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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          October 28, 2021

                                                     INKSTER - WESTLAND
                                                     INKSTER - WESTLAND

        Police retirement and promotions celebrated

           Members of the Westland
        Police Department had a great
        deal to celebrate recently as they
        marked the retirement of a veter-
        an deputy chief and the promo-
        tion of several officers.
           Deputy Police Chief Brian
        Miller recently began his retire-
        ment from the city where he
        served on the police force for 25
        years. Miller, who joined the
        Westland department in 1997,
        began his career in law enforce-
        ment in 1996 with the Wayne
        County Sheriff's Department.
        During his years with the
        Westland police he served as a
        field training officer, motorcycle
        operator, and handgun instructor.
        During his time as a sergeant
        with the department he oversaw
        the field training program and
        also served with the special vic-
        tim crimes unit and as a forensic
        computer examiner. While work-
        ing in the Westland detective
        bureau, Miller was assigned to
        the Michigan Internet Crimes
        Against Children Task Force. He
        was promoted to deputy chief of  Members of the Westland Police Department are all smiles as they help Deputy Chief Brian Miller celebrate his retirement and ce;ebrate the
        the department in 2013.        promotions and the hiring of new officers at an official ceremony last week.
           Miller’s replacement in the
        department will be newly-pro-  Humphrey is a graduate of the    Schurig was a Westland Police  Emily Key has joined the    ident of Westland, he graduated
        moted Deputy Chief Richard     Macomb County Police Academy   Explorer for 3 years before being  department as a patrol officer.  from John Glenn High school in
        Kummert. Kummert  joined the   and has an associate's degree in  hired as a Police Service Aide  She grew up in Howell and grad-  2016. He attended Madonna
        Westland police in 1997 and has  business management and a    with the department. He served  uated from Kensington Woods  University for criminal justice
        served as a detective, SWAT team  bachelor's degree in criminal jus-  in that position for 3 years before  High School. Key attended  and played college baseball.
        commander, firearms instructor,  tice.                        joining the Auburn Hills Police  Lansing Community College with  Zielinski earned his associ-
        sniper instructor and LSA presi-  While a patrolman, he served  Department. During his career  a focus on psychology and social  ates degree in criminal justice
        dent.                          as a field training officer and was  with Westland, he has worked in  work as well as Henry Ford  from Schoolcraft College. He
           Kummert is a graduate of the  promoted to the rank of sergeant  the traffic bureau as an operating  Community College for Criminal  joined the Detroit Police
        Wayne County Regional Police   in 2013. He has been a detective  while impaired (OWI) specialist.   Justice. She also attended the  Department after graduating
        Academy and earned an associ-  and the second in command in     Schurig received the Mothers  Washtenaw County Police      from the academy in October of
        ate's degree in criminal justice.  the detective bureau since 2014.  Against  Drunk  Driving  Academy where she graduated  2020.
        He is preparing to graduate from  Robert Schurig was promoted  Outstanding Officer award in  in September 2021.              In addition, two of the city
        the Eastern Michigan University  to the rank of sergeant. A   both 2017 and 2018. This award is  Key began as a Westland   police service aides are prepar-
        School of Police Staff and     Westland resident, Schurig was  presented annually to the top  Police Service Aide in 2019 and  ing to enter the Wayne County
        Command.                       hired as a Westland police officer  OWI arresting officer in the State  was promoted to a trainer posi-  Regional Police Academy.
           Also promoted to a new rank  2014. He is a graduate of     of Michigan.                  tion. She is currently completing  Mohammed Alzayadi and
        in the department was Brian    Schoolcraft College where he     In addition to the promotions,  her department field training.  Jackson Allison will join the
        Humphrey who was named as      earned an associate's degree in  the department welcomed two    Reed Zielinski was also hired  Westland department upon com-
        the  newest lieutenant.        criminal justice.              new officers to the force.    by the department. A lifelong res-  pletion of their academy studies.
        Police seek information in                                                      To subscribe to The Eagle visit

        fatal pedestrian hit-and-run

           Inkster police continue to investigate  described as a dark-colored Ford Flex
        the death of a pedestrian stuck in the  was reported by witnesses as crossing into
        early morning hours of Sept. 7.        Dearborn Heights immediately following
           Police are asking anyone with informa-  the incident.
        tion about the incident which took place  There is currently a $2,500 reward
        just after 2 a.m. Sept. 7 on Michigan  being offered for information regarding
        Avenue. According to police reports, Jacob  the incident.
        Fountain was crossing East Michigan      Any information should be submitted to
        Avenue when a driver turning onto the  the Inkster police at (313) 520-8400 or
        road from northbound Middlebelt Road   Crime Stoppers at 1-8-SPEAK UP or 1 800
        struck and killed him. The vehicle was
        City officially reopens renovated

