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October 24, 2019                                               ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5

                                     CANTON - PLYMOUTH

        Student radio station to host Euchre Tournament

           Students at The Park 88.1     The euchre tournament was                               ”                                 to cover a team through my
        radio station are hoping for a  the idea of 88.1 alumnus Denny                                                             broadcasts of Canton and Salem
        good deal during a planned     Kapp.                                    They thought this might be something               games.  I'm glad to be able to
        Euchre Tournament set for 7      “I've enjoyed playing in tour-       we could do on an annual basis and we're             still help the station,” said
        p.m. on Nov. 2 at the Plymouth  naments and decided to share                                                               Kapp.
        Elks Club.                     the idea with the station. They         excited to bring it back for an eighth year.          Tournament play includes
           This is the 8th Annual      thought this might be something                                                             25-cent Euchres and 50-50 raffle
        Euchre Tournament fundraiser   we could do on an annual basis                                                              tickets.  Players are encouraged
        for the student-operated radio  and we're excited to bring it  28, and $25 at the door.  Cash  “The tournament has grown   to bring quarters. Registration
        station, part of the Plymouth-  back for an eighth year,” said  prizes will be awarded to the  every year and it helps a really  is available by emailing wsd-
        Canton Community Schools.      Kapp, a Westland resident.     top 10 percent of the field and  great program.  88.1 gave me a or by call-
        The station has been operating   Tournament buy in is $20 per  players will be served pizza,  head start into a career working  ing (248) WSDPEUCHRE (973-
        for more than 47 years.        player, if registered before Oct.  snacks and a cash bar.    in sports media.  I learned how  7382).
        Plymouth Township to formally recognize historic properties

           Members of the newly-formed  property values, besides preserv-  Plymouth Township, according to  cemeteries, landscapes and com-  Township Trustee Jack
        Plymouth Township Historic     ing important community assets,  the mission statement.  The pro-  mercial buildings. We look for-  Dempsey, who is also a local his-
        District Commission formally   a spokesman from the township  gram is voluntary and open to all  ward to receiving applications  torian and author, is a commis-
        approved an application form   noted.                         types of structures.          and working with residents to  sion member.
        enabling property owners in the  There is no cost or fee for sub-  “We are excited to offer this  give some much deserved recog-  “The work being done by
        township to seek designation of  mitting the application, which is  voluntary program to any proper-  nition to the heritage of Plymouth  these volunteers will help pre-
        their properties as historic   available on the township web  ty owner in Plymouth Township  Township,” she said.          serve the heritage and history of
        resources.                     site,     who may own structures that      “Creation of the Historic   the Plymouth community, ensur-
           Adoption of the one-page form  The mission of the seven-   have architectural or historical  District Commission was a result  ing that future generations will
        at the Sept. 27 meeting will   member Historic District       significance” said Wendy      of community feedback gained   learn and appreciate the rich cul-
        enable commission members to   Commission is to educate the   Harless, chairperson of the com-  through the Township's Citizens'  ture that makes Plymouth such a
        consider applications from prop-  community about the rich history  mission. “We know the township  Advisory Council in 2017,” said  great place to live,” Dempsey
        erty owners seeking recognition  of Plymouth Township through  is home to some very historically  township Supervisor Kurt Heise.  said.
        of the community heritage      historic structures; to promote  important sites, but we don't want  “We already have property own-  For more information, contact:
        embodied in their homes and    the benefits of historic preserva-  to limit this program to just  ers who we believe would qualify  Plymouth Township Planning
        structures. Studies show that his-  tion, and protect the historic dis-  homes. We would also like to rec-  for this historic designation, and  Consultant Laura Haw at plan-
        toric designation also benefits  tricts  designated  within   ognize resources such as historic  we are eager to have them apply.”
        Better Than Ever players present ‘Proposals’ on stage

           Better Than Ever Productions  a second heart attack, eagerly  on Sunday.                 architectural heritage of the city,  or by calling or in
        will present a combined theatrical  anticipates the arrival of the ex-  Before the show, during inter-  the development of the notable  person at the Village Theater Box
        production/book signing of     wife he still loves.  Daughter Josie  mission, and after the perform-  cultural institutions, as well as the  Office from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.
        Proposals by Neil Simon at The  has just broken her engagement to  ance, a signing of the new pictori-  exploits of assorted scoundrels,  Monday through Friday or by
        Village Theater at Cherry Hill in  a Harvard law student and pines  al history called Detroit: An  such as the Black Legion, the  phone at (734) 394-5300 x3. If there
        Canton from Friday, Nov. 1     for his buddy Ray, an aspiring  Illustrated Timeline by Paul  Purple Gang, Harry Bennett and  are any remaining tickets, they
        through Sunday, Nov. 3.        writer with whom she once had a  Vachon is planned.The book  Father Charles Coughlin.  Paul  will also be available for purchase
           The play recalls the last time  brief fling.  Clemma, the African  points out many of the seminal  Vachon will be onsite to sign  at the box office one hour prior to
        the Hines family gathered at their  American housekeeper at the cen-  events and noteworthy turning  copies of his books one hour  show time.
        retreat in the Poconos.  The sum-  ter of the action, casts an astute  points of Detroit such as the fall to  before the shows start.  No ticket  The Village Theater at Cherry
        mer of 1953 brings romantic    eye on the complications while  the British during the War of 1812  is required to attend the signing.  Hill is located at 50400 Cherry Hill
        entanglements that coalesce one  facing her own unresolved past.  and the existence of slavery in  Tickets for the shows are  Road, Canton. For more informa-
        idyllic afternoon - Burt Hines, in  Performances are set for 7 p.m.  Detroit as late as the 1820s. It also  priced at $16 and $18 and can be  tion, visit www.cantonvillagethe-
        his mid-50s and convalescing from  Friday and Saturday and at 2 p.m.  highlights the underappreciated  purchased at www.cantonvil-, or call (734) 394-5300.
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