Congregationmeets Sunday
Redeemer Lutheran Church offers
worship services at 11 a.m. Sunday at
Tyler Elementary School, 42200 Tyler
Road inBelleville.
For more information call (734)740-
4230 or access
Spooky stories to be told
The Spellbinder is set to appear again
this year with a whole new repertoire of
creepy, scary ghost stories for those
brave enough to attend the evening of
spine-tingling tales.
The Canton Historical Society will
present the 4th Annual Evening of Ghost
Stories told by 35th District Court Judge
Ronald Lowe from 6-7:30 p.m. Oct. 29 at
the Cady-Boyer Barn in Preservation
Lowe, known in his avocation as The
Spellbinder, has been telling scary sto-
ries his entire life and comes froma fam-
ily of storytellers. Lowe has been a long-
time featured storyteller at this annual
The tales, full of ghosts, goblins and all
things spooky are suitable for ages 8 and
Cider and two donuts are included
with the ticket and will be available
while supplies last.
Tickets are $4 per individual and can
be purchased at the Summit on the Park,
located at 46000 Summit Parkway and at
the door. All proceeds benefit the
CantonHistorical Society. Childrenmust
be accompanied by an adult and parents
are responsible for the direct supervi-
sion of their children during this special
event. For additional information, visit
PreservationPark is located at 500North
RidgeRoad inCanton.
FishDinner to be served
Detroit Second City alum, Quintin
Hicks, stretches the limits of character
performance and improvisation to intro-
duce audiences to a world of unique and
unforgettable characters in his show,
Directed by Tipping Point Theatres
very ownDave Davies, this side-splitting-
ly hysterical show will audiences with
plenty of hilariousmemories.
Performances are set for 6 and 8 p.m.
Oct. 29 and 7 p.m. Oct. 30 at the Tipping
Point Theater, 361 E. Cady St. Northville.
Tickets for each show are priced at $25
and available nowby calling the TPT box
office at (248) 347-0003 or purchase them
online at
Inkster BooBash planned
Ghosts and goblins are expected to fill
theDozierRecreationComplexOct. 31.
The City of Inkster will host the
Annual Boo Bash from 6-8 p.m. Oct. 31
and provide a fun-filled, safe alternative
to traditional door-to-door trick or treat-
ing activities.
There will be games, prized trick or
treat bags and refreshments for children
in the 6th grade and younger.
The event is free and open to all chil-
drenwith the age limit.
Also planned for the evening is Trucks
with Treats from 7-9 p.m. with set up
beginning in the parking lot of the com-
plex beginning at 6:30. No unwrapped
candy or fruit will be allowed at the
event when children can go from "truck
to trunk" in the lot for treats to celebrate
the holiday.
The Dozier House of Horror will also
be available for children.
The events are made possible by pri-
vate donations and sponsors including
TRI and 2ByteEntertainment.
For more information, call (734)728-
The Dozier Complex is located at 2025
Middlebelt Road in Inkster.
Skeletons Are Alive inNorthville
The Fifth Annual Skeletons Are Alive
display is in full view on downtown
Northville streets, with more than 100
skeletons depicted in unique situations
from taking care of business to walking
the dogs, and everything inbetween.
These bare bones characters are sure
to provide amusement and amazement.
The skeletons will be on display through-
out downtown throughOct. 31.
WinterWonderland planned
The annual Plymouth Chamber of
Commerce Gala Auction will have a
WinterWonderland theme this year.
The event is planned for 6 p.m. Nov. 4
at Laurel Manor on Schoolcraft Road in
More than 500 items were donated for
the auctions last year and more than 500
people attended the event. Organizers
plan to have the room decorated to
reflect awinter evening inMichigan.
Sponsorships and auction items are
now being accepted. For more informa-
tion, contact Wes Graff at wes@ply- or Doug Wallace at
Student pottery day set
The Plymouth Community Arts
Council will host a School Day Off
Pottery Workshop from 10 a.m. until
noonwith lunch fromnoon until 12:45 on
Tuesday, Nov. 8 when Plymouth Canton
Community Schools District students
will not have class.
The workshop will begin with pottery
basics and then students can make their
choice of two projects. The workshop is
for ages 6-14.
