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October 28, 2021                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5


        Hot topic

        Area firefighters unite in training exercises

           Shipping containers became hazardous  the homes have basements, averaging
        basement fires and Barbie's dollhouses  about 1,700 square feet, Hughes noted,
        helped demonstrate several new safety  stressing the importance of assessing a
        techniques during a multi-state fire train-  basement fire as safely and quickly as pos-
        ing exercise at Schoolcraft College in  sible.
        Livonia last week.                       Marcotte said that in the case of any
           The training exercise, organized by  fire, speed is essential in escape.
        Northville Township Fire Department      “People should have a plan to get out of
        Training Coordinator Jesse Marcotte was  the home or building,” he said. “That is a
        funded by a federal grant program that  key factor in surviving.”  He said that
        allows firefighters to practice scenarios  while the escape time from a burning
        they could encounter in the field.     home or building used to be estimated at
           “Mistakes provide a good learning   17 minutes, with the current design and
        opportunity but we want those mistakes to  home construction materials, the time has
        be made on the training ground, not in  been reduced to only 3 minutes for an
        real life,” Marcotte, a nationally-known  average individual.
        fire training expert, said. He explained  “Home furnishings are made mostly
        that since January there have 86 fires  out of synthetic materials now - not organ-
        which took lives in Michigan and of those,  ic materials like wood and wool like they
        Marcotte said, only 45 percent had work-  were back in the day - so fires get a lot hot-
        ing smoke detectors in the homes.      ter, a lot faster now, which makes this kind
           He stressed that while firefighters were  of training so important,” Hughes
        continually training for various scenarios  explained. He added that the new open
        and dangers, the public could be a key ele-  concept in home design is more danger-
        ment in home fire safety by simply making  ous, too, as there are fewer walls or doors
        sure that smoke detectors are working.  to slow the flames.
        While basements are some of, if not the  The doll houses helped demonstrate
        most dangerous blazes firefighters battle,  the impact of air flow through walls and
        homeowners could lessen that threat to  doors in separate home designs and con-
        their own lives and those of firefighters, by  structions, providing firefighters with a
        ensuring there is an escape from the base-  better understanding of how to control a
        ment should a fire occur. In a basement  blaze.
        fire, floors can collapse unexpectedly, and  Firefighters from 24 departments in
        materials burn hotter explained        Michigan and Indiana attended the train-  pates in training sessions throughout the  He noted that even the most experi-
        Northville Township Fire Marshal Tom   ing exercises last week, some of whom  country, said he was overwhelmed by the  enced firefighters in attendance “remain
        Hughes.                                with more than 20 years' experience in  level of passion longtime firefighters pos-  open-minded about learning new tactics
           In Northville Township 97 percent of  fire departments. Marcotte, who partici-  sess for wanting to learn new tactics.  and embracing new ways of doing things.”
        School district hires new communications specialist

           Katie Rork has been named as the    Rork (formerly Boomgaard) as a news   come Katie Rork to our team and look  and extracurricular activities this presti-
        new district communications specialist  reporter and anchor for 9 & 10 news,  forward to seeing our world of possibili-  gious district has to offer. I am honored to
        for the Northville Public Schools.     “Northern Michigan's News Leader,” dis-  ties come to life through our communica-  join Northville Public Schools.”
           Rork's hiring was unanimously       trict officials noted.                tions.”                                  Rork earned her undergraduate
        approved by the members of the           “Katie brings extensive experience in  “I am excited to share Northville  degree at Madonna University where she
        Northville Board of Education during the  media and broadcasting, along with a  Public Schools' mission, goals, and  studied broadcast and cinema arts and
        Oct. 12 meeting. Rork succeeds Sarah   fresh perspective to our NPS team,” said  achievements in a new and engaging way  pitched for the women's softball team.
        Jacobs who left the district in 2019.  Northville Superintendent of Schools  by incorporating my love for digital  She lives in South Lyon with her husband
           Rork has several years of experience  Mary Kay Gallagher.  “Our school com-  media,” said Rork.  “I can't wait to learn  of 8 years, Jeff, and two children
        in multimedia and digital content cre-  munity has so many wonderful things  about the many instructional programs  Charlotte, 6 and Silas, 3.
        ation including 10 years of television  happening with and on behalf of the stu-
        broadcasting. Those who frequently trav-  dents, families, and staff of Northville
        el to Northern Michigan may remember   Public Schools.  We are thrilled to wel-

