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PAGE 2                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                       September 10, 2020

                                                       INKSTER - ROMULUS
                                                       INKSTER - ROMULUS

        Clerk advises caution with absentee ballots

           Romulus City Clerk Ellen                                                                    She also cautioned voters
        Craig-Bragg had some strong                               ”                                 about the potential delay in mail
        advice for those planning to use            If you already submitted a request              service for the ballots and sug-
        absentee ballots in the upcoming    for an absentee ballot before the primary election,     gested that voters complete the
        November election.                                                                          absentee ballot as soon as possi-
           “Do not turn your ballot over         you do not need to request another one,            ble and mail it no later than the
        to one of these groups to bring to            despite these mass mailings.                  middle of October.
        city hall for you,” she advised vot-                                                           “If voters are not comfortable
        ers. “I strongly recommend                                                                  sending the ballot by mail, they
        against this. These groups have                                                             can take advantage of the stain-
        good intentions, but this has to do  request for an absentee ballot  In response to a question from  less steel box outside city hall,”
        with protecting your ballot and  before the primary election, you  Councilwoman Kathy Abdo,  she said. Abdo noted that this is a
        accountability.”               do not need to request another  Craig-Bragg said she expected  secure ballot box and that voters
           Craig-Bragg's comments came  one, despite these mass mail-  that the absentee ballots would  can even drive up to drop in their
        at a recent meeting of the mem-  ings,” Craig-Bragg said. She sug-  be mailed “in a couple of weeks.”  ballots.
        bers of the city council when she  gested any resident with a ques-  She explained that the county is  Craig-Bragg noted that there
        reminded residents that requests  tion about the status of their  required to provide the ballots to  is another drop box in the lobby
        for absentee ballots need to be  absentee ballot request call her  municipalities 45 days before the  at city hall and a third in her
        made only once. She said her   office and the staff would be able  election but that currently “they  office, all of which are secure.
        office was receiving phone calls  to help determine whether they  are still grappling with the pri-  She said that her office even
        from some voters who were con-  were already on the absentee  mary election.” She said she  offers curbside services for those          Ellen Craig-Bragg
        fused by several mass mailings  ballot request list.          expects the ballots to arrive in  who may be disabled and a quali-  there with good intentions,” she
        suggesting they request an absen-  “Before making a request,  her office near the middle of this  fied person could come to the  said, “but no, no, no, do not turn
        tee ballot when they may have  give us a call,” she said. Craig-  month and that processing of the  vehicle and accept their ballot to  your ballot over to any group to
        already done so.               Bragg's office number is (734) 942-  absentee ballot requests could  deposit for them.      submit it for you. Protect your
           “If you already submitted a  7540.                         then begin.                      “I know there are groups out  ballot,” she advised.
        Marijuana permit lawsuit against city is dismissed

           A lawsuit filed against the City  accordance  with  Inkster  ing impropriety in the denial of  “This is victory for the City of  this lawsuit. This lawsuit caused
        of Inkster for denying a marijua-  Ordinance 858 which prohibits  the license renewal. That lawsuit  Inkster and for those who were  division within our city and a
        na sales license was dismissed by  anyone with a criminal record  was dismissed by Circuit Court  wrongfully accused,” said Byron  storm of misinformation during
        a Wayne County Circuit Court   from operating a marijuana facil-  Judge Dana Hathaway Aug. 18. In  Nolen, former mayor of Inkster.    last year's municipal elections.
        judge last week.               ity in the city. One of the Suite B  the dismissal order, the judge  “From the beginning we   “Unfortunately, the loss of
           The lawsuit was filed in 2018  partners had a misdemeanor  said that the plaintiff (Suite B.  asserted that we acted properly  $100,000 in taxpayer money will
        by Suite B, Inc., which operated a  crime on his record at the time of  Inc.) had not presented a genuine  and within the City of Inkster's  have a direct impact on Inkster's
        medical marijuana dispensary in  the application for a renewal.  issue of material fact. The judge  ordinances to not grant the  finances,” he said in a prepared
        the city. A renewal of the license  Suite B, Inc. sued the City of  denied the request for costs and  renewal of the license.  It is  statement. “I knew the allega-
        to sell medical marijuana was  Inkster, former Mayor Byron    attorney fees in the legal pro-  unfortunate that it has cost over  tions made in the lawsuit were
        denied by the city that year in  Nolen and Charles Nolen, alleg-  ceedings.                 $100,000 in taxpayers money with  for political gain.”
        Detroit Metro Airport to receive federal COVID funding

