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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                           August 17, 2023


        Planning commissioner honored with state award

           Northville resident and volun-                             Planning Enabling Act and our
        teer Planning Commissioner                 ”                  own local zoning ordinance,”
        Donna Tinberg is the recipient of                             Tinberg said in an email.
        the Michigan Association of            My goal has              She also cited the process
        Planning (MAP) Helen S. Willis        been to keep            used for the Master Plan
        Outstanding Commissioner                                      updates, noting, “It was the first
        Award. The annual award honors         the process            time we'd established a smaller
        an individual who advanced or          transparent.           ad hoc committee to bring ideas
        promoted the cause of planning                                to the entire PC for action. That
        in the public arena. An awards                                ad hoc group (in addition to
        presentation is planned for Oct. 4                            Tinberg)    consisted     of
        in Traverse City as part of the  and municipal law. She has been  Commissioners Thom Barry,
        annual association meeting.    a champion of missing middle   Andrew Krenz, and Jeff Gaines.
           Tinberg was nominated for   housing and walkability.”      “The ad hoc group was really
        the award by City Planner Sally  City Councilmember Andrew    committed to providing meaning-
        Elmiger, of Carlisle Wortman   Krenz, a former planning com-  ful opportunities for public
        Associates, with letters of sup-  missioner, praised Tinberg's per-  engagement, a goal that was cer-
        port from city administration and  formance.                  tainly put to the test when the
        elected officials. Tinberg was   “She is a dedicated servant to  pandemic hit in 2020. Despite
        appointed to the Northville    her neighbors and community    those restrictions, we used cre-
        Planning Commission in 2017    that is motivated by dispassion-  ative methods, like virtual work-
        and became the commission liai-  ate application of ordinance and  shop opportunities, to garner
        son to the Board of Zoning     precedent in the spirit of provid-  public input on a future vision
        Appeals in 2018. She has served  ing substantial justice, even  for the Cady Street, South Center,
        as chair of the planning commis-  when the right decision can be  and racetrack districts of the
        sion since 2021 and has attended  unpopular, no matter the scale of  Master Plan. We've continued to
        more than 110 planning commis-  what's in front of her,” Krenz  use the concept of ad hoc work
        sion meetings, reviewed and    said.                          groups as we try to become more
        acted on 40 development propos-  “The Downs definitely has    proactive with reviewing/revising
        als, 30 ordinance amendments,  been a challenging process for all  certain sections of our ordi-  Donna Tinberg, taken from a group photo of the Planning
        and two master plan updates. As  parties - the PC, the developer  nances.”                   Commission. Photo by Liz Cezat
        the liaison to the zoning appeals  and residents. My goal has been  One of the most difficult deci-
        board, she has reviewed and    to keep the process transparent,  sions Tinberg said she faced as a  ments of our zoning ordinance.   my job to move forward in sup-
        acted on 47 cases and attended  courteous, and civil, so that we  member of the PC and BZA was a  “Balancing the rights of a  port of the vote of the full PC.
        33 meetings.                   don't damage the important     new project at 711 North Center  property owner, the preferences  “This is why we're trying to be
           In the nomination, Elmiger  human relationships that really  St.. “Community input reflected  of the neighbors, and the require-  more proactive in reviewing our
        noted that Tinberg “adheres to  are at the core of what makes  strong and significant concerns,  ments of the ordinance can be a  ordinance language to be sure it
        and advocates for the following  Northville a special place. We've  and, quite frankly, I personally  struggle,” she noted. “Ultimately  accomplishes what it needs to for
        principles: resident input, pre-  truly tried to negotiate the most  agreed that the project was  I voted my conscience on the  the community and provides us
        dictability in the planning    compatible project we can within  wrong for the specific area. The  final site plan for that project and  with the foundation to make good
        process, and adherence to state  the parameters of the state  problem was, it met the require-  was in the minority, so now it's  decisions in the future.”
        Northville to share funding of school resource police officer

