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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           October 7, 2021

                                    INKSTER - ROMULUS - WESTLAND
                                    INKSTER - ROMULUS - WESTLAND

        Council members OK Romulus Trade Center project

           Members of the Romulus City  Farms facility in the project.                                                             there to get others to come here,”
        Council approved the plan for    “To say it is a restaurant is an                        ”                                 she said.
        the171-acre multi-million dollar  insult,” she said. “Residents have  I wish everybody had seen this presentation.           “As for the restaurant, it is not
        Romulus Trade Center by a 6-1  been crying for too long. What we                                                           a Speedway type. We all have a
        vote last week.                are getting is seven industrial           If we don't get something over there,             choice where we get gas and
           Councilwoman      Virginia  buildings. Residents want to have           there never will be development.                where we want to eat,” she said.
        Williams cast the lone vote and  a place to buy shoes or socks.”                                                             “I wish everybody had seen
        repeatedly voiced her opposition  Williams went on to criticize                                                            this presentation. If we don't get
        and objections to the project.  the conduct of the previous coun-                                                          something over there, there
        Williams began her criticisms of  cil members who approved the  “I don't agree with my col-  road. We are in negotiations with  never will be development,”
        the Trade Center, expected to  Amazon facility in the city and  leagues. I don't care what they  Wayne County,” Webb said in  Webb said.
        bring 1,180 jobs to the city and $55  referred to “the destruction  think,” she said. “We should con-  response to Williams criticisms of  NorthPoint has agreed to
        million in real property tax rev-  Amazon has caused.”        sider our vote and how it affects  the two-lane rather than four-  install 1,700 trees and 5,700
        enue to the school district, during  She was critical of the negoti-  residents,” she said.  lane roadways in the city.    shrubs and decorative grasses at
        a motion to rezone the property  ated plan for the Romulus Trade  Councilman      William      “There is nothing over there  the site and has agreed to install
        to conform to the needs of the  Center and said that the city rep-  Wadsworth said that he agreed  on Vining Road. We are the only  multiple sidewalks inside and at
        developer,        NorthPoint   resentatives should have “stayed  that the city needs a grocery  council who has gotten to the  the entire perimeter of the devel-
        Development.                   at the table until we got some-  store, “but we have a motion on  point where we almost get some-  opment, connecting the area to
           Williams questioned the pro-  thing the residents wanted.”  the floor and we should move for-  thing over there,” Webb said.  several other parts of the city. The
        cedures of the rezoning and the  She said that residents are not  ward.”                       Webb also responded to      developer also agreed to an engi-
        unanimous recommendation of    happy with the proposed devel-   Following the vote approving  Williams' assertions about the  neering plan to limit trucks to
        the city property disposition com-  opment. “My problem is hearing  the project, Councilwoman Eva  need for retail at the Trade  one driveway and keep them off
        mittee to sell two parcels of land  residents complain about trucks,  Webb said that she wanted to  Center noting that the outskirts of  local roads.
        owned by the city to the develop-  trucks, trucks,” she said. “We  clarity some statements.  the project are ready to be leased  Williams also cast the only no
        er.  She also said she was     need a grocery store, someplace  “Ecorse Road doesn't belong  for retail stores.            vote at the first reading of the
        opposed to the plan for a Royal  to go to eat.                to Romulus. That is a county     “We have to put something   plan at the Sept. 13 meeting.
                                                                      Flood assistance is still available

                                                                        Federal assistance for area
                                                                      homeowners and survivors of                               ”
                                                                      the June 25 - 26 severe storms
                                                                      and flooding is still available.             Wayne County was allocated
                                                                      Residents who suffered damage            $5,593,057 by the State of Michigan
                                                                      can still register with FEMA for
                                                                      individual disaster assistance.                  to fund this program.
                                                                      The deadline for assistance has
                                                                      been extended to Friday, Nov.
                                                                      12, and applies to survivors liv-
                                                                      ing in Wayne County.          Grants will be distributed to  receipt from their contractor(s).
                                                                        The $5.5 million flood assis-  impacted residents to cover  To apply for relief, residents can
                                                                      tance program is available to  damages and costs.  To be eligi-  go to the Wayne County
                                                                      assist homeowners recovering  ble, the applicant's property  Economic Development web-
                                                                      from the historic rainfall that  must be located in Wayne    site and provide application
                                                                      resulted in flood and sewer   County (outside of Detroit) and  materials including: Proof of
                                                                      damages to thousands of house-  the property must be their resi-  residence; insurance claim (if
                                                                      holds.  Eligible residents can  dence, the damage must have  applicable); FEMA application
                                                                      receive grants to help cover the  occurred because of the June  number; itemized quote and/or
                                                                      cost of replacing goods, labor,  25-26 weather events, and appli-  receipt for contractor work (if
                                                                      and insurance deductibles     cants must have applied for    applicable) and photos of dam-
                                                                      related to flood damage, but not  FEMA assistance.  Detroit resi-  aged belongings.
                                                                      covered by FEMA or property   dents can apply for assistance   The applications will now be
                                                                      insurance.                    through a parallel program     accepted until Nov. 12, accord-
                                                                        Wayne County was allocated  operated by the City of Detroit.  ing to the office of Wayne
                                                                      $5,593,057 by the State of    Applicants will need to submit  County Executive Warren
                                                                      Michigan to fund this program.  an itemized quote and/or     Evans.
        Michigan State Police seek suspect in shooting of woman

           Michigan State Police are ask-  incident when a 22-year-old  10 p.m. that Friday. Police reports  scene in a waiting vehicle,  condition at press time.
        ing for information regarding a  woman was shot several times  indicate only that the suspect  although police have no descrip-  Police said the investigation is
        shooting Sept. 24 which left an  when she answered her door.  was an unknown man who shot   tion of the car.               ongoing and requested that any-
        Inkster woman hospitalized.    Police were called to the Lovett  the victim with a handgun multi-  The victim was immediately  one with information about the
           According to police reports,  Avenue residence when the    ple times while standing on the  rushed to the hospital by EMTs  incident contact the Michigan
        very little is known about the  shooting was reported at about  front porch. He then fled the  where she remained in critical  State Police at (734) 287-5000.
        Schools                        adopt a new procedure for pur-  “informed everybody we had   Edmonson immediately gath-     audit will be performed by the
                                                                                                                                     The independent financial
                                                                      problems. Week after week I
                                       chasing. He also suggested the
                                                                                                    ered his papers and left the
                                       board members appoint a com-   said this needs to be addressed  meeting as the loud comments  law firm of Clark Hill PLC. An
        FROM PAGE 1                    mittee to review expenditures  and what support did I get? A  of the audience and board mem-  investigation of this type should
                                       prior to board approval and that  Title IX grievance filed against  bers became unintelligible with  be complete in about two weeks,
        said. “There are way too many  purchases in excess of $5,000 be  me.” Title IX is a federal anti-  shouts of “recall” and various  according to an independent
        issues.”                       approved by the board mem-     discriminatory regulation.    other overlapping statements   source.
           Dixon suggested the board   bers.                            One board member agreed     prompting Board President        The board named Sean
        hire an outside investigator to  Edmonson responded to        and commented that “his hands  Debbi Pyles to attempt to imme-  McNatt to act as interim super-
        review the credit card situation  Dixon's report noting that when  were tied.”              diately adjourn the meeting,   intendent during Edmonson's
        and that the board members     he came to the district, he      Following     the    vote,  despite the continued shouting.  absence.
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