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September 17, 2020                                             ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5


        City OK's purchase of solar speed signs

           Motorists in Westland will be           ”                  two separate High Schools on
        graphically reminded to slow                                  Cowan Street; Glenwood near
        down in several areas by solar                                Treadwell (westbound) due to
        powered radar signs.                                          the Schweitzer Elementary
           Members of the city council                                School and the school crossing
        approved the purchase of 10 of      Reduced speeds            on Glenwood; Henry Ruff
        the solar-powered radar signs at       help protect           between Annapolis and Van
        a cost of $27,285 at a recent meet-                           Born (northbound) due to the res-
        ing.  The purchase will be funded    our pedestrians          idential area and the church
        through the city Metro Act budg-      and bicyclists,         along with the large curve of the
        et.  The city utilizes state Metro                            roadway making speed an issue
        Act funds for public improve-                                 in that area and Venoy between
        ments within city right of ways.                              Cherry Hill and Palmer due to
           In 2019, Westland received a                               the high number of speed viola-
        traffic grant which allowed for                               tions and the close proximity of
        the strategic placement of simi-                              the houses located on the busy
        lar solar radar signs throughout                              roadway.
        the community.  Existing signs  and Hunter (both northbound     “During the Master Planning
        have shown to significantly    and southbound) due to Jaycee  process in 2017, the City of
        reduce speeding in those loca-  Park, Edison School, as well as  Westland identified pedestrian
        tions, noted Police Chief Jeff  the Mike Modano Ice Arena; Ann  safety as a priority to increase
        Jedrusik.                      Arbor Trail in the area of     walkability in the community,”
           “Reduced speeds help protect  Hubbard Street (both eastbound  commented Mayor William R.
        our pedestrians and bicyclists,”  and westbound) due to the new  Wild.
        Jedrusik said.  “After conducting  subdivision which may increase  “The purchase of these signs
        further traffic studies, we have  vehicular traffic and also the  will allow us to continue making
        identified additional locations  recent removal of a red light  progress towards that goal as
        which would increase the effi-  which had been in placed at the  well as increase the safety of our
        ciency of our pedestrian safety  intersection for many years;  roadways.”
        program.”                      Cowan between Farmington and     Installation of the new signs is
           Signs are proposed for instal-  Millwood Street (both eastbound  slated to take place this fall, offi-
        lation at Wildwood between Ford  and westbound) due to having  cials said.
                                       Public service director awarded national honor

                                          Ramzi El-Gharib has been                                                                 in civil engineering from Wayne
                                       presented a life membership                               ”                                 State University and is a regis-
                                       award by the American Public                                                                tered professional engineer in
                                       Works Association (APWA). El-                  Ramzi is well respected by                   the State of Michigan.
                                       Gharib, the public services direc-              his peers and has been                        “Ramzi is well respected by
                                       tor for the City of Westland, was                                                           his peers and has been an
                                       selected for the honor in recogni-          an incredible asset to our team.                incredible asset to our team,
                                       tion of his 30 years of continuous                                                          bringing a wealth of knowledge
                                       membership with the APWA.                                                                   and experience from his long
                                          The American Public Works                                                                municipal career,” commented
                                       Association is a national organi-  The APWA strives to increase  and quality of life.       Westland Mayor William R. Wild.
                                       zation with memberships in all  competence, credibility, and    El-Gharib has served as the  “Under his leadership, many
                                       50 states and Canada. It pro-  influence of a growing communi-  Westland director of public serv-  Westland Public Works projects
                                       motes professional excellence  ty of diverse and committed pub-  ice since July of 2014 and has  have been recognized and
                                       through education, advocacy, and  lic works leaders who serve as a  worked for municipal govern-  awarded “Project of the Year” by
                                       the exchange of knowledge,     centerpiece of every community  ments for 33 years.  He obtained  the APWA over the past six
                       Ramzi El Gharib  according to the official website.  to enhance health, productivity,  a bachelors and masters degree  years.”
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