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September 24, 2020                                             ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5


        On their own

        Northville Art House is now independent

           The official Dreams and Nightmares    The board members include Ellen
        exhibit at the Northville Art House is set  Bennett, Nancy Darga, Roland Hwang,
        to close Sept. 26, while the title may aptly  Linda Liedel, Elizabeth Oliver and Taylor.
        describe the ongoing efforts at the facility.  Councilmember Barbara Moroski-Browne
           While the Art House has achieved the  also continues to attend meetings.
        dream of independence from the city, the  The Art House is looking for additional
        COVID 19 effects have added some night-  board members who have the knowledge,
        mare elements to the evolution of the  resources and connections to grow and
        facility into an autonomous non-profit  sustain the Art House, and are expanding
        organization after operating under the  their search to art advocates throughout
        wing of the City of Northville for more  the metro Detroit area.
        than 15 years.                           Typically, nine to 10 free exhibits of
           According to an article posted on the  local artists take place each year at the Art
        official City of Northville website, the Art  House, and feature the work of local,
        House now manages operations inde-     national and international artists. More  When the pandemic struck, the arts pro-  level, which has a walk-out door to the
        pendently and pays the city for essential  than 10,000 people are drawn to   gramming was blossoming - with record  back yard and parking lot. The building
        services, such as accounting and mainte-  Northville annually from throughout  numbers registering for in-house classes,  has gardens and outdoor installations,
        nance, under the direction of Erin Maten,  Michigan and other states for Art House  school instruction and community out-  including two orange silhouette men,
        the executive director and Ryan        exhibits and events, officials said in a  reach. After the March shutdown, the Art  designed by local artist John Soave.
        Kaltenbach, the creative director who  recent post on the Northville city website.  House began to host virtual classes for  While the city is providing the building
        report to a board of directors. Chrissy  On Aug. 1, the Art House reopened with  adults and students but the attendance  rent-free for the next five years, the non-
        Serra now manages the gift shop while  the Dreams and Nightmares exhibit, fol-  wasn't nearly as high as in-person classes.  profit is responsible for maintenance.
        board of directors member Sue Taylor   lowed by the West of Center Exhibit, going  “This would have been our best year  Volunteers tend to fix things around the
        acts as the community advocate.        on now through Sept. 26. In mid-summer  yet,” Maten said. “We were in four  Art House, which was built in 1965, but
           As a new 501-c3, the Art House team  the Art House was instrumental in landing  Northville Elementary schools with our  additional help is needed.
        can raise funds and seek grants for pro-  four reproductions for the “Inside Out”  outreach after-school art program, and  The Art House has been self-sustaining
        gramming and capital improvements at   program, positioned outdoors within a  also offered enrichment art classes at  through program costs and fundraising
        the building. In addition, outside funding  two-block radius.                Goddard Preschool and Hillside Middle  events but anticipated contributions from
        can help with staffing costs during free  This past week the Art House ended its  School. We continue to work on how to  individual donations and prospective
        gallery exhibits and community events,  Young Artist Market with nine local artists,  support our schools through virtual art  grants will allow it to flourish. The new
        provide personal protection equipment  ages 8-14, selling original art in the lower  enrichment.”                  nonprofit model is expected to open more
        support, and fund materials and instruc-  level classroom.                     Children as young as 3 can get a taste  doors with the assistance of grantors and
        tion for art enrichment outreach pro-    “Events likes these are wonderful to  for art through the early art education pro-  donors, who now may gain a tax deduction
        grams.                                 have for the mental health of our youth,  gram. The Art House collaborates on sev-  from their contribution.
           “We're operating with a streamlined  especially during COVID-19. Other high  eral student exhibits for middle school  “In the past we've raised funds with
        business model: accounts payable, payroll,  school kids got involved by volunteering to  and high school art students. More recent-  more than 200 members who contributed
        and expenses are now conducted by      help manage the market,” Maten said.   ly, the facility has provided art classes to  yearly,” Maten said. “Since COVID-19, our
        myself and overseen by the board. “We    The Art House recently established an  people with Parkinson's disease and other  membership has dropped to 40 members.
        appreciate having the city close by for  online store. Now patrons can view and  illnesses - making a big difference in their  Our events such as Arts & Acts, Painting
        advice on financial matters and assisting  purchase art online and pick up their pur-  lives.                      with Paws, Young Artists Art Market and
                                                                                       The building itself is unique and well-
        with connections,” Maten said.         chases through a no-contract method.  loved. It's clad in brick and aluminum-sid-  Art Crush are annual fundraisers that
                                                                                                                           bring in half of our revenue each year. All
                                           ”                                         ing with a tall pillared porch tucked  of these events have been hit hard by the
                                                                                                                           virus. If things go well, we hope to have
                                                                                     behind the Northville District Library,
                          The new nonprofit model is expected to                     between the Northville Post Office and  these activities back next year,” she said.
                     open more doors with the assistance of grantors                 Oakwood Cemetery with the City Dog       “Our budget has taken a large decrease
                                                                                     Park almost in the back yard. The gift shop  in classes, art sales, events, sponsors and
                             and donors, who now may gain a                          is located off the main entrance and an  donations,” Maten noted. “It's really vital
                           tax deduction from their contribution.                    exhibition gallery is on the second floor is  that we make up for lost revenue through
                                                                                     an ideal space for showcasing a variety of  fundraising, now and in the next couple
                                                                                     artwork. Classes take place in the lower  years.”
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