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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         November 5, 2020

                                                NORTHVILLE - WESTLAND
                                                NORTHVILLE - WESTLAND

        Westland man sent to trial in Northville death

           A Westland man has been-    Ford Escape that Godinez was   that the death was a “horrible  went into the opposite lane and
        bound over for trial in the hit-  driving. Godinez will face 10  tragedy.” Testimony from wit-  after the car passed, he looked
        and-run death of a Northville  years in prison if convicted of the  nesses indicated that Duhn and  back and saw Duhn on the
        Township college student.      felony charge of failing to stop at  his friends were skateboarding  ground. He made the original 911
           During a court hearing last  the scene of an accident, result-  with their cell phone lights acti-  call, he testified.
        week, 35th District Court Judge  ing in death.                vated when Duhn was struck and   “We don't have any informa-
        Michael Gerou determined there   During the hearing, Huerta   killed. He was a third-year stu-  tion regarding any unlawful con-
        was enough evidence to send    said that Godinez was arrested  dent at Michigan State University  duct of the vehicle. We just don't
        Gustavo Godinez, 20, to trial in  more than a month after the inci-  and was an Eagle Scout. His  have it,” Godinez' attorney
        the death of Dominic Duhn.     dent. Huerta said Godinez told  friend and fellow Eagle Scout  Francisco Villarruel said. “We
        Duhn, 20, was skateboarding on  him during interviews that he  Paul Boran also testified at the  don't have any evidence that Mr.
        Sheldon Road the night of Sept. 3  thought he might have struck a  hearing admitting that he, Duhn  Godinez triggered anything that
        when he was struck and killed by  deer when asked if he recalled  and others had “a few beers”  led to this event.”
        moving vehicle. The driver did  hitting anything with his car that  before going to the Sheldon Road  Duhn died at the scene from
        not stop at the scene.         night while driving home from  hill to skateboard. He said he  multiple injuries including ones
           During the hearing, Northville  work. He said he called his fami-  saw the car coming toward them  to his head, neck, torso and
        Township Det. Jon Huerta testi-  ly to tell them he might have  and that both he and Duhn   pelvis. Godinez will now face
        fied that he had connected paint  struck a deer.              turned their cell phone lights  trial on the charge in Wayne
        chips at the scene with the 2012  Gerou said from the bench   toward the vehicle. He said he  County Circuit Court.                     Gustavo Godinez
        Fire grant will fund replacement of defibrillators

           Hearts beat a little faster in  program. The grant was award-  mated external defibrillators  offset maintenance agreements  “The city depends on grants
        Westland last week with the    ed through a regional effort and  (AEDs) to new Wi-Fi capable  and upgrade some other equip-  like these to continue to fund
        announcement of a grant to     inter-departmental collabora-  devices where issues will be  ment that is at end of life that  service enhancements for our
        fund the upgrade and replace-  tion and includes a city match  monitored from the Office of  qualifies under the grant,” com-  residents,” remarked Mayor
        ment of 10 new cardiac moni-   funding portion of 10 percent or  Fire Administration. The addi-  mented Fire Chief Michael  William R. Wild. “Every day we
        tor/defibrillators and 15 auto-  $36,066.03.                  tional five monitors will be used  Stradtner. “This is a large  count on our firefighters to per-
        mated external defibrillators.   The new devices will replace  to outfit Advanced Life Support  improvement to our service lev-  form at their best, this is a tool
           The $396,695 grant was      and update the monitors        engines, officials said.      els and the costs associated with  which will help the fire fighters
        awarded to the Westland Fire   Westland purchased several       “Westland currently has five  the monitors was the biggest  to improve their efficiency and
        Department as part of an       years ago, and will replace and  monitors that have some trade-  barrier to Advanced Life   better serve our residents in
        Assistance to Firefighters (AFG)  update all the city building auto-  in value which will be used to  Support engines.”    need.”
        Street lighting ‘enhancement’ OK’d for Norwayne

           Things are about to get much  Community Development Block  Traverse. Additionally, two new  places in July of 2013. Erected  LED streetlights,” commented
        brighter in the Historic       Grant (CDBG) allocation.       light poles at Venoy and Grand  during World War II for the  Mayor William R. Wild. “These
        Norwayne District in Westland.   The project is designed to   Traverse and Lincoln-Johnson  workers at the Willow Run      lights use less energy yet pro-
           Last week, members of the   enhance safety and visibility  Field will be installed, accord-  Bomber Plant and during the  vide for enhanced visibility,
        city council approved a $27,642  along Dorsey Road and Grand  ing to city officials.        war was home to more than      allowing us to continue to sup-
        contract with DTE Energy for a  Traverse and will consist of the  Constructed in 1942, the  20,000 residents.              port and practice responsible
        street lighting enhancement    addition of six light poles at  Norwayne neighborhood is the    “Westland continues to      environmental sustainability.”
        project in the area.           Jefferson Barns Community      oldest Westland subdivision.  improve safety conditions for    The project is expected to be
           Funding for the improve-    Vitality Center and the upgrad-  The area was added to the   motorists and pedestrians who  completed by the end of
        ments will come through the    ing 18 light fixtures along Grand  National Registry of Historic  use the city's thoroughfares with  January 2021.

          Board member is reappointed                                                                New air cleaner OK’d

                                                                                                       Visitors to the Westland Senior
             Robert Kelly has been     Authority implements an                                       Center will be able to take a deep  to award the contract to the lowest
                                                                                                                                   responsive vendor, Climate
          reappointed to the Westland  improvement and business                                      breath of fresh air beginning early  Technology Mechanical LC, at a
          Downtown Development         development plan in a com-                                    next year.                    total expense not to exceed
          Authority Board.             mercial district along Ford                                     Members of the Westland City  $72,174. The project will be funded
             Members of the city coun-  Road and Wayne Road south                                    Council recently awarded a bid for  through the annual Community
          cil approved the reappoint-  of Ford and provides design                                   a state-of-the-art heating, cooling,  Development Block Grant (CDBG)
          ment of the small business   assistance for redevelopment                                  ventilation, and Air Conditioning  allocation in the city.
          owner at the Oct. 19 meeting.  of commercial properties.                                   (HCVAC) Pathogen Mitigation proj-  "In light of the COVID-19 pan-
          Kelly has served on the      Regularly scheduled board                                     ect which will eliminate airborne  demic, it is vitally important we
          authority board since 2016   meetings take place at 8 a.m.                                 viruses at the senior center on  invest in improvements to increase
          and currently serves as chair-  the fourth Thursday of every                               Newburgh Road.                safety measures, particularly for
          person.                      month at city hall, located at                                  This is the same technology  our seniors, who are the most vul-
             The DDA is governed by    36300 Warren Road and are                                     used in hospitals for many years to  nerable to suffering severe effects
          an 11 member board appoint-  open to the public.                                           address swine flu, SARS, MERS  from contracting the disease," com-
          ed by the mayor subject to the  Kelly is the owner of Cuda                                 and other infectious diseases, offi-  mented Mayor William R. Wild.
          approval of the members of   Automotive Services, Inc.,                                    cials noted.                    In discussion with city contrac-
          the city council. The        located at 1136 N. Wayne                                        Members of the council accept-  tors, the project is expected to be
          Downtown Development         Road in Westland.                             Robert Kelly    ed the recommendation of the city  completed by Jan. 1, 2021, officials
                                                                                                     administration recommendation  said.


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