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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                       September 30, 2021

                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND - INKSTER
                                        WAYNE - WESTLAND - INKSTER

        Spooky stuff

        Rocker Alice Cooper visits new ‘Eloise Asylum’

           The damp, dark and gloomy   was quick to explain that the city  nal hospital rooms and the expe-
        weather set the perfect tone for  took no official action on the cer-  rience is not a standard
        the visit of rock star Alice Cooper  emonial renaming of the street  Halloween haunted house. Kays
        to the former Eloise Psychiatric  for Cooper as the roadway court  said it is an immersive experi-
        Hospital last week.            is located in a private commer-  ence designed to frighten and
           The visit, to help publicize the  cial development. Cooper, a  took two years to plan and cre-
        opening of the Eloise Asylum   Detroit native, told the enthusi-  ate.
        tomorrow, also marked the      astic crowd, “I love that they're  There is another section of
        renaming of a section of road as  naming streets after rock stars. I  the horror show in the basement
        Alice Cooper Court. Cooper's   think there are more rock stars  of the building which coura-
        celebrity brought out city offi-  than politicians.”          geous visitors can also visit.
        cials and radio hosts from WCSX  The new attraction features    Kays said that a portion of the
        to mark the dedication of the  multiple live actors who wel-  $40 admission to the Eloise
        road and the opening of the $1.2  come “new patients” to the 40-  Asylum will be used to help sup-
        million Halloween creep show.  minute    experience    that   port families who are currently
           The asylum, set in the 30,000  expounds on a sinister storyline  sheltered at the Samaritas
        square-foot former Kay Beard   that takes them from the day-  Family Center, an emergency
        Building on the grounds of the  room into bloody operating    shelter in the former commis-
        former psychiatric hospital, fea-  rooms, creepy hallways and  sary building on the Eloise prop-
        tures what is described as “inno-  other eerie sections of the build-  erty.  He added that there is a $65
        vative high tech horror.”  Jay  ing. As they travel deeper into  VIP option which will allow visi-
        Kays, director of operations, said  the meticulously recreated  tors to forego standing in line or
        owners hope it will become the  spooky hospital areas, the scenes  waiting to be “admitted.”
        “Disney of haunted attractions.”   get more and more frightening.  For tickets or more informa-
           Westland Mayor William Wild  The sets are based on the origi-  tion, visit

           Exemplary service                                                         Inkster teen facing gun charges

                                                                                        A 15-year-old Inkster resident is facing
           Wayne Police officers’ performance awarded                                criminal charges after allegedly taking a  teen threatened to shoot the security guard
                                                                                                                           after he was told to return to his class.
                                                                                     gun to school and threatening a school   Officers arrested the juvenile at the
             Wayne Police Chief Ryan Strong   health emergency.                      security guard.                       scene and he was remanded to the
           presented awards to several members   Wayne Ofc. Wesley Jolly was pre-       Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy  Juvenile Detention Center in downtown
           of the department for their exemplary  sented a Lifesaving Award for his effort  has charged the teen in connection with  Detroit.
           and outstanding service earlier this  in locating a subject who was experi-  threats made against a Taylor High School  The respondent has been charged with
           month.                             encing a medical emergency and had     security guard. He will be prosecuted as a  one count each of carrying a concealed
             In addition to the naming of     wandered off during extreme            juvenile respondent.                  weapon; intentional threat to commit act of
           Nicholas Boruta as Officer of the Year,  cold/snow without a jacket. Jolly was  The charges claim that at approximately  violence against school employees or
           Awards Committee members recom-    also awarded a commendation.           8:56 a.m. Sept. 22, City of Taylor police offi-  school and weapon-free schools- possess-
           mended several other honors. Ofc.     Sgt. Stephanie Strasser and Sgt.    cers responded to the high school on  ing weapon.
           Michael Bolton was presented with a  Stephen Perez were each presented    Beech Daly Road in response to a call    His first court appearance was last
           Chief's Award based on the seizure of  with a Chief's Award for their work in  about a disorderly student. When the offi-  week before court Referee Leslie Graves
           illegal narcotics during a driving under  safely arresting a combative suspect  cers arrived at the scene, they located the  who imposed a $5000 or 10 percent bond.
           influence arrest; Ofc. Chad Colwell was  who had severely injured his girl-  juvenile in question outside the school  The teen has been also been ordered, as
           presented with a Chief's Award based  friend.                             building. When asked to return to the  part of his bond conditions, to have no con-
           on the  seizure of an illegal handgun;  Sgt. Abraham Hughes and Ofc. Kyle  school, officers conducted a search and  tact with Taylor High School.
           Ofc.  Kyle Talmadge was presented  Talmadge were each also awarded a      found a semi-automatic handgun in his    His next court hearing will be Oct. 13 by
           with a commendation and Sgt.       commendation for their campaign to     possession, according to police reports.  Zoom before Judge Frank Szymanski in
           Abraham Hughes and Ofc. Chad       help a child who had been paralyzed in    It is alleged by the prosecution that the  Wayne County Circuit Court.
           Colwell were each presented with a  a car crash. This campaign successfully
           Chief's Award based on the safe and  included the purchase of handicap
           professional resolution to a mental  equipped  van for the child's mother.   To subscribe to The Eagle visit


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