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City controller selected for leadership academy
City of Westland Controller Crain's Leadership Academy
Devin Adams has been selected ” has become a sought-after, ener-
to attend the prestigious 2020 He has demonstrated constant professionalism gizing and impact-driving pro-
Crain's Leadership Academy. and dedication to his position and has taken gram within the Crain's
Adams has served as the Academy suite of programs.
Westland controller/purchasing on increasing levels of responsibility with ease. Now offered annually, the pro-
director since December of 2012. gram is part-time and presented
He holds a bachelor's degree in during five Friday sessions.
finance from Western Michigan formers are nominated by their ed constant professionalism and “I am very excited to partici-
University and is currently pur- CEO to participate in this exclu- dedication to his position and pate in this prestigious program
suing his master's degree in sive program for advancing pro- has taken on increasing levels of that has helped nearly 70
business administration at fessionals poised for leadership responsibility with ease,” com- ascending leaders hone their
Wayne State University. positions within their organiza- mented Mayor William R. Wild. skills since it was introduced in
Crain's Leadership Academy tions. This year the program “He has already demonstrated 2017,” commented Adams.
offers the best of personal devel- will specifically focus on an immense level of profession- “I look forward to collaborat-
opment, professional growth, resiliency and how to navigate a al growth and it was my honor to ing with like-minded peers from
leadership exposure and civic leadership role in turbulent nominate him for this program a cross section of industries and
outreach through discovery ses- times. which will allow him to take his organizations and bringing new
sions and guest CEO speakers, “Devin has been an incredi- leadership skills to the next skills back which will allow me
according to a prepared state- ble asset to our team for the past level.” to better serve the residents of
ment from the city. High per- eight years. He has demonstrat- Since launching in 2015, the Westland.” Devin Adams
Wayne to welcome Scarecrow Show to downtown
While scarecrows were origi-
nally designed to discourage vis- ”
itors, those coming to downtown Every year we have residents, organizations,
Wayne this month are expected and other businesses that create a unique scarecrow
to draw crowds to the area.
Wayne Main Street will again to be displayed in downtown Wayne.
sponsor the Scarecrow Show
throughout the downtown area
this month. Community mem-
bers will be able to register to downtown. Residents and visi- businesses that create a unique
participate in the event this year tors will also have the opportu- scarecrow to be displayed in
until Sept. 21. Those interested nity to vote on their favorite downtown Wayne. This event
in participating can register by scarecrows during a balloting has become a staple of the city,
downloading an entry form and reception planned from something the residents look
online at noon until 3 p.m. Oct. 17 in forward to,” commented Wayne Derby's Alley at 34924 W. Main Street Executive Director
or by registering in person at the Michigan Ave. The event will Lori Morrow.
Wayne Historical Museum at feature music as well as donuts Founded in 2011, Wayne Main
One Town Square during busi- and cider from the Dexter Cider Street has evolved into one of
ness hours. The entry fee for the Mill. The 2020 Scarecrow con- the largest civic organizations in
Scarecrow Show is $20 or $15 for test winners will be announced the city. Last year volunteers
returning participants who during the reception. contributed more than 2,700
already have a scarecrow frame. Launched by Wayne Main service hours to the community.
Scarecrows will be on display Street in 2011, the Wayne In 2014 the organization was rec-
throughout downtown from Scarecrow Show has become a ognized by the Michigan Main
Sept. 26 through Nov. 6 and com- signature event for downtown Street Association as a Select-
munity members are encour- Wayne. Level Main Street community.
aged to visit each of the installa- “Every year we have resi- For more information, visit
tions, while exploring historic dents, organizations, and other