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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                          October 24, 2019

                                 Calendar of events

        Free concerts at PARC                  the library at (734) 453-0750 Ext. 242 or
           Free live musical performances are  email
        now being offered at the Plymouth Arts  There is no charge and the meeting is
        and Recreation Complex (PARC).         open to the public.
           The series of concerts will be offered
        monthly at noon on Fridays and is pre-  Jazz musician to appear
        sented by the Wilcox Foundation.         The Music of Billy Strayhorn,
           These free concerts will feature pro-  Something To Live For, will be presented
        fessional musicians from the Eden Arts  at the Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks Lodge
        Cooperative, Main Street Opera Theatre,  from 7-9:30 p.m. Oct. 29. Singing special
        Michigan Philharmonic Orchestra and    interpretations of Duke Ellington's com-
        other performing arts organizations locat-  poser will be Emma Aboukasm with Scott
        ed at PARC.                            Gwinnell on keyboard, Pete Siers on                                        Summit on the Park.
           PARC is located at 650 Church St. in  drums, Rob Bickley on bass and Janelle  Halloween                           Children of all ages can attend the
        Plymouth. To reach the Band/Music      Reichman on saxophone and clarinet.                                        family-friendly event in costume and
        Room, guests should park behind the      The Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks Lodge      FROM PAGE 1                       follow the not-so-scary trail from room
        building off Adams Street and enter    is located at 41700 Ann Arbor Road in                                      to room, each filled with special sur-
        through the Activities Entrance. For   Plymouth. For more information, call                                       prises and little goodies. Parade partici-
        more information, call (734) 927-4090.  (734)453-1780.                          Northville Chamber of Commerce at  pants will enjoy seeing the Summit dec-
                                                                                        (248)        349-7640         or  orated for this spooktacular event.
        Holiday Tea reservations available     Julie's Goodfellows Tea served  for addi-  Younger trick-or-treaters will enjoy the
           The Canton Historical Society will    The 12th annual Julie's Goodfellows    tional information or to sponsor at treat  trail, as it passes a variety of themed-
        present "A Holiday Tea" from 1-3 p.m.  Tea is set for 1 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 3 at the  station.                      stations which will allow them to visit
        Saturday Dec. 7 at the Bartlett-Travis  Romulus Athletic Center.                  That this is a family friendly chil-  with family-friendly characters, includ-
        House located at 500 North Ridge Road.   The event is a benefit for the Romulus  dren's event and costumes should not  ing: Lilo & Stitch; Winnie the Pooh;
           An afternoon tea will be served in a  Goodfellows No Child Without a         be too scary so that all participants are  Unicorns; Lion King characters;
        historic Canton house decorated for    Christmas campaign.                      able to have an enjoyable time.   Nightmare Before Christmas; Toy
        Christmas accompanied by live music.     Visitors are welcome to wear their                                       Story; Lego Batman; Baby Shark; plus
        Tea will include sandwiches and small  favorite hat and bring along moms, grand-  Maybury Corn Maze is open       some favorite Disney princesses.  For
        desserts and visitors can learn a bit about  mothers, sisters, daughters, aunts,  The 10-acre Maybury Farm Corn   those who dare, a spooky Haunted
        how Christmas in Canton used to be     cousins and friends. There will be a silent  Maze is now open. This year, the farm  House will be available in the Summit
        spent.                                 auction and prizes for special hats.     will also offer a Kids Maze that is  gymnasium, which is scarier than ever.
           Tickets are $25 each and available at  Tickets are priced at $35 per person  approximately 1 acre and will take an  This interactive experience may be too
        the Summit on the Park, 46000 Summit   and RSVPs are requested at the           estimated 20 minutes to complete.  intense for small children.
        Parkway in Canton.                     Goodfellows Hotline at (734) 955-4577.     The Maybury Farm corn maze is      Tickets will only be sold in advance
           Seating is limited so early ticket reser-  Early purchase is suggested as space is  open until 10 p.m. on Fridays and  of the event until Oct. 29 for $6 per child
        vations are encouraged, organizers said.  limited.                              Saturdays for those brave enough to  for Summit on the Park Members, $7
                                                 The Romulus Athletic Club is at 35765  attempt to find their way through in the  per child for Canton residents and $11
        Art House exhibit opens                Northline Road in Romulus.               dark with just the moon to guide the  per child for non-residents.
           The Northville Art House will present                                        way.                                 A limited number of Fast Pass tick-
        POSE: Portrait and the Costumed Figure  Garden Club to meet                       Admission to the Maybury Farm   ets for designated timeslots will be
        featuring portraits and figurative work  The Romulus Garden Club members        Corn Maze is $9 per person and    available for an additional $1 fee.
        created in graphite, mixed-media, oil and  will meet at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 4 at the  includes farm admission and a tractor-  Tickets are now available for pur-
        pastel by 12 female artists.           Romulus Public Library.                  drawn wagon ride to and from the  chase online at or
           This free exhibition will continue    The guest lecturer for the evening will  maze.  Children under 2 are admitted  at the Summit Front Desk, located at
        through Oct. 26 during regular gallery  be Carol Brodbeck who will discuss      free with an adult. Accommodations for  46000 Summit Parkway; while supplies
        hours, noon until 5 p.m. Tuesday through  Pollinators: Butterflies, Hummingbirds  groups of 25 or more can be scheduled  last. All ticket sales will end at 10 p.m.
