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October 7, 2021                                                ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5


        Lawsuits target conduct of Wayne city manager

           The conduct of Wayne City                                                                authority by Nocerini. Court fil-
        Manager Lisa Nocerini is the                              ”                                 ings including sworn statements
        basis of two separate lawsuits            That prosecution of Blackwell is also             from a former police chief, a
        filed in U.S. District Court seek-                                                          director of personnel, a former
        ing monetary damages from the       a crucial issue in the case filed against the city by   city clerk and elected officials,
        city and city officials.             Hughes, 2015 Wayne Police Officer of the Year.         among others.
           Attorneys for the city last week                                                            The city has continued to deny
        filed responses to both lawsuits                                                            all the allegations in the lawsuits
        denying all the assertions of the                                                           and has produced a letter from
        plaintiffs who each single out   Blackwell contends in his    ing for a new police chief, admit-  an EMCO employee asserting
        Nocerini's conduct as the basis  court filings that the charges filed  ting that Hughes obtained the  that Strong received the highest
        for the award of monetary com-  against him were a misuse of  highest score in that testing. He  test scores.
        pensation.                     authority by Nocerini and that  also asserts that both he and the  Mayor John Rhaesa has stated
           Criminal charges filed against  without her influence and inter-  other candidate for the job, cur-  previously that the “lawsuits are
        Wayne resident Mark Blackwell  ference in the process, he would  rent Chief Ryan Strong, were  completely without factual or
        are central to the lawsuits filed by  not have been charged and subse-  assured repeatedly by city and  legal merit and will be aggres-
        both Blackwell and Wayne Police  quently forced to incur the finan-  EMCO officials that the promo-  sively defended. As it pertains to
        Sgt. Abraham Hughes.           cial burden of a legal defense or  tion would be based solely on  both cases, the city looks forward
           Blackwell is seeking damages  the subsequent damage to his  those independent test scores. He  to the exoneration of the city and        Lisa Nocerini
        for the harm and violation of his  reputation, along with mental  infers that Strong's  agreement to  its hard-working employees as it  substances in her car. Those
        civil rights when misdemeanor  anguish.                       serve a warrant on Blackwell was  relates to both matters.”  criminal charges were filed only
        charges of stalking and disturbing  That prosecution of Blackwell  the inducement for Nocerini to  One former official, who asked  after the state police investiga-
        the peace were filed against him.  is also a crucial issue in the case  interfere in the hiring procedures  not to be identified for fear of  tion found them without merit
        He contends that Nocerini influ-  filed against the city by Hughes,  and award the position to Strong.   retaliation, said it is very clear  but reopened based on evidence
        enced those charges against him  2015 Wayne Police Officer of the  Hughes claims the video and  that Nocerini “has weaponized  submitted by Nocerini's investiga-
        in retribution for his criticisms of  Year. In his latest court filings,  sworn affidavit from an EMCO  the police department.”   tor. Those charges have not yet
        her job performance at public  Hughes claims that Nocerini    employee, along with the timing  The official cited another case  been decided in court.
        meetings. Those charges were   used her position of authority to  and procedures in the serving of  currently in the court system in  Based on those case filings,
        summarily dismissed by Garden  interfere with the selection of a  the warrant on Blackwell, prove  which Nocerini personally hired  however, Nocerini filed a lawsuit
        City District Court Judge Richard  new police chief in her efforts to  Nocerini's interference in the  a private investigator to pursue  against the city for damages she
        L. Hammer who found that       have Blackwell charged.        process. Hughes also presented  evidence and witnesses in an  claimed she suffered as a result
        Blackwell was within his rights  Hughes claims that he has    the court with signed affidavits  effort to criminally charge a for-  of being victimized and accepted
        and that the conduct cited in the  video of an official from EMCO,  from a number of former Wayne  mer elected official. She claimed  a financial settlement of an
        complaint was constitutionally  the outside company employed  city officials and employees  the official, with an accomplice,  undisclosed amount from the city
        protected.                     by the city in 2018 to perform test-  attesting to witnessing misuse of  planted a weapon and suspicious  insurer in the matter.
        High school Homecoming ‘royalty’ to be crowned Friday

           There will be no Homecoming  ing gender-specific titles to the                                                          Memorial High School is planned
        King or Queen at Wayne         attention of the student council.                         ”                                 for Oct. 15 when the royalty will
        Memorial or John Glenn High    The leadership students at John           Students are voting now to determine              be announced during halftime.
        School this year.              Glenn High School learned of the                                                            This football game is also the
           There will, however, be royalty  concept this summer and the con-     which of their peers will be selected             annual Crosstown Rival and will
        and some crowns bestowed. Both  cept was presented to students at      for the two homecoming royalty positions.           start at 7 p.m. There is a $5 admis-
        high schools decided to do away  both schools. Students agreed                                                             sion fee to enter the William
        with the gender-specific titles  and the change in the convention-                                                         Elliot Athletic Field. In addition,
        and announce the victors as    al terminology was adopted. The                                                             the community can support the
        homecoming “royalty” instead,  change is also an effort to be                                                              school on the parade route,
        which can be students of any gen-  more inclusive for those who do  district said in a prepared state-  coming royalty positions. John  which kicks off at 5 p.m. on
        der.                           not conform to traditional gender  ment.                     Glenn High School Homecoming   Fourth Street off of Ash Street,
           Last school year, Wayne     identities and to ensure all stu-  Students are voting now to  was last Friday and followed a  then proceed toward Glenwood
        Memorial High School brought   dents have the opportunity to feel  determine which of their peers  parade along Marquette.   Road and head east to the
        the idea to change the homecom-  included, a spokesman for the  will be selected for the two home-  Homecoming at Wayne    William Elliot Athletic Field.
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