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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                         November 3, 2022


        City manager successor is sought

           Finding a successor to cur-                                                              focus on hiring an interim city
        rent Northville City Manager Pat                          ”                                 manager, with a subcommittee
        Sullivan will be on the agenda at                   Sullivan will retire                    of councilmembers Marilyn
        both the Nov. 7 and Nov. 21                                                                 Price and Andrew Krenz work-
        meetings of members of the city                     on Jan. 6, 2023.                        ing with the city manager to
        council.                                                                                    obtain a list of qualified candi-
           Following a special meeting                                                              dates from the Michigan
        Oct. 25, council members opted  members that there are time-  the position. She suggested hir-  Municipal League and other
        to recruit am interim city man-  sensitive challenges in the city  ing an interim manager while  sources. A subcommittee con-
        ager to fill the position until a  including pending grants and  seeking a long-term manager but  sisting of Mayor Pro Tem
        permanent successor to Sullivan  matters that must continue to  bring in services to help make  Barbara Moroski-Browne and
        could be found. Sullivan will  advance during the leadership  the transition into the new year.  Councilman John Carter will
        retire on Jan. 6, 2023.        transition                     She told the council that she rec-  work with the city manager to
           During the public comment     Varga suggested that council  ognized the third tier would be  develop a recommendation for a
        section of the agenda during the  ensure assistance to ensure  an added expense but said she  search firm.                                   Pat Sullivan
        special meeting, former council  projects remain within the allot-  was in favor of relieving any  Progress updates on these
        woman Nancy Darga recalled     ted timeframes.                pressure on the transitional  action items will be presented to  reported and at the Nov. 21
        that she was on the council      Resident Susan Hafleigh sug-  team to find a long-term replace-  the full council at the Nov. 7  meeting when hiring of a
        when Sullivan was hired 16     gested that the council adopt a  ment.                       meeting when progress finding  recruitment firm will be on the
        years ago. She reminded council  three-tiered approach to filling  Councilmembers opted to  an interim manager will be     agenda.

                                                                    Safety first

                                                                    Members of the Northville
                                                                    Township Fire Department
                                                                    received a warm welcome
                                                                    from students at Moraine
                                                                    Elementary School recently.
                                                                    The firefighters visited the
                                                                    school to talk to the pupils
                                                                    about fire and life safety.
                                                                    Kindergarteners enjoyed a
                                                                    tour of the fire truck and
                                                                    equipment and firefighters
                                                                    discussed various safety
                                                                    topics with other classes.
                                                                    They explained how fire-
                                                                    fighters help their communi-
                                                                    ty; why it's important to stay
                                                                    away from hot things; the
                                                                    importance of smoke
                                                                    alarms and why families
                                                                    need escape plans. To
                                                                    learn more about the impor-
                                                                    tance of providing fire and
                                                                    life safety education, visit
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