        Friday and noon until 4 p.m. on Saturday.  and Good Bugs.                       at (248) 374-0200. Maybury Farm also  Oct. 29.  Those of all ages planning to
        Visit for     The library is located at 11121 Wayne  offers bonfires that are available during  trick or treat and collect goodies during
        more information.                      Road in Romulus. For more information,   regular business hours or as part of a  the event must have a ticket/collection
                                               call (734) 942-7589.                     group reservation.                bag. Proof of residency will be required
        Jazz at the Elks                                                                  Maybury Farm is located at 50165  to purchase tickets and there is a 10-
           Jazz at the Elks takes place on the last  Garden Club of Northville meets    Eight Mile Road in Northville.  To learn  ticket limit per person.
        Tuesday of the month from 7-9:30 p.m. at  Members of the Country Garden Club    more about all of the autumn activities  “Canton's Trick or Treat Parade con-
        the Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks Lodge.     of Northville will meet at 11 a.m. Nov. 6 at  at the farm, visit  tinues to grow and remains one of the
           Appearing Tuesday, Oct. 29 will be  Ward Church, 40000 Six Mile Road in                                        most beloved events that we host each
        Beth Stalker with the Dale Grisa Quartet.  Northville.                          Mad Science show at library       year,” said Laura Mortier, recreation
        Accompanying Stalker, a 2008 American    The speaker for the meeting will be      The William P. Faust Public Library  specialist. “We are so proud of this great
        Idol contestant, will be Dale Grisa on key-  Judy Cornellier who will discuss the  of Westland will host a Halloween Fire  family-friendly event that is perfect for
        board, Bobby Streng on saxophone, Ron  World of Garlic and Herbs. Light snacks  and Ice Show presented by Mad     children of all ages. There's even a
        Pangborn on drums and John Barron on   will be served.                          Science from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Tuesday,  'spookier experience' for the older kids
        bass.                                    For more information, call (248) 202-  Oct. 29.                          inside our special Haunted House,
           The Plymouth Ann Arbor Elks Lodge   1518.                                      Audiences will interact with the Mad  where they'll have plenty of chances for
        325 is located at 41700 Ann Arbor Road in                                       Scientist and experience foggy dry ice  chills and thrills if they dare to stroll
        Plymouth. For more information, call   Veteran recalls Pearl Harbor attack      storms, giant beach balls floating in the  through our gymnasium.”
        (734)453-1780.                           A recorded interview with Navy veter-  air and a Mad Science burp potion, all  Sponsors this year include: Advance
                                               an Warner Klemm will be shown at 6 p.m.  to amaze and teach lessons about chem-  Orthodontics,  Atchinson  Ford,
        Author to speak to writers             Wednesday, Nov. 6 at the Romulus Public  ical reactions, air pressure and the  Brightside Dental, Central City Dance,
           Author Rick Bailey will be the guest  Library. The interview is part of Larry  states of matter.               Community Financial Credit Union,
        speaker at the meeting of the Writing  Martin's World War II In Their Own         The program is designed for all ages  Drs. Nolan and Guest Orthodontics,
        Group of the Plymouth District Library  Words presentation. Klemm will discuss  and pre-registration is available at the  The Goddard School of Early
        set for 2-3:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 29. The  the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. He  library.                      Childhood Development, IHOP,
        library is located at 223 South Main St. in  was stationed about 200 yards to the stern  The library is located at 6123 Central  Lombardo Homes, Pro Martial Arts,
        Plymouth                               of the USS Arizona during the attack that  City Parkway in Westland. For more  and Zap Zone Canton.  Additional sup-
           Bailey is a Bloomfield Township resi-  killed nearly 3,000 people.           information, call (734) 326-6123.  porters of this annual Canton tradition
        dent and a retired professor from Henry  Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. to view                                     include Dancin' Feet and D&M Art
        Ford College. In April his second collec-  some memorabilia on display.         Trick or Treat Parade in Canton   Studio.
        tion of essays was published by          The presentation is sponsored by the     Little princesses and pirates, as well  Parents are responsible for the
        University of Nebraska Press. His books  Friends of the Romulus Public Library.  as other ghouls and goblins are expect-  direct supervision of children during
        include American English, Italian      The library is located at 11121 Wayne    ed at the Canton Leisure Services  this special event. For more informa-
        Chocolate (2017) and The Enjoy Agenda  Road in Romulus.                         annual Trick or Treat Parade from 5-8  tion, call (734) 394-5460 or visit
        (April 2019).                            For more information, call (734) 942-  p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 30, inside the
           To reserve a spot for the meeting, call  7589.
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