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September 14 – 20, 2023                                 NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST                                                  75¢

         No. 37                                                                                    www

                                       Wayne vs. Miller lawsuit goes to appeals court

               Vol. 138, No. 37           While the City of Wayne law-                                                              According to Rasor, there is a
             While it may be a bit late  suit against former Councilman                         ”                                currently motion before Gibson
          in the season, visitors to   Anthony Miller was dismissed           Should the appeals court find in Miller's          requesting that Miller be grant-
          Sherwood Pond in Sumpter     Aug. 30 by Third Circuit Court              favor, it could establish a legal             ed attorney fees and costs along
          Township can expect to see   Judge Sheila Gibson, a counter                                                            with other sanctions. That
          much larger signs advising   claim by Miller will be heard by         precedent for other elected officials.           means, Rasor said, the judge
          them to swim at their own    the Michigan Court of Appeals                                                             could decide to levy some pun-
          risk.                        and could establish a legal                                                               ishment against the city for “act-
                          See page 6.  precedent.                                                                                ing in bad faith.” The bad faith,
                                          Miller is claiming discrimina-  tled to the same protections as  cluded that she should be disci-  Rasor explained, would be the
                                       tion by city officials and is  “usual employees.” Should the  plined up to and including ter-  proof presented during the trial
                                       demanding redress under the   appeals court find in Miller's  mination. The city lawsuit  that city officials knew the
                                       Elliott Larsen Act which pro-  favor, it could establish a legal  alleged that the report was a  report was not confidential
                                       hibits discrimination based on  precedent for other elected offi-  confidential work product.  before the lawsuit was filed.
                Vol. 76, No. 37        race, religion or sexual orienta-  cials, Rasor said.          The judge dismissed the       Rasor said the issue before
             A 14-year tradition will  tion. The city argument is that  The city lawsuit claimed that  claims of the city noting that the  the appeals court claiming dis-
          return to Preservation Park  Miller, as an elected official, was  Miller, now 64, had breached his  statute of limitations had  crimination would establish the
          in Canton Township Sept. 23  not a city employee and there-  fiduciary responsibility to the  expired before the suit was filed  employment status of Miller and
          when Brews, Brats and        fore not afforded those protec-  city when he provided a hostile  and that the city allegation that  other elected officials, determin-
          Bands returns.               tions.                        work environment investigation  the report was ever confidential  ing if they are in fact municipal
                          See page 6.     Miller's attorney, James Rasor  report to Michigan State Police  was disproven by a video tape of  employees. While elected offi-
                                       of the Rasor Law Firm, strongly  as part of a criminal investiga-  a city council meeting in which  cials are not traditional employ-
                                       disagrees with the city argument  tion. The 2018 report dealt with  the posting of the report on the  ees, he said, the city should not
                                       noting that the city “ruthlessly  the conduct of former City  city website was discussed and
                                       attacked” Miller and he is enti-  Manager Lisa Nocerini and con-  approved by officials.           See Lawsuit, page 2
                Vol. 76, No. 37

