, etc.) and haz-  hope you will say hello welcome
        with an anticipated ground-    ing and preparation while pro-  Livonia (formerly Wayne Fire  ardous materials mitigation.   the seven new faces with open
        breaking in late summer/early  viding exceptional public serv-  Department);                   It provides Advanced Life   arms.”
        Firms hired to design permanent downtown street areas

           The firm of Grissim, Metz, and  specifications of the bid. Five                       ”                                 scope of work will evaluate
        Andriese has been awarded a    design firms responded to the                                                               pedestrian safety improvements
        contract to plan a conversion of  Request For Proposal (RFP) and            Councilmembers also agreed                     to be made within a 1,200-foot
        the closed sections of North   those bids were reviewed by                                                                 radius of Center and Main and
        Center Street and Main Street  members of the DDA Economic              to extend the special event application            conduct a neighborhood traffic
        into a permanent pedestrian    Development Committee, along                     for street closures from                   management plan for the non-
        environment.                   with city DPW Director Mike                                                                 arterial roads between Seven
           The $47,700 cost will be split  Domine.                                      Nov. 7 until March 15.                     Mile and Eight Mile and between
        between     the   Downtown       The selection of Grissim, Metz                                                            Rogers and S. Main/Northville
        Development Authority (DDA)    and Andriese was approved by                                                                Road.
        and the city. Each will pay    members of the city council dur-  develop the plan.          streets of downtown Northville in  The traffic report will be inte-
        $23,850 for the development    ing a meeting earlier this month.  Councilmembers also recently  the area of Center and Main.   grated with the design work of
        plan. The plan, assigned to the  Councilmembers also agreed to  approved a $59,800 contract with  The closed bid process to  Grissim Metz Andriese to create
        DDA, must support local busi-  extend the special event applica-  Fleis and Vandenbrink  to study  study traffic flow drew proposals  plans for a pedestrian environ-
        nesses and foster community    tion for street closures from Nov.  traffic patterns and pedestrian  from four firms, with prices rang-  ment on the closed sections of
        engagement, according to the   7 until  March 15 to allow time to  safety in and around the closed  ing from $45,000 to $85,000. The  Main Street and N. Center.
        Board OK’s 2 new ambulances                                                                    Couple killed in crash

           Officials from the Northville  ambulances.                 obtaining grant funding to off-
        Township Fire Department         Northville Township is sav-  set expenditures, which are         A Northville Township    remove the victims who were
        have ordered two new ambu-     ing an additional $90,000 on   necessary to provide an excep-   couple was killed Saturday  beyond life saving measures,
        lances to replace two aging    both of the new ambulances by  tional level of service to the   when the vehicle in which   according to police reports.
        vehicles with more than 120,000  reinstalling the existing Stryker  community, officials  said.  they were riding left the road-  Omar Salamen, 46, and his
        miles on each of them. Because  Power Cots that were previous-  Seeking alternate funding      way and struck a tree in the  wife, Manal Kadry, 40, were
        of the specialized equipment   ly purchased using funds from  sources is a vital component to  Steeplechase subdivision.   both pronounced dead at the
        involved, the new models will  another grant, also secured by  being good stewards of taxpay-     Police officers were called  scene.
        take two years to build, officials  Wiggins.                  er money and grants are a ben-   to the scene on Bayberry Way   Police said the investiga-
        said, and the township expects   The grant funding will allow  eficial funding source, they    near the intersection of Seven  tion into the crash is ongoing
        them to arrive next summer.    Northville Township to pur-    added.                           Mile and Napier roads at    but it appears the driver was
           Firefighter/Paramedic       chase the two ambulances for     Wiggins, who celebrated his    12:17 a.m. Nov. 12 following a  attempting to navigate a curve
        Christopher Wiggins won a      $386,000 thanks to Wiggins'    fifth-year work anniversary      report of a rollover accident.  in the roadway and lost con-
        $250,000 FEMA grant for        grant writing skills, a 47 percent  with Northville Township this  Northville Township Fire  trol of the vehicle which then
        Northville Township Fire       savings.                       year, has won more than $10      Department personnel uti-   left the road, struck a tree and
        Department, covering about 80    Northville Township recog-   million in grant funding for the  lized extrication equipment to  rolled over.
        percent of the cost of one of the  nizes the tremendous value of  region fire service.


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