           Officials   at    Detroit   Metro Airport. The Federal        The funding will go toward  cient,” said Stabenow. “Safe  our country,” said Peters. “I'm
        Metropolitan Airport in        Aviation Administration (FAA)  infrastructure improvements   and reliable air travel will also  pleased to announce this grant,
        Romulus received some good     grant is supplemented by the   including the purchase of two  help encourage businesses to  which will incorporate clean
        news last week.                Coronavirus Aid, Relief and    zero-emissions shuttle buses  invest in the region and create  energy technologies for airport
           According to U.S. Senators  Economic Security (CARES)      and associated charging infra-  jobs.”                       operations.”
        Debbie Stabenow and Gary       Act - which Stabenow and       structure.                       “Detroit Metro Airport is a   More information on the
        Peters, the Department of      Peters helped enact - to support  “This investment will make  world-class airport and a major  Department of Transportation
        Transportation (DOT) will be   airports affected by the COVID-  traveling to and from Metro  hub for logistics, transportation  Grant program can be found at
        awarding $1,957,480 to Detroit  19 pandemic.                  Detroit safer and more effi-  and commerce in Michigan and
        Census                                 Sept. 30.
                                                 The questionnaire, which can be com-
                                               pleted online, by phone, or in paper form
        FROM PAGE 1                            by mail, will ask how many people are liv-
                                               ing in the household, what type of property
        simply call 844-467-2020.              it is, and each resident's name, gender, and
           Responses to the census are kept anony-  age. The census will not ask for a person's
        mous. They are used only to produce statis-  Social Security number, bank account
        tics. The U.S. Census Bureau is bound by  number, credit card number, immigration
        law to protect the answers and keep them  status, or for donations.
        strictly confidential for 72 years.      For more information, go to
           Census takers will be in the area until

                               ORDINANCE NO. 2020-004
                                    CITY OF ROMULUS
                                  APPENDIX A - ZONING
                                    AMENDMENT 1.247
         An Ordinance to amend the Official Zoning Map of the City of Romulus by conditionally rezoning
         certain property from RC, Regional Center to M-1, Light Industrial.
         SHORT TITLE:   This Ordinance shall be known and cited as the Amended Zoning Ordinance.
         SECTION 1:     To conditionally rezone 60± acres of property, Parcel ID #80-038-99-0002-702
                        located on the north side of Smith Road east of Vining Road, from RC-Regional
                        Center to M-1, Light Industrial
                        LEGAL DESCRIPTION
                        10G1B H2A1B
                        PT OF THE NW 1/4 OF SEC 10 T3S R9E DESC AS BEG AT THE W 1/4 COR
                        OF SAID SEC 10 N 01D 10M 07S W 75 FT TH N 88D 58M 01S E 75 FT TO
                        POB TH N 01D 10M 07S W 856.03 FT TH N 88D 49M 53S E 66.50 FT TO
                        OF ECORSE CREEK THE FOLLOWING TEN (10) COURSES; N 52D 12M
                        18S E 334.10 FT TH N 64D 00M 18S E 407.82 FT TH N 76D 51M 05S E
                        214.75 FT TH S 81D 06M 16S E 36.03 FT S 42D 02M 22S E 141.86 FT TH S
                        78D 39M 54S E 26.59 FT TH N 81D 28M 27S E 175.99 FT TH S 75D 13M 29S
                        E 593.14 FT TH S 69D 23M 32S E 414.53 FT TH S 58D 00M 53S E 389.03 FT
                        TH S 00D 35M 49S E 50 FT SOUTHERLY OF THE APPROXIMATE CEN-
                        S 00D 35M 49S E 600.88 FT TH S 88D 58M 01S W 2518.11 FT TO POB
                        60.179 ACRES
         WAYNE ROAD, ROMULUS, MI  48174, 734-942-7540
         ADOPTED, APPROVED AND PASSED by the City Council at the City of Romulus this 23rd day
         of March, 2020.
         I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Ordinance as passed by the City Council of
         the City of Romulus at a regular Council Meeting held in the City Council Chambers in said City on
         the 23rd day of March, 2020.
         Ellen L. Craig-Bragg, Romulus City Clerk
         Introduced:    March 9, 2020
         Adopted:      March 23, 2020
         Published:      Sept. 10, 2020
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