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‘Diversity’ prompts company move to Romulus
Calling the City of Romulus said. “Suddenly, we are no longer
“the perfect fit” a premier ” operating in this old model that
provider of business process We decided that instead of waiting for says we have to hire people in a
solutions will be moving to the specific physical location. Now,
community. the demographics to change within we can hire new colleagues from
FCR will move the company our existing communities, we would proactively expand all over the country, targeting
contact center operations into communities where we can
the city. The proposed expansion into diverse communities and communities of color. access the best folks for specific
is part of an FCR pledge to con- roles and programs.”
tinue bringing opportunity and “We decided that instead of
jobs to smaller communities waiting for the demographics to
across the United States while talent base, as well as a business- doing everything we could to change within our existing com-
strengthening its commitment to friendly economic climate,” increase diversity, equity, and munities, we would proactively
diversity, equity, and inclusion, Romulus Mayor LeRoy Burcroff inclusion in our workplaces, expand into diverse communi-
corporate officials said. said. “We are thrilled to partner especially when it came to race. ties and communities of color,”
“I've always believed that the with the forward-thinking lead- FCR has always been a company Achak said. “There are economic
best way to make an impact is ers at FCR to bring new and con- that has embraced diversity, and and demographic conditions in
through investment in our com- tinuing job opportunities that we support the movement for those communities that mirror
munities,” said FCR President offer local residents direct access racial justice. One of our biggest what we see in Oregon, Montana,
and Founder Matthew Achak. to a career in technology, with challenges has been overcoming and Idaho.”
“After doing substantial research the added flexibility of a work- the lack of diversity within the “We have become a major LeRoy Burcroff
into cities and towns for our next from-home schedule.” regions that we currently operate employer in every city we cur-
expansion, we decided that the FCR plans to expand into and reside in. How does a com- rently operate in. We are excited Customer Service and Technical
city of Romulus presented us Romulus and other diverse com- pany increase its diversity when to bring new jobs and interesting Support. In addition to entry-
with many new opportunities. munities as part of an effort to little diversity exists where you work to the Romulus communi- level positions, the company will
Romulus fits perfectly into our promote diversity, equity, and work and live?” ty,” said Katheryn Carnahan, also provide leadership and
business model of offering cus- inclusion, and address inequality As the country began to tackle COO for FCR. management opportunities. FCR
tomer service and technical sup- in the workplace, Achak noted. the challenges of the “What makes us different is is currently recruiting to support
port jobs to those living in small The company has pledged to Coronavirus pandemic, FCR piv- that we offer our colleagues the one of its largest clients, which is
to mid-size communities. increase its racial diversity, and oted away from a traditional opportunity to build lasting expanding its business in 2020.
Romulus is a diverse city filled is currently hiring a Diversity, brick-and-mortar call center careers that utilize each individ- The company will initially hire
with hard-working people look- Equity, and Inclusion Manager to operation to a remote work from ual's unique talents,” Carnahan 15 to 20 colleagues, with plans for
ing for new employment oppor- ensure it meets its goals in this home business model in mid- said. “Our colleagues are the additional hiring throughout the
tunities and pathways into tech. effort. March. The move preserved most important part of the equa- year.
We are confident we will find “It is impossible to ignore nearly every company job, offi- tion to our success, and they Candidates will need a high-
plenty of candidates who have what is happening across the cials said. allow us to accomplish all of our speed internet connection from
the skill set we are looking for.” United States,” Achak said. “It “Unlike many industries dur- goals. We are confident that their home. However, FCR will
Mayor LeRoy Burcroff agreed made FCR take a look at our ing the pandemic, the demand Romulus will provide us with the provide all necessary computer
with Achak assessment of the efforts concerning diversity and for our services continues to talent-rich environment we have and telephone equipment. Those
community. equity. We started asking our- grow. We continue to add jobs, been searching for, and we can't interested in learning more
“The City of Romulus is a selves what we could do differ- hiring new employees directly wait to get started.” about FCR or who wish to apply
home of opportunity, with a ently and how we could make a into work-from-home positions FCR will immediately offer for a position can do so at
strong, diverse and hard-working difference. We asked if we were for the very first time,” Achak work-from-home positions for
GriefShare program is now under way at 5 Points Church
A grief-recovery seminar and GriefShare offers help and there will be encouraging, infor- study exercises that reinforce the safety and emotional securi-
support group will meet at 5 encouragement after the death mation-packed videos featuring the weekly session topics. ty of all attending and seating
Points Church in Romulus from of a family member or friend in leading grief recovery experts; a Participants cay attend any will be arranged for social dis-
6 until 8 p.m. each Thursday a warm, caring environment, support group with small group or all sessions. The $15 registra- tancing.
beginning Sept. 17. The church organizers said. discussions about the weekly tion includes a workbook/jour- More information is available
is located at 37300 Goddard at The GriefShare experience video content and a workbook nal and weekly handouts. by calling the church at (734)941-
Huron River Dr. offers a video seminar in which for journaling and personal- Masks will be required for 1511, or at
Visit health screening before being allowed to
start their shift, according to Amazon offi-
cials. Social distancing assistants scan the
FROM PAGE 1 work floor to determine when employees
are too close to each other. Functioning
adequate personal hygiene. Moreover, if somewhat like traffic lights, the social dis-
Amazon is willing to call the police on con- tancing assistants use video monitors
gresswomen it invited to tour its facility, which show a green light around employ-
we can only imagine the harassment and ees maintaining proper distance. Red
intimidation Amazon workers have faced lights appear around workers who are too
for speaking out. While some minor close together.
improvements have been made, many Those protocols were not in evidence
concerns remain unaddressed,” the elect- during the congresswomen's visit.
ed officials said. “Amazon has been posting record sales
In August, Amazon officials said the throughout the pandemic, only possible
company had spent more than $4 billion thanks to its fulfillment center workforce.
company-wide on improving coronavirus It's far past time that Amazon workers
procedures in facilities across the country. share in that prosperity, and having a safe
According to an Amazon blog post, workplace is the least Amazon can do. We
employees are provided training on mask- are grateful to the Amazon workers on the
wearing, proper hand washing techniques floor who thanked us for being there, and
and daily temperature checks. we will not stop advocating for their right
At the Romulus facility, employees to a safe and fair working environment,”
must undergo a temperature scan and Tlaib and Dingell said.
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