The fee for the workshop only, which
includes glaze, kiln time and instruc-
tions, is $32 per student or $30 for arts
council members. The fee for the work-
shop and lunch is $38 per students or $36
for arts council members. Lunch
includes two slices of pizza, salad and
Registrations are now being accept at
The arts council is located at 774
NorthSheldonRoad inPlymouth.
Person of the Year sought
The Romulus Chamber of Commerce
is now accepting nominations for the
2017Romulus Person of theYear.
Completed forms, available at the
chamber website, must be returned to
the chamber office by 4 p.m. Dec. 16. The
office is located at 11189 Shook Road, St.
200, Romulus, Mi 48174.
Later nominations will not be consid-
A committee will review the nomina-
tions and make the selection of the win-
ning candidate. This is the 32nd year for
the award in the city.
More information is available at (734)
Veterans invited to freemovie
State SenatorHoon-YungHopgood (D-
Taylor) will host his 2nd Annual Free
Veterans Day Movie Event planned to
begin at noon Friday, Nov. 11, 2016, in
acknowledgment of the tremendous sac-
rifice and service of America's military
In cooperation with MJR Westland
Grand Cinema 16 and John Glenn High
School Junior Reserve Officers Training
Corps (JROTC), the thirdmovie in theDa
Vinci Code series, Inferno, (PG-13) will
be shown at the MJR Westland Grand
Cinema 16 located at 6800 North Wayne
Road in Westland. Tickets are limited to
two per veteran and are available on a
first come, first served basis. Registration
is required.
Hopgood represents the 6th Senate
District, which includes Belleville,
Brownstown Township, Flat Rock,
Huron Township, Rockwood, Romulus,
Sumpter Township, Taylor, Van Buren
Township, andWestland.
For additional information or to regis-
ter for free tickets, contact Hopgood's
office at (517) 373-7800 or by emailing
Holiday tree lighting planned
The seventh annual Main Street
Boulevard Tree Lighting and Salvation
Army Red Kettle Kick Off in downtown
Plymouth is planned for Friday, Nov. 11.
During the event, the decorated trees on
the boulevard are illuminated and the
Plymouth Salvation Army partners begin
the Red Kettle drive. Non-perishable
food for the Salvation Army pantry is
also collected and a small gift is present-
ed to the first 100 people who attend the
Gift certificates are being sought for
the event from local businesses. For
more information, contact Tony
Bruscato, director of the Plymouth
Downtown Development Authority, (734)
Coffee to be served
State Sen. Hoon-Yung Hopgood has
set his November Coffee Hour for 3 p.m.
Nov. 11 at Romulus House, 9110 Wayne
Road, Romulus, MI 48174.
For additional information regarding
the meeting, contact Hopgood's office by
calling (517) 373-7800, by emailing
or visiting
First Ladies' Fashion exhibit
The Plymouth Historical Museum
First Ladies Fashion Setter Exhibit is set
to openNov. 6 at themuseum.
For more information, call (734) 455-
8940 or visit
Tea is served
The Wayne Public Library is hosting
anAfternoonTea at 1 p.m. Nov. 12.
A wide sampling of teas, scones,
desserts and tea sandwiches from
Victoria's TeaSalonwill be served.
Tickets, priced at $35, are on sale now
at the Wayne Public Library. The cost is
$35 per individual or celebrate as a
group with a table of eight for $240. All
proceeds go to benefit the Friends of the
Wayne Public Library. Tickets can be
purchased at theCirculationDesk.
The Wayne Library is located at 3737
SouthWayneRoad inWayne.
Award nominations needed
Nominations for some of the most
prestigious awards in the community are
now being accepted by the Belleville
AreaChamber of Commerce.
The Leona Van Buhler, Chamber
Member of the Year, Ted Kuckelman
Community Service and Business of the
Year awards will be accepted through
Nov. 21.
Nominations can be emailed to
or mailed
to 248Main. St., Belleville, Mi, 481111.
Members of the committee will be
evaluating the nominee's involvement in
the community, the chamber, the schools,
area non-profits, continued capital
investment in the business and an over-
all community presence.
For more information or nomination
forms, contact the chamber offices at
(734) 697-7151.
October 27, 2016
Calendar of events