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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           August 19, 2021

                                        INKSTER - WAYNE - WESTLAND
                                        INKSTER - WAYNE - WESTLAND

           Night out

           The   Inkster   Police
           Department celebration of
           National Night Out earlier
           this month brought out
           local residents of all ages
           to enjoy multiple attrac-
           tions including a wild ani-
           mal show from Animal
           Safari which gave visitors,
           and police officers, a very
           close look at a 16-foot-
           long python, a kangaroo,
           an alligator and a wood-
           chuck, among others
           exotic creatures. Inkster
           police officers and auxil-
           iary officers spent time in
           a dunk-tank and troopers
           from the Michigan State
           Police let visitors take a
           look at the patrol cars and
           other equipment. The
           guests enjoyed a wide
           array of free food, live
           music, a video game
           truck, bounce houses,
           henna artists and many
           other attractions in the
           parking lot at police head-
           quarters. Officers said the
           event was a huge suc-
           cess and they are hoping
           for even more participa-
           tion in the national event
           next year.

        Wayne receives federal funds to upgrade city amphitheater

           The City of Wayne was recent-                                                            residents about what they needed  "Our country needs to invest in
        ly awarded more than $550,000 in                          ”                                 and what mattered most to them,"  people and not broken structures
        federal funding for the rehabilita-                                                         Tlaib said in a prepared state-  that continue to target communi-
        tion of the Goudy Park               Throughout my time in office I've stayed deeply        ment.                          ties of color with over-policing
        Amphitheater in the city.          connected to the residents and communities I serve.         "What I heard is that residents  and incarceration. I voted against
           Congresswoman Rashida                                                                    are concerned about affordable  several FY2022 appropriations
        Tlaib, D-13th District, recently                                                            housing and neighborhood revi-  bills, including the supplemental,
        supported federal funding for                                                               talization, they want to see invest-  that did not prioritize my resi-
        both the Goudy Park project and  Also in the new bill is funding  ness system;              ments in education and job train-  dents' needs and failed to address
        funding for the construction of a  for the creation of Wayne-   "Throughout my time in office  ing, and they want to live in com-  the concerns that many of us
        Senior Wellness Center in the  Westland Build Your Future:    I've stayed deeply connected to  munities where everyone has the  have about policing at the Capitol
        City of Inkster.               Pathways To The Workforce pro-  the residents and communities I  opportunity to thrive. I was proud  and at home, escalating military
           No decision on the Inkster  posed program which is designed  serve. In the wake of recent flood-  to vote for several appropriations  spending, and support for repres-
        project had been announced at  to address the community need  ing in our district, I went door-to-  bills that will deliver important  sive regimes," the prepared state-
        press time.                    for an integrated career readi-  door to hear firsthand from my  resources to our communities.  ment concluded.

        City zoning update approved

           Zoning in Westland is about to get a  and also creating tables, and providing
        serious upgrade.                       graphic examples where appropriate.
           Members of the city council approved a  “In order to support Westland's align-
        contract Aug. 2, with metro-Detroit based,  ment with RRC Best Practices, the MEDC
        Wade Trim to conduct a comprehensive   has committed to reimbursing $30,000 of
        rewrite and update of the city zoning ordi-  expenses towards the rewrite project,”
        nance at a cost not to exceed $60,470.   officials noted in recommending the con-
           Westland officials said they had identi-  tract.
        fied the need to update the city zoning  “This project is the next step in pro-
        ordinance and corresponding zoning map  gressing towards Westland's vision for the
        in a way that will “promote the vision of  future,” commented Mayor William R.
        the community, modernize our zoning dis-  Wild. “Streamlining and simplifying our
        trict and be more user friendly. There has  framework will promote user-friendliness
        been no major update of the city's zoning  which will result in a more attractive and
        ordinance since 1997,” they said.      constructive guide for potential develop-
           Updating the Zoning Ordinance and   ers.”
        Map was also recommended under the       The audit and rewrite is expected to
        Michigan Economic Development          launch in September.
        Corporation (MEDC) Redevelopment         Any Westland resident interested in
        Ready Communities (RRC) program. The   participating on the steering committee
        RRC recommended that Westland incor-   for this project, or for more information,
        porate modern, user-friendly tools such as  can contact the planning department at
        centralizing development requirements  (734) 467-3219.

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