             The manhunt for an           Celebrate the season
          armed and dangerous 25-
          year-old Inkster resident sus-
          pected of fatally shooting his  Traditional Romulus Pumpkin Festival begins tomorrow
          mother continues through-
          out the area.                     The 25th annual Romulus
                          See page 3.     Pumpkin Festival, a three-day
                                          event that begins on the third
                                          Friday in September each
                                          year, will begin tomorrow,
                                          Sept. 15, at Romulus Historical
                                          Park located at 11147 Hunt St.
                Vol. 23, No. 37             The event will begin tomor-
            Northville will celebrate     row evening with the tradition-
          the history of the community    al Rotary Club Festival of
          during the annual Victorian     Lights where everything is
          Festival set for Sept. 22, 23   aglow, from bicycles to cement
          and 24.                         trucks. Thousands of people
                          See page 4.     line Goddard Road to wait for
                                          the vehicles to pass by during
                                          the event. Information about
                                          the parade rules and entry
                                          requirements is still available
                                          on the Romulus Rotary
                Vol. 23, No. 37           Facebook page or email
             Friends of the Penn has
                                            During the weekend, the
                                                                         tomorrow, from 11 a.m. until
          received a grant of $19,000     street festival features music,  11 p.m. on Saturday and from  Pumpkin Festival Punkin  sponsored by St. John's Lodge
                                                                                                   Chuckin contest. The event
                                                                                                                                #44 will take place from 1
          from the Margaret Dunning       food, crafts, and games for all  11 a.m. until 5 p.m. Sunday.  will begin at 3:30 Sept. 16 at  until 4 p.m. Saturday, north of
          Foundation to support the       ages. There is a classic car  There will be cash prizes all  the festival hospitality tent. No  the Historical Park Pavilion.
          upgrade of house lighting at    show and a craft and vendor  three days.                 pre-registration is required,  The registration fee is $15 per
          the Penn Theatre.               show along with live musical   The Romulus Professional  although competitors are cau-  person and advance registra-
                          See page 5.
                                          entertainment. Organizers   Fire Fighters IAFF Local 4126  tioned to warm up their throw-  tion is encouraged. There will
                                          said the Pumpkin Festival is a  will serve pancakes from 8  ing arms to compete for the  be trophies for the first and
                                          celebration of friends and fam-  until 11:30 a.m. at the park on  various prizes.     second place teams and
                                          ily; a harvest celebration that  Saturday. Breakfasts of pan-  In addition to the entertain-  medals for the third-place
                                          generates an enthusiastic spir-  cakes, sausage, coffee and  ment and games, a 5Krun and  team.
                                          it and regenerates a sense of  juice will be prepared and  walk is planned for 9 a.m.   The tournament is a benefit
                Vol. 138, No. 37
                                          community.                  served by members of the     Sunday, Sept. 17. The run will  for the Sickle Cell Disease
             The Romulus Public             The public will be given a  Romulus Fire Department.   begin behind the Romulus     Association of America and
          Safety Foundation received      chance to pick their favorite  The cost for the meal is $5 for  Senior Center, 36525 Bibbins  donations are also accepted.
          a $5,000 donation from          entries in several tasting and  adults and $4 for seniors.  St. in Romulus.           For more information, call
          Domino's last week to be        craft   competitions    on  Children 4 and younger eat at   Check in will begin at 8:30  Brother James Brown at (734)
          used for events like the com-   Facebook and winners for all  no cost with the purchase of an  a.m., warm-up at 8:45 a.m. and  389-5372.
          munity bike ride.               contests will be announced on  adult breakfast. More informa-  the run will officially begin at 9  The event is organized
                          See page 3.     Facebook and contacted indi-  tion is available from Capt.  a.m. There will be first, second  each year by a Pumpkin
                                          vidually. Bingo games spon-  John Thiede at (734)740-1194.  and third place prizes.   Festival Committee, first
                                          sored by the Romulus           Also on Saturday is the pop-  Information is available at  established in 1996 for the
                                          Chamber of Commerce will    ular Romulus Downtown        (734) 955-4521.
                                          take place from 4 until 12 p.m.   Development  Authority    The Corn Hole Tournament         See Festival, page 3

                Vol. 76, No. 37
             Wayne police officers     School board recall petitions are rejected by county
          were recognized for out-
          standing performance dur-       Petitions to recall three of the                      ”                                to Native Americans. Despite
          ing the regular meeting of   seven members of the Plymouth-              The change of logo and name                   results of a May 2023 community
          the city council last week.  Canton Community Schools                                                                  school district supported survey
                         See page 2.   Board of Education were reject-          was unpopular with several parents               - with 6,206 respondents - which
                                       ed by members of the Wayne                                                                showed a majority of community
                                       County Election Commission         and district alumni who protested the measure.         respondents in favor of keeping
                                       last month.                                                                               the Chiefs name and image, the
                                          The petitions, seeking the                                                             board members approved the
                                       recall school board members                                                               change.
                                       Lauren Christenson, Patrick   recall campaign was reportedly   The change of logo and name   To get a recall on the ballot in
                Vol. 76, No. 37        Kehoe, and Shawn Wilson were  prompted by objections to the  was unpopular with several par-  Michigan, recall supporters
             While Halloween pump-     filed Aug. 7 and rejected for lack  school board members' 6-1 vote  ents and district alumni who  must collect signatures equal in
          kins and decorations are just  of clarity on Aug. 17. The  to retire the Canton High School  protested the measure during a  number to 25 percent of voters
          beginning to appear through-  remaining three board members  arrowhead logo and eliminate  fractious July board meeting.  in the jurisdiction in the last
          out the community, Wayne     were too recently elected to be  the name "Chiefs" in response to  The change was prompted by a  gubernatorial election. They
          and Westland officials have  subject to recall by state law.   possible claims of cultural  student presentation to the  have 60 days between the collec-
          Thanksgiving on their minds.    According to election com-  appropriation. Trustee Sheryl  board members last year argu-  tion of the first signature and the
                          See page 2.  mission documents, the petition-  Picard cast the sole dissenting  ing that the arrowhead logo and  collection of the last signature
                                       er was Howard L. Ring.  The   vote against the measure.     Chief's name were disrespectful  on the petition.

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