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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                        November 10, 2022

                                                       WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND


        Court treatment program

        is awarded state funding

           The Western Wayne Regional  month program is very intensive
        Behavioral Treatment Court     and hands-on, officials said.  The
        located at the 29th District Court  grant funding will enable the
        in Wayne, was recently awarded  program to provide participants
        $203,000 in grant funding from  links to mental health and sub-
        the State Court Administrative  stance use treatment, drug
        Office. The funds will be used to  screening, access to properly
        administer services to partici-  prescribed medications, and fre-
        pants in the jail diversion pro-  quent monitoring by the proba-
        gram that serves mentally ill  tion officer.
        offenders from eight district    “The treatment court model   Celebrating the state grant received for the Western Wayne Regional Behavioral Treatment Court at the
        courts in western Wayne County.   addresses the underlying prob-  29th District Court in Wayne are, from left, Home Compliance Officer Ed Johnson, Program Coordinator
           Judge Breeda O'Leary of the  lems that can cause criminal  Karen Finney, Judge Breeda O'Leary, Probation Officer Purity Marsh, and Care Manager Elizabeth
        29th District Court presides over  behavior," O'Leary explained.  Barton.
        the program.                   She noted that mental illness  employment assistance, linkage  Solving Court Annual Report,   Funding is imperative for the
           The treatment court  program  and substance use, very often,  to primary care physicians, and  the statewide recidivism rate  mental health court to continue
        is available for defendants    are major contributory factors.  access to support groups.   within three years for graduates  offering these services, O'Leary
        affected by mental illness (or co-  The grant funds will also allow  Mental health treatment  of Mental Health Courts is 20  said, and the state grant will sup-
        occurring     Substance-Use    the treatment court to provide  courts have been proven to   percent versus 38 percent for  port the program goal of jail
        Disorder) and who are at high  wraparound support such as     reduce recidivism, O'Leary said.  comparison members of the  diversion and treatment for par-
        risk of reoffending. The 12-   case management, housing and   According to the 2021 Problem  population.                   ticipants.
        Wayne man charged with abduction, torture

           A woman held captive for six  tions, including unlawful impris-  where he held her captive for the  no contact with the victim and
        weeks and repeatedly assaulted  onment and torture of the     next six weeks. She was allegedly  remain in Michigan.
        with a baseball bat was rescued  woman, his former girlfriend.  held against her will at a     He is scheduled to be back in
        from her assailant by Wayne      Wayne County Prosecutor      Michigan Avenue hotel and at a  court Nov. 15 and will face
        police Nov. 1.                 Kym Worthy has charged Brock   residence in the 3860 block of  charges of unlawful imprison-
           Wayne officers responded to a  with torture, two counts of unlaw-  Hayes Street in Wayne.  ment, assault with a dangerous
        call of a woman attempting to  ful imprisonment, three counts of  While holding her captive, the  weapon, domestic violence, and
        escape from a man at a conven-  assault with a dangerous weapon,  suspect allegedly assaulted the  two counts of felony firearm
        ience store on Annapolis Street at  two counts of domestic violence  victim multiple times with a base-  before Judge Jennifer Hesson in
        about 5:58 p.m. Nov. 1. After inter-  and two counts of felony firearm.  ball bat, according to documents  Flat Rock District Court.
        viewing a 23-year-old Flat Rock  Prosecutors claim that on Sept.  from the prosecutor's office.    Brock will also face charges of
        woman at the scene, officers sub-  16, Brock forced the victim from  Brock  was  arraigned  torture, unlawful imprisonment,
        sequently arrested Jeremy      her home on Iroquois Lane in   Thursday, Nov. 3, in the 33rd  assault with a dangerous weapon
        Robert Brock, 22, of Wayne. He  Flat Rock at gunpoint. It is  District Court and bond was set at  and domestic violence before
        now faces multiple felony      alleged that he forced her to steal  $300,000 or 10 percent. If released  Wayne District Court Chief Judge
        charges in two separate jurisdic-  a vehicle and drive to Wayne  on bail, he was ordered to have  Breeda O'Leary.                    Jeremy Robert Brock
        Voters select school board, OK sinking millage

