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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                       September 14, 2023

                                                        CANTON - SUMPTER
                                                        CANTON - SUMPTER

        Board OKs larger warning signs at Sherwood Pond

           While it may be a bit late in  cautions were necessary but                            ”                                 the township-owned pond in
        the season, visitors to Sherwood  were hesitant to ban swimming                                                            Banotai Park. He added that fed-
        Pond in Sumpter Township can   at the township park.                   Currently, testing for bacteria in the pond         eral standards might classify the
        expect to see much larger signs  Following discussion at a pre-                                                            pond as a lake, based on area
        advising them to swim at their  vious meeting, a public meeting           water is limited due to scheduling               size and depth as it is 20 feet
        own risk.                      was scheduled for input regard-        inconsistencies with available laboratories          deep in spots.
           Currently, testing for bacteria  ing township residential ponds.                                                          “At the minimum, we need
        in the pond water is limited due  Oddy said there was no public            and there is no lifeguard on duty.              larger signs permanently
        to scheduling inconsistencies  input on the proposed ban at                                                                installed,” Oddy said.
        with available laboratories and  Sherwood Pond at that meeting.                                                              LaPorte agreed and suggested
        there is no lifeguard on duty at  Township Manager Anthony                                                                 investigating a possible regular
        the pond. Last month, Trustee  Burdick explained the three-   communities where the water is  Labor Day holiday it could be the  testing routine for next year.
        Matt Oddy suggested taking the  week cycle of testing the pond for  filtered and cleaned, testing  end of swimming season at the  The board members agreed to
        precaution of prohibiting swim-  bacteria or harmful elements  takes place three times a day to  pond.                     increase the signs cautioning
        ming at the pond due to several  noting that by the time the testing  ensure safety of those using the  Oddy was also concerned that  swimmers to 3 feet by 3 feet. In
        drownings in surrounding       was complete, the environment  facility.                     township ordinances are in place  the absence of Supervisor Tim
        municipal water attractions.   at the pond had changed due to   Trustee Don LaPorte said he  regarding residential ponds in  Bowman, Trustee Peggy Morgan
        Most members of the board      the weather conditions. He noted  was concerned with the safety at  the community, but those same  cast the only no vote on the cau-
        agreed with Oddy that some pre-  that some water features in other  the pond but noted that after the  regulations are not enforced at  tionary signage.
        Brews, Brats and Bands returns to Preservation Park

           A 14-year tradition will    community engagement, as well
        return to Preservation Park in  as the Canton Cares Fund,
        Canton Township Sept. 23.      which supports the Canton
           Since 2010, Brews, Brats and  community by providing finan-
        Bands has attracted craft beer  cial assistance to disaster relief,
        lovers and the older than 21   therapeutic recreation, youth
        crowd to the special event set  and senior programs, he added.
        for 6 until 9 p.m. The event has  Admission includes seven
        been revamped by host Canton   tasting tokens each good for
        Leisure Services and the       beer, cider, or seltzer tasting
        Village Arts Factory. Sponsors  samples, as well as two grilled
        of the event include Schoolcraft  brats of customer’s choice (veg-
        College, Maraschinos Pub, and  etarian option available), a                 snack from the pretzel neck-
           “Metro Detroit's growing    lace-making station, water, chili
        craft beer culture can taste and  cook-off tastings, and a com-
        appreciate over 50 specialty   memorative mug. The brats will
        beers, ciders, and seltzers in  be provided by Maraschinos
        one location,” said Kevin Ryan,  Pub. Plus, musical entertain-
        Village Arts Factory program   ment will be performed
        director. “Any event involving  throughout the evening by
        drinking craft beers, eating   Standing Room Only.
        brats, and listening to music    Tickets are $45, if purchased
        with friends and family is     online before Sept. 23 and $50
        bound to be a good time. Plus,  at the door (cash only). Tickets
        proceeds from this year's event  can be purchased online at   Brews, Brats and Bands has always attracted the older than 21 crowd to Preservation Park in Canton
        will benefit the Village Arts  Township. The event this year is set for 6 until 9 p.m. Sept. 23.
        Factory, which is a 501(c)(3) non-  Designated Driver tickets are
        profit organization based in   also available for just $15.   receive four additional tickets  dees are encouraged to bring  Canton's Brews, Brats, and
        Canton that serves as a nexus  Additional beer-tasting tickets  for just $5.  Limited seating and  their own folding chairs.  Bands, visit www.cantonfun
        for the arts, culture, music, and  are available for purchase;  tables will be provided, so atten-  For more information on  .org/678.
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