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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         November 9, 2023

                                                     ROMULUS - SUMPTER
                                                     ROMULUS - SUMPTER

           March on

           Members of the Romulus High
           School Marching Eagles will
           be getting up early Nov. 23.
           The Marching Eagles will be
           part of the 97th America's
           Thanksgiving Parade present-
           ed by Gardner White The band
           will march with the parade
           through the streets of down-
           town Detroit beginning at 8:45
           a.m. The traditional event
           always takes place on
           Thanksgiving morning to offi-
           cially welcome the holiday sea-
           son. The parade theme this
           year is "A Heart of History" and
           the entire celebration can be
           viewed on Channel 4 WDIV.
           Following the parade, the pub-
           lic can vote online for the best
           marching band in the parade.

        Early voting law could be costly for township

           Early voting will be available  During the meeting, trustees                                                            on the agenda item, he said he
        to Sumpter Township residents  expressed their frustration at                            ”                                 was doing in “under protest.”
        during the 2024 Presidential   the state mandated early voting    While the state legislators approved the measure,          Trustee Matt Oddy was also
        Election, but the cost isn't popu-  rules allowing for 9 days of in-                                                       critical of the new voting regula-
        lar with members of the board of  person voting in addition to the   they did not approve or supply any funding            tions. He said that while the
        trustees.                      usual Election Day opportunity.             toward the increased expenses                   state legislators approved the
           State voters approved       Township Clerk Ester Hurst                                                                  measure, they did not approve
        Proposition 2 which included   noted that proving staffing and                                                             or supply any funding toward
        the extended in-person voting  equipment is now law in the                                                                 the   increased    expenses
        on the 2022 ballot and the meas-  state, but the measure would be  legislation would have a serious  state mandate offensive and  required to comply with the new
        ure becomes mandatory with     “a headache” for her depart-   financial impact as there are  claimed the cost could be as  procedures. Oddy said each of
        the election next year.        ment. In addition, municipali-  three elections set for next year.  much as $6,000 for staffing for  the 735 townships in Michigan
        Municipalities must now offi-  ties must now apply postage to  She said the township would  the added election days in addi-  would be facing new expenses.
        cially adopt the new procedures  all absentee ballots which are  have to hire an increased staff of  tion to the unknown cost of vot-  Township Treasurer Bart
        by state law. Sumpter trustees  mailed to voters. Hurst said with  election workers at $12 an hour  ing equipment. Rush said he felt  Patterson agreed with Rush and
        were asked to vote to officially  the increase in postal rates, this  for 8 hours on each of the  that voters were not aware of the  Oddy. He said voters didn't
        adopt the new procedures dur-  could be another expense in her  increased election days.    impact of the question on the  understand the question. when
        ing a meeting last month.      department. Hurst said the new   Trustee Tim Rush called the  2022 ballot. While he voted yes  voting for the proposal last year.

        Train                          standards for railways.        the urgent need for stricter  said the derailment “obviously  neighbors now.”
                                         “I am extremely frustrated
                                                                      laws and regulations regarding
                                                                                                    represents a breakdown in the
                                                                                                                                     “Our base jobs as elected
                                                                                                                                   officials is to make sure our
                                                                                                    system.” He said the deteriorat-
                                                                      freight rail. I'm relieved that
                                       and disappointed to hear about
        FROM PAGE 1                    yet another train derailment in  there was no hazardous waste  ing infrastructure throughout  communities are kept safe,”
                                       my community,” said state Rep.  spilled, but as we know from  the country was in need of    McCraight said. “How do we
                                       Reggie Miller, D-Van Buren     similar accidents, we are not  attention and added, “The     keep the community safe when
           Following the Romulus       Township.                      always so lucky. This situation  bipartisan infrastructure law  we don't see enough federal
        derailment last week, state and  “The startling frequency     is untenable, and it must     will be bringing much-needed   oversight on these railways to
        federal officials issued state-  with which we experience     change.”                      funds to the rail system, but we  make sure that our public
        ments urging stricter safety   these incidents underscores      U.S. Rep. Shri Thanedar     need to ensure the safety of our  remains safe?”
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