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September 1, 2022                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 5


        Planning commission considers Downs plan

           Members of the Northville Planning Commission are
        expected to finalize their recommendations and list of
        conditions regarding the proposed development of the
        Northville Downs racetrack property.
           Under consideration are the preliminary site plans
        for the Hunter Pasteur mixed use development at the
        downtown site. During a meeting Aug. 16, commissioners
        discussed infrastructure, financials, and phasing and
        traffic concerns along Seven Mile Road. Members of the
        commission have addressed the question of sufficient,
        accessible parking and asked the developer about the
        shape of the retention pond in River Park. Hunter
        Pasteur Homes CEO Randy Wertheimer noted if the
        pond can be designed to allow for an additional pathway
        along the back of the carriage homes, they would present
        that option.
           Hunter Pasteur Northville (HPN) Executive Seth
        Herkowitz presented a PowerPoint during the Aug. 16
        meeting with a history and overview of the preliminary
        site plan, noting the six guiding principles stated in the
        Master Plan.
           “The plan has undergone a rigorous review and an
        extensive amount of community engagement,”
        Herkowitz said.
           The newest addition to the plan is a revised south
        gateway at Seven Mile and South Center featuring an
        Italianate design for the townhomes along South Center,
        and a tree-lined entrance on each of the curved corners                                            Artist's rendering of proposed Northville Downs development.
        leading into the development. The low brick wall with  (with lobbies); 1,515 total parking spaces, with 328 being  porary home on the Downs site after the fall 2023 season
        signage shown in a previous version was eliminated to  public spaces on streets for parallel parking and 10.44  ends though the 2025 season.
        focus on the architecture and landscaping. The signage  acres of total space (including the stormwater basin and  “We're at a tipping point. We've shown a level of trans-
        may become part of the roundabout.                 river) in River Park. He noted the open channel length of  parency and openness and have the financial viability,”
           New aerial views showed the interconnection     the daylighted river would be the same as the distance  Herkowitz said.
        between the condominium building, apartment building,  from North Center to Griswold along Main Street.   “We have the opportunity to take an under-utilized
        Central Park and commercial space on Cady St. Other   Herkowitz said construction of the apartment and  property with significant challenges and integrate a
        aerial views showed the residential areas, and River  condominium buildings would begin spring or summer  mixed-use development that will include historic and
        Park.                                              2023; the town homes along Seven Mile and Center next  generational, community and regional assets into the
           Herkowitz summarized site plan which includes 443  fall and the housing units south of Beal in 2024 with com-  existing beauty and charm that is Northville,” he con-
        housing units; 18,580 square feet of commercial space  pletion in 2027. The Farmers' Market would have a tem-  cluded.
        Art House exhibit to feature works of 40 artists

           The Northville Art House will  this year centers on pushing  and to release expectations, be  the viewer, the exhibition is  artist Brenda Beene Shackleford
        present the 14th annual West of  beyond what is comfortable to  playful, and have fun, explained  about finding the unexpected in  applied found natural and man-
        Center: Art That Pushes        create the unexpected. Artists  Creative  Director    Ryan   each work," Kaltenbach said.   made objects to create her
        Boundaries all-media exhibition  were encouraged to use tools,  Kaltenbach.                    Visitors to the exhibition will  assemblage, Gen 7 Sorrow aka
        through Sept. 24. The exhibition,  processes, and skills in uncon-  "For the artist, West of Center  find, among other intriguing  Eco Baby; and Detroit figurative
        juried by Detroit sculptor and  ventional ways; to take risks with  is about thinking outside of the  observations, how Novi artist  painter Zoe Beaudry merged
        instructor Sergio de Giusti, fea-  style by experimenting with  box and striving to push past  Peggy Kerwan combined an orig-  acrylic paint with artificial light
        tures 52 works created by 40   color, media, detail, and tech-  boundaries of personal comfort  inal photograph with digital ele-  to produce the mixed media
        artists from Michigan and      nique; to consider scale, materi-  and formulaic creativity to pro-  ments to create her photograph  work, Looking the Void in the
        around the country. The theme  als, ideas, and subject matter;  duce compelling works of art. For  of asphalt titled Pear; Roseville  Eye.
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