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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         November 9, 2023

                                                           INKSTER - WAYNE
                                                           INKSTER - WAYNE

        State forgives Inkster School District debt

           Inkster property owners     est, on the dissolved district                                                              them, and today, I am proud to
        received an early holiday gift  remaining school debt, which                             ”                                 help deliver it.”
        last week when state legislators  was not slated to be paid off        My constituents in Inkster need this relief.          The bill approved last week
        agreed to forgive $12.12 million  until the year 2032. By eliminat-                                                        provides legacy debt relief for
        in school district tax debt.   ing the remaining debt, all                     They deserve this relief.                   Inkster and several other school
           The Michigan State Senate   Inkster residents will see a sig-                                                           districts that have been subject
        approved House Bill 4292, budg-  nificant property tax reduction.                                                          to financial emergency manage-
        et supplemental legislation that  By  forgiveness of the district  actually attend.         district that their kids cannot  ment, consolidation, or dissolu-
        included the $12.12 million the  debt, Inkster residents will be  “Ten years since the state dis-  attend,” said Sen. Dayna  tion. The City of Inkster school
        former Inkster School District  paying between zero mills and 8  solved their district, Inkster resi-  Polehanki. “My constituents in  district was dissolved by the
        debt. As a result of the state  mills (at most) of debt, depend-  dents-and my constituents-are  Inkster need this relief. They  State of Michigan in 2013 for
        action, Inkster residents are cur-  ing on which of four neighboring  still paying exorbitant taxes on  deserve this relief. I have been  financial reasons under Gov.
        rently paying 13 mills, plus inter-  school districts their children  the remaining debt for a school  fighting for years to give it to  Rick Snyder.

           Hairy experience

           As they have for several years, members
           of the City of Wayne Police Department
           will participate in Movember this year.
           Each of the participating officers will
           grow a beard or a mustache as part of a
           fundraising effort for the Movember
           Foundation, an organization which funds
           awareness of cancer research, suicide
           prevention and mental health. "As police
           officers, we can sometimes forget to
           make sure that our own health is a priori-
           ty. The Movember campaign helps
           remind us that just like we have a duty to
           protect the community, we also have a
           duty to protect our own health. We owe it
           to our friends and family to make our
           own health a priority," a department
           organizer said. The officers are accepting
           donations to their cause all month as
           they continue to grow their facial hair to
           publicize the importance of the
           Movember Foundation. To donate,
           pd?mc=1 and click the Donate Now but-

        Nov. 15 is deadline for Veteran’s Holiday Meals applications

           Area veterans and their fami-  League President Vic Barra  able at the Westland City Hall  can pick up the free meals from
        lies have only until Nov. 15 to  have organized the event again  or contact Londeau's office, (734)  greeter station.Applications  10 a.m. until 1 p.m.  Saturday,
        register for the 10th Annual   this year which is open to veter-  467-3200 or email: mayor@city-  must be submitted no later than  Nov. 18 at Wayne Ford Civic
        Holiday Meals for Wayne-       ans, surviving spouses, and fami- Registration is  noon Wednesday, Nov. 15 to  League 1645 N. Wayne Road in
        Westland Veterans.             lies of active duty service mem-  also available at Rhaesa's office,  receive a complete holiday meal,  Westland. Pre-registration for
           Westland Mayor Michael      bers.                          (734) 722-2000 or email:      “compliments of a grateful com-  the meals is required.
        Londeau, Wayne Mayor John        Registration is available      munity,” officials said.         For more information, call
        Rhaesa and Wayne Ford Civic    online at: https://www.cityofwest-  Registration forms are also avail-  Veterans and/or their families  (734) 728-5010.
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