           In addition to deciding on a  the school board, received a  21 percent of the total. She has  4,473 votes according to totals  2014 and continue for a term of
        sinking fund millage to help   total of 9,413 votes or 27 percent  worked for Starfish Family  reported to the office of elec-  10 years. Sinking funds, by law,
        finance repairs and equipment  of the total votes reported. Cox  Services and has organized  tions.                        can only be used to support
        in school buildings, voters in  is employed as a tax appeal   Getting Ahead and Bridges out    Voters also approved a sink-  school safety improvements,
        the         Wayne-Westland     consultant and has been        of Poverty in local schools.  ing fund millage question on   technology improvements and
        Community Schools district     involved in city and school gov-  Bradley Gray was also first-  Tuesday by 15,574 votes, or 57  repair and construction of
        selected two members of the    ernment for more than two      time candidate. He received a  percent of the total. Voters cast  school buildings and facilities.
        board of education from a field  decades.                     total of 6,652 votes or 20 percent  11,938 no votes, or 43 percent of  New language in the state rules
        of five candidates.              Abney-Mitchell was a first-  of the total. Denise Collop,  the total votes cast. The 1-mill  for use of a sinking fund mill-
           Voters chose incumbent      time candidate who currently   another first-time candidate,  tax request will replace the cur-  age now allows districts to use
        David Cox and LeWanna          serves on the City of Inkster  received 6,493 votes or 19 per-  rent sinking fund levy which  funds for security upgrades and
        Abney-Mitchell to fill the terms.  parks  commission.  She    cent of the total while candi-  will expire next year. The new  technology upgrades or
           Cox, the current president of  received a total of 7304 votes or  date Ryleigh Strong garnered  millage will become effective in  improvements.
        Wayne voters choose council, reject tax proposal

           Voters in the City of Wayne  in the city. Wass, who was      Cleereman was the choice of  obligations of the city toward  have voter approval to increase
        selected Eric Cleereman to     appointed to the seat last year,  2,347 voters while Darwiche  retired public safety employees.  taxes any further. Voters reject-
        serve as the new city council-  has previously served on the  received 1,550 of the votes cast  The new tax, which is $1 for  ed requests for increased mill-
        man from Ward Five and         city planning commission and   for the council seat in Ward  every $1,000 of assessed valua-  ages from the city twice in past
        Mathew Mulholland to serve as  board of review.               Five. Cleereman works in proj-  tion, usually half the market  elections.
        the council member from Ward     Mulholland, the former per-  ect management and serves on  value of a home, would have      City officials have stated that
        Six on Tuesday.                sonnel director in the city, nar-  the city parks and trails commit-  cost the owner of a $100,000  the pension obligations are too
           Cleereman received a total of  rowly defeated incumbent    tee.                          home in the city about $400    steep for the current tax rev-
        2,347 or 60 percent of the votes  Phillip Wagner for the Ward Six  In addition to choosing three  annually.                enue collected. They claim that
        cast. He defeated Rabih        seat. Only 25 votes separated the  city council members, Wayne  The request contained ballot  nearly 40 percent of the city
        Darwiche who was the choice of  two candidates. Mulholland    voters rejected a new 8-mill tax  language permitting the city to  budget is paid into the pension
        1,550 voters. Both were first-  received 2,085 votes or 50 per-  hike on the ballot Tuesday.  withdraw fire and police     fund. Officials claim that the city
        time candidates.               cent of the total votes cast while  Voters cast 2,969 no votes on the  employees from the current  will owe another $16 million
           Unopposed Wayne City        Wagner received a total of 2,062  proposal and 2,359 votes in favor  MERS system.           into the pension fund within the
        Councilwoman Deborah Wass      votes, also reported as 50 per-  of the millage which was pro-  The city is currently levying  next two years and does not
        will serve a two-year term as the  cent. Wagner had served on the  moted by city officials as a  the maximum tax amount    have a revenue base to make
        representative from Ward Four  council since 2018.            means to help fund the pension  allowed by state law and must  those payments.


           TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900
                              ELLEN C. CARPENTER
                              Died    07/26/2022

        Approved, SCAO        Creditors of the Decedent/
        JIS CODE: NCT         Trust are notified that all
                              claims against the Estate/
        STATE OF MICHIGAN     Trust will be forever barred
                              unless presented to Gail
        PROBATE COURT         A. Walton, Sandra L.
        COUNTY OF             Dunn, and David A.
        NOTICE TO CREDITORS   Carpenter, Co-Successor
                              Trustees, at 15232  East
        HARVEY A. CARPENTER   Sunburst  Drive Fountain
        and                   Hills, AR 85268 within 4
        ELLEN C. CARPENTER    months after the date of
        LIVING TRUST          publication of this notice.
        OCTOBER 23, 2001      ROBERT T.
                              WESTERMAN II
        For:                  P-28256
        HARVEY A. CARPENTER   117 W. First Street
        and                   Gaylord, MI 49735
        ELLEN C. CARPENTER    (989) 732-2400
        DATED                 Gail A. Walton,
        OCTOBER 23, 2001      Sandra L. Dunn,
        Date of birth:  01/12/1935  and David A. Carpenter
                              15232 East Sunburst Drive
        TO ALL CREDITORS: *   Fountain Hills, AR  85268
        The decedent,
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