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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                       September 30, 2021


        ‘Birthday Bash’ set to open Philharmonic season

           There is a Birthday Bash set  down to the piano barely reach-
        for Saturday night at the      ing the pedals, and played with
        Plymouth-Canton-Salem High     a precision and maturity that
        School auditorium.             transcended her age.
           The Michigan Philharmonic     Ever since, she has astound-
        will begins its 76th season pre-  ed audiences and juries alike,
        senting a live concert at 7:30  competing with musicians over
        p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 2 with the  twice her age and winning
        “Birthday Bash” concert led by  many international piano com-
        Conductor and Music Director   petitions. Since her orchestral
        Nan Washburn, now in her 23rd  debut in Kiev, Ukraine, she has
        season. The Philharmonic       played in more than 40 orches-
        opening night concert will fea-  tral performances internation-
        ture the stylings of internation-  ally.
        ally-renowned c Rizikov, who     A new piece by composer
        first   played    with   the   Kristin Kuster, “Rain On it,”
        Philharmonic when she was 12   will also be showcased on the
        years old, will perform “Piano  opening night as well as
        Concerto No. 2 in C minor,     Edward Elgar's “Enigma
        Op.18” by Sergei Rachmaninoff   Variations Op. 36” composed in
           The 22-year-old Rizikov has  1899. Kuster is based in Ann  evening    to   honor    the  (734) 451-2112. You can also con-  everyone involved in their per-
        dazzled the international arena  Arbor where she is an associate  Philharmonic's 76th anniver-  tact the Philharmonic at   formances the Philharmonic is
        as a child prodigy since she was  professor and chair of composi-  sary, including a video, a dedi-    asking patrons to wear masks
        seven, when she walked onto    tion at the University of      cation and a special piece not   All of the Philharmonic con-  during the performances.
        the stage of the Kiev          Michigan School of Music,      on the program for the evening.   certs are subject to time and  For tickets and more infor-
        Philharmonic Orchestra in a    Theatre and Dance.               For tickets, contact the    date changes as well as health  mation, please visit www.michi-
        pink fluffy dress and huge pig-  Several other special        Michigan Philharmonic at      restrictions already in place at or call (734) 451-
        tails tied with pink bows, sat  moments are planned for the or call  the venues listed. To protect  2112.
        Rivian                         the leader in electric vehicle  interact with the center digital-  Harvey Street work continues
                                                                      ly or by phone.
                                       manufacturing and customer
                                       adoption.”                       “It's no surprise Rivian's     Construction on Harvey      Harvey and turning left onto
        FROM PAGE 1                      “This center provides a base  national search for a new state-  Street in downtown Plymouth  Penniman.     Eastbound
                                       of service to our Rivian owners.  of-the-art customer service cen-  continues with the scheduled  Penniman traffic is closed at
        Program performance-based      This team will be the most all-  ter led them to Wayne County.  installation of a new water  Church Street and will be
        grant. Michigan was chosen for  around knowledgeable and      The collaborative culture fos-  main installed below the     detoured.
        the project over competing sites  most highly-trained group on  tered by all levels of govern-  cement enclosed portion of the  Crews are also continuing to
        in other states, officials said.   Rivian vehicles,” said Rivian  ment has created a world-class  Tonquish Creek, which runs  build the road base on Harvey
           “Congratulations to the team  Roadside and Service Support  business environment for com-  underneath the roadway.      between Penniman and Ann
        at Rivian on your tremendous   Operations Senior Manager      panies large and small,” said    Some interruptions in water  Arbor Trail. The concrete will
        growth and success. We appre-  Tracy Stevens.                 Wayne County Executive         service are possible as the new  take a week to cure after pour-
        ciate this continued vote of con-  “The program includes six  Warren C. Evans.               main is connected, officials  ing. During that time, addition-
        fidence in our incredible talent  weeks of in-depth training for  “As a result, more than 100  said. Those affected will be  al crews will begin work on
        and competitive business cli-  our service support advisors,  good paying jobs will be created  notified by letter.        sidewalks and drive approach-
        mate here in Michigan,” said   and we will add about 15 new   in Plymouth Township. I'm        This week, crews moved into  es behind the curb concrete
        Quentin Messer, Jr., CEO of the  hires every other month      excited for the opportunities  the intersection of Penniman  work. Walkers, bicyclists, and
        Michigan          Economic     throughout 2022 to ensure cov-  this project creates for Wayne  and Harvey to continue the  visitors have been asked by offi-
        Development Corporation and    erage as production ramps up.  County workers and grateful for  reconstruction of the roadway.  cials to use alternate sidewalks
        President and Chair of the     Our expansion in Plymouth is   collaboration between Wayne    Only the southern half of the  and paths to visit downtown
        Michigan Strategic Fund.       part of a long-term strategy that  County and partners like the  Penniman and Harvey inter-  and avoid Harvey Street.
        “We're pleased to work with our  will allow access to the talented  MEDC,  SEMCA/Michigan    section is closed to help allevi-  Any questions can be direct-
        local partners to support      workforce Michigan offers,” he  Works, and township leaders to  ate the traffic concerns. Traffic  ed to the Department of
        Rivian's investment that rein-  said.                         bring Rivian to Plymouth,” he  can still enter Penniman by   Municipal Services at (734) 453-
        forces Michigan's position as    Rivian owners will be able to  concluded.                   traveling on southbound       7737 or
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