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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           August 19, 2021


        A taste of history

        Fall Festival, Rotary Club Chicken Barbeque returning to Plymouth

           The Plymouth Fall Festival will return
        Sept. 10, 11 and 12 this year bringing back
        many of the traditional events that attract
        thousands of people to the community
        each year.
           Tickets are already on sale for the
        famous Plymouth Noon Rotary Club
        Barbeque Chicken Dinners, a mainstay of
        the annual event.
           This year, the festival and the barbeque
        will each feature an added concentration
        on safety and health precautions.
           Festival President Eric Joy said that
        many of the civic booths are planning on
        including hand sanitizer and the festival
        committee will have hand sanitizing sta-
        tions throughout the festival venue.
           “We are keeping a very close eye on
        the Delta Variant,” he said. “We want to be
        sure everyone is safe.”
           This year, in addition to extra safety
        precautions, the chicken barbeque will
        benefit from the wisdom of legendary
        experience brought by one of the
        youngest chairman to lead the event.
           Brandon Bunt, who joined the          “He was a legend at the barbeque,”  and scholarships.                     from the sale of the dinners.
        Plymouth Rotary Club at 23, is the chair-  Bunt said.                          Each member of the committee works     This year, for the first time, the dinner
        man of the barbeque committee and         “Howard sponsored me in the club in  their way progressively through the vari-  boxes will also be sealed, adding another
        bears the overall responsibility for the  2010 and I think I was the youngest  ous posts of responsibility until, after five  layer of safety, he said.
        barbeque. In the age of COVID, that    Rotarian then,” Bunt said. “Howard was  years, they take on the responsibility for  Bunt and his wife, along with their 2-
        required a lot of extra precautions and  my friend and my mentor in so many ways  the entire project, overseeing every  year-old now live in Milford, but he is still
        some changes in the way things are being  and we developed a life-long friendship,”  aspect of the barbeque, which is a  loyal to the Plymouth Noon Rotary Club.
        done, he explained.                    he said. Bunt, under Oldford’s mentor-  momentous task by any measure. The  The couple is expecting twins, a boy and a
           “We are really emphasizing all safety  ship, eventually became the Rotary Club  new safety precautions added even more  girl, two weeks after the barbeque.
        and health precautions, even more than  Interact President at Salem High School  responsibility to the task.          “Yes, it's a lot of work,” he said, “but the
        usual,” Bunt said.                     and also advised Bunt during the start of  “This year, for safety, we have cut the  best years of my time in Rotary have been
           Bunt was sponsored into the club and  his first landscaping business while he  number of community volunteers from  my time on this committee.”
        mentored by Howard Oldford, one of the  was still in high school. After graduation,  1,000 to 500. We had to find ways to do  This year, the Barbeque Committee
        oldest and longest-serving members of  college and marriage, Bunt sold his land-  things more efficiently to have more safe-  includes Bunt; Gary Stolz - director of
        Rotary, who had a very proprietary inter-  scaping business and subsequently began  ty controls,” Bunt said. “We will have the  purchasing; Andy Savage - director of
        est in the barbeque and was there every  a new career as a founding partner of  100 or so Rotary Club volunteers, along  tickets; Eric Kostoff - director of opera-
        year, ensuring the success of the event. He  Trilogy Corp. which handles cleaning and  with some of their family members, all  tions; Danny Hyman - director of volun-
        was known for his constant analysis of the  sanitation for large corporations.  aware of the safety procedures,” he said.   teers; Jason Zarate - director of opera-
        procedures involved in producing 11,000  “My other mentor was Tim Joy,” Bunt   This year, the club hopes to sell all the  tions support and Kent Early - past chair-
        chicken dinners in one afternoon.      said, “the owner of Christensen's, another  dinners cooked on the huge charcoal bar-  man and committee advisor.
           “I participated in the barbeque, with  very successful guy and an active Rotary  beque pits they build Saturday night in  Advance sale dinner tickets are avail-
        Howard, since I was in high school. While  member.”                          the parking lot behind The Gathering.  able from most Rotary Club members for
        I only began working my way through the  Bunt doesn't hesitate to credit his busi-  Bunt said the club usually donates a num-  $12. Tickets the day of the event are
        committee six years ago, I have been   ness success to his mentors along with his  ber of dinners to local charities but this  priced at $14. Meals include a half chick-
        involved in the barbeque for decades,”  continued dedication to the Rotary Club.  year will donate to those civic and social  en, roll and butter, corn on the cob, a cook-
        Bunt said. He recalled that Oldford was  “I often think people may not know all  groups in more concrete ways using funds  ie and a bottle of water.
        constantly striving to improve efficiency  the things funded by Rotary in the com-
        of the barbeque operations and would   munity. We award scholarships to college
        constantly collect data, demanding to  and trade schools and fund so many social
        know the temperature of the chicken 15  and cultural services,” he said. The chick-
        minutes after it left the grill and exactly  en barbeque is the main fundraiser for
        how long each step in the preparation  the club, Bunt said, and the money goes
        took.                                  directly back into community services

        This year, members of the Rotary Club barbecue committee include Chairman
        Brandon Bunt; Gary Stolz, director of purchasing; Andy Savage, director of tickets;
        Eric Kostoff, director of operations; Danny Hyman, director of volunteers; Jason Zarate,
        director of operations support and Kent Early, the past chairman and committee advi-
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