                                NOTICE - NORTHVILLE TOWNSHIP
                                   REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS
                            DIGITAL VOICE LOGGER SYSTEM UPGRADE
            Northville Township will receive sealed proposals for a Digital Voice Logging System upgrade with additional Integrated
         QA according to the specifications of Northville Township.  A copy of the requirements and specifications may be obtained from
         the Northville Townships Clerk's Department or on the Northville Township website:\Projects.
            Sealed proposals will be received until 2:00 P.M. prevailing Eastern Time, Monday, November 8th, 2021, at which time
         proposals will be opened and read.  Proposals shall be addressed as follows:
                                CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
                                        CLERK'S OFFICE
                                        44405 Six Mile Rd.
                                     Northville, MI  48168-9670
         Last Date for Questions will be Friday, November 5, 2021 at 4:00 P.M.
            All proposals must be signed by a legally authorized agent of the bidding firm.  ENVELOPES MUST BE PLAINLY
                             “DIGITAL VOICE LOGGER SYSTEM UPGRADE”
            The Township reserves the right to accept any or all alternative proposals and award the contract to other than the lowest bid-
         der, to waive any irregularities or informalities or both; to reject any or all proposals; and in general to make the award of the
         contract in any manner deemed by the Township, in its sole discretion, to be in the best interest of the Northville Township.
                                             Shaun Nicoloff,
                                             Information Technology Director
                                             Charter Township of Northville
         Notice dated: October 28th, 2021                              NT0155 - 102821  2.5 x 4.268

                                     REGULAR MEETING
                              CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE
                                     BOARD OF TRUSTEES
         DATE:  Thursday, October 21, 2021
         TIME:  7:00 p.m.
         PLACE: 44405 Six Mile Road
         CALL TO ORDER:  Supervisor Abbo called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
         PRESENT:      Mark Abbo, Supervisor  Scott Frush, Trustee
                       Roger Lundberg, Clerk  Mindy Herrmann, Trustee
                       Jason Rhines, Treasurer  Cynthia Jankowski, Trustee
                                             Christopher Roosen, Trustee
         1.   Agendas:
              A. Regular Agenda and the Consent Agenda items - Approved
         2.   Appointments, Presentations, Resolutions & Announcements:
              A. Vivian Zhong - Miss Michigan Resolution - Presented and Approved
              B. Landfill Working Committee Report - Presented
         3.   Public Hearing:
              A. 2022 Budget Public Hearing - Opened and Conducted
         4.   Brief Public Comments: Four members of the audience had questions or comments for the Board of Trustees.
         5.   New Business:
              A. Finance - 2021 Millage Rates - Approved
              B. Finance - 2022 Budget - Approved with Amendments
              C. Cantoro PUD Amendment #1 -Planning Commission Reconsideration
              D. Public Services - Mill Ridge PUD Amendment #5 - Removed
              E. Fleis & Vandenbrink Proposal - Approved
              F. Fire Department Parking Lot Replacement - Approved
              G. Temporary Sign Request - Scouting For Food - Approved
              H. MGCP Pathway Project Bid Approved with Amendments
              I.  Community Room Renaming - Approved
              J. CWW Annual Dues - Approved
              K. Tenneco EFT Rescission - Approved
         6.   Unfinished Business: None
         7.   Ordinances:  None
         8.   Check Registry:
         A.   In the amount of $ 3,362,523.53 for the period of September 4, 2021 to October 1, 2021. - Approved
         9.   Board Communication & Reports:
              A. Mark Abbo, Roger Lundberg, Jason Rhines, Scott Frush, Mindy Herrmann, Cynthia Jankowski, Christopher Roosen
                and Todd Mutchler
         10.  Any other business for the Board of Trustees: None
         11.  ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 9:19 p.m.
         A draft of the meeting minutes will be available on October 29, 2021.
         Respectfully submitted:
         Mark Abbo, Supervisor
         Roger Lundberg, Clerk                                         NT0156 - 102821  2.5 x 5.536
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