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November 10, 2022                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                NORTHVILLE - WESTLAND
                                                NORTHVILLE - WESTLAND

        Holiday home tour                                                Kindness

        tickets now on sale                                              reward

                                                                         Northville Chick- fil-A
           The traditional Northville  All funds generated at the        Phil Whitsel, owner of
        Community        Foundation    home tour are used to support     presents Northville
        Holiday Home Tour has          causes of the Maybury             Township Police Ofc.
        returned with a live format this  Community Foundation.          Andrew Domzalski with
                                                                         one of the more than
        year and tickets for one of the  Advance tickets are now on      200 gift cards he and
        most popular events of the sea-  sale at local Northville stores  his wife and business
        son are still available.       including Gardenviews and         co-owner    Amanda
           Five private homes, lavishly  PearAphernalia,   at   the      donated to help sup-
        decorated for the holiday sea-  Northville   Chamber     of      port a new joint police
        son, will be open to visitors  Commerce office or at Design      and school program.
        from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Nov. 18  DeJour.                       Northville police and
        and 19. Tickets this year are    Tickets can also be pur-        Northville    Public
        priced at $25 if purchased in  chased by phone at (248) 374-     Schools recently united
        advance and $30 if purchased   0200, ext. 1 or online through    in an effort to promote
        the day of the event.          Brown Paper Tickets at            kindness and positive
                                                                         activities throughout the
           Each of the selected homes  northvillecommunityfounda-        school district. The gift
        is decorated for the season and                       cards will be awarded
        each is unique, explained        As usual, the ticket vouchers   to students teachers
        Carol Lehmann, the board       will be exchanged for a map       and staff nominated by
        administrator at the Northville  and description of the display  their peers throughout
        Community Foundation and       homes at Ward Church, 40000       the year, recognizing
        Maybury Farm.                  Six Mile Road, the days of the    them for their acts of
           Organizers stressed that par-  event.                         kindness and positive
        ticipation in the tour supports  Tickets can also be pur-        influence on others.
        animal care at Maybury Farm,   chased at the church the days     New township police
        including helping to feed the  of the tours, for an additional   therapy dog Max was
                                                                         also on hand to demon-
        animals during the winter. The  cost.                            strate appreciation for
        foundation also awards grants    For more information, call      the Whitsels' contribu-
        to local non-profit groups and  (248) 374-0200 or info@northvil-  tion to the latest school
        scholarships for local students.     and police program.

           Veterans’ dinner registration set

             Local veterans and active  their families can register for  Volunteers awarded checks
           military families have only  a free holiday meal to be
           until Wednesday, Nov. 16, to  picked up from 10 a.m. until   Eighteen community organi-  event. Two of the largest Blues,  Worship Center, Friends of the
           register for the 9th Annual  1 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 19, at  zations in Westland received a  Brews and Barbecue event     Westland Public Library,
           Veterans and Active Military  the Wayne Ford Civic League  “Volunteer Check” from Mayor  sponsors, Wayne Ford Civic     Westland Youth Athletic
           and Families Holiday Meal   located at 1661 N. Wayne       William R. Wild, City Council  League and PPM Tree Service   Association - WYAA, Westland
           Program.                    Road.                          President Jim Hart, City      & Arbor Care, LLC were also    Youth Assistance Program,
             The program is sponsored    Registration is available    Controller and Event Chairman  recognized by city officials.   Norwayne Community Citizens
           annually by Westland Mayor  online; calling Wild's office at  Devin    Adams       and      Officials said the money will  Council, Westland Meteors,
           William R. Wild,Wayne       (734) 467-3200, Rhaesa's       President/CEO      Kiersten   be distributed to civic organiza-  United       Community
           Mayor John P. Rhaesa and    office at (734) 895-9196, or by  Beckwith of the Westland    tions based on hours donated   International, St. John's
           Wayne-Ford Civic League     obtaining a form from the      Chamber of Commerce recent-   including; Westland Area       Episcopal Church - Westland
           President Vic Barra, along  greeter's desk at Westland     ly.                           Jaycees,    The    Westland    MI, ESCOT Youth Development
           with other city officials.  City Hall.                        The $10,325 check was fund-  Democratic Club, Knights of  Program,          Wildwood
             Veterans and those in       The deadline to register is  ed through the volunteer efforts  Columbus, Westland Lions   Elementary PTO, Westland
           active military service and  Nov.16.                       of the various groups during the  Club, Civitan Club of Westland  Rotary Club, Westland Comets,
                                                                      2022 Blues, Brews & Barbecue  Michigan, Gateway Family       and the Knowledge Network 11.
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