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September 1, 2022                                              ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3


        City prepares for annual Pumpkin Festival

           The 24th Annual Romulus
        Pumpkin Festival is planned for
        Sept. 16, 17 and 18 this year at the
        Romulus Historical Park located
        at 11147 Hunt St. in the city.
           The annual Pumpkin Festival
        is a three-day event that starts on
        the third Friday in September
        and begins with the Parade of
        Lights, where everything is
        aglow, from bicycles to cement
        trucks. The Parade of Lights,
        sponsored and organized by
        members of the Romulus Rotary
        Club, attracts a crowd of thou-
        sands, festival organizers said.
        The parade will begin at 8 p.m.
        Sept. 16.There is no entry fee for
        the lighted parade, but all entries
        must include multiple lights.
        Applications are available at the
        Community Development Office
        in Romulus City Hall, where the
        completed form should also be
        returned. All questions about this
        event must be directed to the  that generates an enthusiastic  festival  Facebook    page   and be judged by Romulus sen-  ers noted, although volunteers to
        Romulus Rotary Facebook Page   spirit and regenerates our sense  @DowntownRomulus       or  iors. Winners for all contests will  work at the event are still being
        @RomulusRotary or email        of community,” a spokesperson  emailed to cbradley@romulus-  be announced on Facebook and   sought. Vendor applications are      said. The Pumpkin Festival will The public will be given  contacted individually. All  still being accepted and dona-
           Attractions this year also  be also sponsor tasting and digi-  a chance to pick their favorite  entries must include the individ-  tions are appreciated, organizers
        include the Classic Car Show and  tal photo contests leading up to  entries on the Facebook page.  ual’s name, email, and phone  said. To volunteer, register or for
        Craft and Vendor Show. “The    the festival. All entries will be  Participants in the tasting con-  number.                information, call the Pumpkin
        event is a celebration of friends  due Sept. 9. Digital photo entries  tests must drop off their entries  Multiple contest entries have  Festival Hotline at (734) 955-
        and family; a harvest celebration  can be submitted online to the  at the Romulus Senior Center  already been received, organiz-  4577.
                                                                                                        ‘Miss Amazing’ is honored
           Off duty
                                                                                                           Members of the Romulus    Amazing is a non-profit
           Capt. Damian “Shrek” Hull retired after 25 years of service with                             City Council unanimously     organization supporting girls
           the Romulus Police Department last week. During his career with                              approved a formal recogni-   and women with disabilities.
           the department he served as a field training officer; crime preven-                          tion for local resident Lucy    Councilman      William
           tion officer; evidence technician and firearms / taser / defensive
           tactics instructor. Hull was a member of the CHIEF Task Force                                Taylor who was recently      Wadsworth said that he
           and established the department honor guard and was instrumen-                                crowned Miss Amazing Pre-    remembered when Taylor,
           tal in the Romulus Citizens' Academy. He served as the depart-                               Teen in a pageant in         the daughter of a former city
           ment accreditation manager and as operations captain.”Hull was                               Nashville, TN.               employee, was born. “She has
           also a master at creating pdf and excel forms. He was definitely a                              Taylor, a student at Barth  faced some difficult chal-
           man of many talents, and he will be missed. More than anything,                              Elementary School, brought   lenges but turned them into
           we will miss the delicious donuts that he would bring ‘almost’                               home the crown to Romulus    positive things,” he said.
           every Thursday,” a fellow officer said.The department also recent-                           noted City Councilwoman      Roscoe agreed commenting
           ly promoted several officers including Sgt. Matthew Reese, Sgt.                              Celeste Roscoe who pro-      that Taylor was an inspiration
           Andrew Carriger, Lt. Eric Smith, and Lt. Roger Salwa.                                        posed the resolution during  with her positive attitude and
                                                                                                        the Aug. 8 meeting. Miss     her passion for reading.

        Burcroff                               public officials of the highest integrity,”
                                               Detroit U.S. Attorney Dawn Ison said in
                                               a statement. “Those who abuse posi-
        FROM PAGE 1                            tions of trust by misusing campaign
                                               donations for their own benefit will face
        vacation, flowers, $4,500 in liquor    stiff consequences.”
        charges and dues and expenses at the     Burcroff's sentencing hearing is
        Belleville Yacht Club. Burcroff was also  scheduled for Dec. 8 before U.S.
        accused of wiring a payment in excess  District Judge Denise Page Hood.
        of $2,400 to the Belleville Yacht Club in  Sentencing guidelines indicate he
        November 2017 from the “Committee to   could serve 14 months in prison
        Elect LeRoy D. Burcroff ” checking     although Piszczatowski has argued that
        account.                               sentencing should be no more than 10
           Residents “deserve to be served by  months.
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