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November 5, 2020                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                                        PLYMOUTH - WAYNE
                                                        PLYMOUTH - WAYNE

        Making strides

        Bottle and can returns help fund cancer drive

                          Julie Brown  me, my daughter or my grand-   Cancer events have gone virtual.
                        Special Writer  daughter get breast cancer.” She  She notes attendance of some
                                       took action as a fundraiser,   25,000 in past years at Detroit.
           Jill Lezotte-Kates has a    including collecting the return-  This year, fundraising took a hit
        unique approach to help fund   able cans and bottles.         as a result of in-person Detroit
        Making Strides Against Breast    She has returned $3,437 in   and Ann Arbor events being can-
        Cancer through Avon.           bottles and cans with total contri-  celed.
           “My mother is a survivor. I  butions for 2020 at $5,152.     To make a donation, go to:
        want there to be a cure,” said   The pandemic means that
        Lezotte-Kates, a Westland      Making Strides Against Breast  LKates
        Rotarian and Wayne resident. In
        addition to helping the cause
        through her Avon sales, she has
        returned a small mountain of
        cans and bottles as part of her
        fundraising too.
           Avon is the National
        Presenting Sponsor for Making
        Strides Against Breast Cancer.
        Lezotte-Kates' mother lost her
        mother and a sister to breast can-
        cer, and also has two additional
        sisters, while a brother and a                                                               Jill Lezotte-Kates, of Wayne, right, and Miranda Freed, bag and sort
        niece  are survivors.                                                                        the mountains of cans and bottles they have collected to help
           Lezotte-Kates said her fervent                                                            Making Strides Against Breast Cancer. Lezotte-Kates and Freed also
        wish is for a cure “when and if                                                              support the effort through their Avon sales.
        Fire hydrants to be flushed and winterized

           Plymouth residents may expe-  will continue into the middle of  Officials cautioned that it is  eral minutes to flush out the resi-  will remain safe to drink at all
        rience some intermittent low   November, according to officials.  possible residents in some areas  dential plumbing. Discoloration  times throughout this annual
        water pressure for the next week  The Plymouth Department of  may experience lower water    that may occur is due to natural  maintenance. More information
        or so as city workers continue to  Municipal Services crews will be  pressure and/or discolored water  minerals in the water being  is available from the Plymouth
        flush and winterize lower all fire  flushing and winterizing all fire  for a brief time. If either of these  stirred up in the hydrant flushing  Municipal Services Department,
        hydrants.                      hydrants throughout the city over  circumstances occurs, officials  process, they said.     (734) 453-7737 or dms@plymouth-
           The work began Oct. 12 and  the next few weeks.            advise running cold water for sev-  Officials said that tap water
        COVID-19 strikes police and city hall employees

           Three officers from the     tested for the virus, police offi-  ther notice according to city offi-  infected staff member was not in  those services in the city clerk's
        Wayne Police Department have   cials said.                    cials. The other 18 employees at  regular contact with the public  office, officials said. A sanitizing
        tested positive for COVID-19,    Last week, officials said that  city hall have all been tested for  but officials are requesting all  and disinfecting is planned for
        according to an official posting  two employees at Wayne City  the virus and all those results  those who visited city hall dur-  the building.
        from the department. The offi-  Hall had recently also tested  were negative, according to an  ing the past week to monitor  The public can use the drop
        cers who tested positive last  positive for COVID-19, necessi-  official notice from the city. That  themselves for COVID-19 symp-  boxes outside the doors for bal-
        worked Oct. 29 and anyone who  tating the closure of the build-  testing, however, took place  toms.  City hall is only open for  lots and bill payments.
        had direct contact with a Wayne  ing.                         before the second employee    election matters only and only   COVID-19 testing sites can be
        Police Department officer        Only election matters will be  became ill and was confirmed to  one person will be allowed  found here: https://www.michi-
        recently should consider getting  handled at the building until fur-  have COVID last week. The  inside the building at a time for
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