        solar-powered recycling center

           Westland residents had something to  Lakes and Energy (EGLE) included new
        celebrate last week with the official rib-  pavement, new lighting, new signs, trees
        bon cutting at the renovated recycling  and landscaping.
        center in the city.                      The recycling center offers an option
           The facility features a solar-powered  for residents to safety dispose of items not
        compactor for single stream recycling and  currently accepted in the curbside recy-
        is a one-stop option for residents in con-  cling program, including glass, batteries,
        dominiums and apartments who may not   scrap metals and automotive fluids.
        have access to the city curbside recycling  The Westland Recycling Center is
        program. Upgrades, funded by a $50,000  located at 37137 Marquette Road in the
        grant from the Environmental Great     city.

                                                                  TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD CALL 734-467-1900

                                                    2001 Honda            The above vehicles are  "as is condition". Bidding  gutter protection. Schedule  Purchase. 10% Senior &
                                                    1HGES16571L057919     impounded through the  on all vehicles will start at  a FREE LeafFilter estimate  Military Discounts. Call 1-
                                                    2000 Chevrolet        Canton         Police  the amount due for tow-  today. 15% off Entire  866-495-1709
                              On Friday, November 3rd  2CNBJ13C8Y6910477   Department.  All paper-  ing and storage. Vehicles
        NOW    HIRING  Penske  , 2021 at 11: 300 am,  2016 Chrysler       work must be picked up  may be deleted from this
        Logistics seeks full-time  Great  Lakes  Towing  1C3CCCAB7GN141526   from  the  Canton  list at any time prior to the
        warehouse workers to sup-  Impound and Recovery  2007 Chevrolet   Township       Police  start of the auction. This
        port our essential food  Division located at 42350  1G1AK55FX77383481   Department within 48  is a cash only sale and all
        warehouse operations in  Van Born Rd, Belleville,  2008 Chrysler  hours of the sale.There  vehicles must be paid in
        Romulus, MI. Warehouse  Mi, County of Wayne, will  2A8HR44H18R115457   will be a $100.00 buyer  full at the conclusion of
        positions include order  conduct a public auction  2008 Dodge     fee assessed to each  the auction.
        selectors for the 2nd and  of  Impounded  and  1B3HB28B48D674513   vehicle   purchased
        3rd shifts. Starting rate is  Abandoned vehicles. The  2005 Nissan  payable to the Canton
        $19.05 per hour, plus  following vehicles will be  5N1AA08B45N705199   Township  Police
        weekend premium and   offered for sale to the  1998 Ford          Department     upon
        $1500 sign-on bonus!  highest bidder.       1FTYR10U5WPB19163     redemption of title paper-
        Interviews are being con-  2002 Buick       2000 GMC              work.
        ducted via phone and fol-  3G5DA03E72S587810   1GKEK13T0YJ208398   2009 Ford
        lowing social distancing  2010 Volkswagen   2001 Honda            1FCLE49L09DA13081
        protocols. No experience  WVWML7AN0AE522515   JHLRD18691C034628   2006 Volkswagen       Agricultural/Farming
        required, Penske will train.  2013 Chrysler  2010 Ford            WVWGK73C26P183635     Services
        Call to apply today! 855-  1C3CCBCG6DN574768   3FAHP0HA4AR211351   2006 Ford            STOP LOSING YIELD to
        759-7098              2015 Kia              2005 Ford             3FRML55Z36V377342     soybean  white  mold.
                              KNAFX4A68F5390628     1FMYU931X5KD84280     2001 Ford             Protection starts at less
                 Call         2018 Kia              2010 Toyota           1FDWE35L71HA13665     than $4/acre with Heads
                              3KPFL4A71JE249694     2T1BU4EE9AC341784     The above vehicles are  Up®Seed  Treatment.
             734-467-1900     The above vehicles are  2004 Toyota         impounded through the  Proven  results  at
                              impounded through the  JTDKB22U640068369    City of Livonia Police Call
             to place your    City of Dearborn Police  2007 Ford          Department.  All paper-  Gary 517/930-5370
              classified ad   Department.  All paper-  1FAFP38Z97W107328   work must be picked up
                              work must be picked up  2011 Toyota         from the City of Livonia  Miscellaneous
               or email       from the City of Dearborn  4T4BF3EK3BR123405   Police Department within  Eliminate gutter cleaning
                              Police Department within  2007 Saturn       48 hours of the sale.  forever! LeafFilter, the most
  48 hours of the sale.  1G8ZS57N97F220089   All Vehicles are sold in  advanced debris-blocking
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