           The City of Northville will  share the cost of an officer to be  Northville School District. The  the way the school district and  school district will split the cost;
        share the cost of a police school  based at Hillside Middle School.  city will assume 50 percent of the  police department pay for school  in year two, the city and school
        liaison officer with the Northville  The officer will also provide  cost of the officer in years two  crossing guards. Traditionally,  district will pay 75/25 percent,
        Public School District. Members  services at both Amerman     and three, up to the maximum  the school district contributes 50  respectively, and in year three,
        of the city council approved a  Elementary and Cooke School.  amount ranging between $54,000  percent of the cost - $15,000 to  the city will pay the full cost of
        three-year agreement between   The total first-year cost of up to  to $70,000. The new agreement  $20,000 - per year. In the first year  the crossing guards. The agree-
        the city and school district to  $135,000 will be paid by the  also contains an adjustment in  of this agreement, the city and  ment is effective until 2026.



           Max, the Northville Township Police therapy
           dog, recently completed the Alliance of
           Therapy Dogs examination with high marks,
           according to his partner and handler
           Community Service Ofc. Andrew Domzalski.
           Max, a goldendoodle, joined the department
           last September. He is now certified as part of
           the Pet Therapy Team. "Max's comforting pres-
           ence has and will continue to make a positive
           impact in our community," officials said.


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                              1988 CHEVROLET        1G2JB54K3L7560876      DEEMED ABANDONED       Auto Service Towing  2011 FORD            cities of Wayne.  All paper-
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          NEW CLIENT  HIGHLY  1GNER23D49S127526     2006 FORD                     AUTO           The following vehicles  1GNFK16RXVJ384846  amount due for towing
            RECOMMENDED       2010 FORD             1FMEU73886UA13161       WRECKING LLC AT      will be offered for sale  2002 OLDSMOBILE  and storage.  Vehicles
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           WILL TRANSPORT     1B3BD4FBXBN518816     2022 CHEVROLET                              1HD1LC313MB418658     2008 CHEVROLET        vehicles must be paid in
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                                                                                                                      2005 HONDA
               SHIRLEY        1GTDT136558201741     2014 BMW              KNDJC736675691861     2008 BUICK            1HGCM56815A148429     clusion of the auction.
                              2012 FREIGHTLINER
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            (734) 765-4564.   1FUJGLDR4CLBU1100     2010 MERCURY          1FMYU03153KB44000     2G4WC582581200114     1973 OLDSMOBILE
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                              2006 TOYOTA           3VWCK31CX5M417922     2003 TOYOTA           200 MERCURY           JHMCG5641XC003674           To place
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             J&M TOWING       1FMCU9GD5HUA60435     2016 CHRYSLER         1J4GL48K74W276823     1GNER23D89S129330
           8964 INKSTER RD    1998 CHEVROLET        1C3CCCBB6GN142391     2003 MERCURY                                2016 BASHAN LHJPCN-
          ROMULUS MI 48174    2GCEC19R0W1167296     2009 VOLKSWAGEN       2MEHM75W53X689907     2014 KAWASAKI         BJ2GB500278                classified
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         AND WILL BE SOLD AT    MARTINS’ TOWING     2011 CHEVROLET        2FMTK3J92FBB0178      1979 LINCOLNC         LL0TCAPH2NYS02424              in
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        08/30/2023 AT 12:00 P.M.  BROWNSTOWN,       1996 FORD             3FAHP07Z68R257197     2010 DODGE            JS1GR7LAX82105723          The Eagle
                                    MI 48193        3FCLF53G4TJA08641     2010 MAZDA            2D4RN5D13AR138764     2002 DODGE
        2019 STOUGHTON           AUGUST 25, 2023    1992 CHEVROLET        1YVHZ8BH6A5M40605     2006 PONTIAC                                        call
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        1GCGC34J4WE173316                                                                       2008 CHEVROLET        1HGCG5648WA139412       (734) 467-1900.
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