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August 17 – 23, 2023                                    NEWS YOU CAN USE, NEWS YOU CAN TRUST                                                  75¢

         No. 33                                                                                    www

                                       Commissioners reject raise in patio rent fees

               Vol. 138, No. 33           The much-publicized propos-                           ”                                Maguire was not in favor of a
             During the meeting of the  al to increase fees paid by                                                              proposed consistent set back
          Sumpter Township Board of    restaurant owners for use of city      None of us does this job for the power,            requirement noting that the city
          Trustees last week, township  sidewalks in Plymouth came to          the prestige, certainly not the income,           streets differ greatly. She sug-
          attorney Rob Young was hon-  a quiet resolution last week.                                                             gested the setback be deter-
          ored for his 35 years of serv-  Members of the Plymouth                                                                mined on a street-by-street
          ice.                         City Commission rejected the                                                              basis.  Maguire commented that
                          See page 3.  rate increase proposal with                                                               she and the commission mem-
                                       Mayor Nick Moroz casting the  maintaining the areas. Mayor  per square foot.              bers had been subjected to
                                       only vote in favor of a much  Pro Tem Suzi Deal noted that     Restaurant owners remained  “vile, vitriolic and disgusting”
                                       smaller increase than originally  the current rate and use of the  adamant that the clearance  comments regarding the pro-
                                       proposed.                     city property might not be fair to  should not be increased and  posed increase. She reminded
                                          During a commission meet-  taxpayers who fund repairs and  that the patios had been operat-  the assembled crowd which
                Vol. 76, No. 33        ing in Caster Park Aug. 7, the  maintenance. “It's all of our  ed at the current rate for more  included some of the restaurant
             The Summit on the Park    commissioners rejected the    taxes paying for this property,”  than 20 years. One owner  owners who publicly criticized
          Aquatic Center is currently  plan to increase the per square  Deal said.                 reminded the commissioners of  the proposal in the media that
          undergoing significant reno-  foot rental fee from $1.50 to $15,  Moroz was also in favor of  the value the restaurants add to  the officials dedicate their time
          vation, which is expected to  a 900 percent increase, which  requiring 6 feet between the  the community and the numer-  to the city in an attempt to
          be complete by mid-          had been suggested. Moroz sug-  building and the patio service,  ous sponsorships they provide.  improve the community.“None
          December.                    gested a 33 percent increase to  noting that the national stan-  He said that both the public and  of us does this job for the power,
                          See page 5.  $2 per square foot which was  dards of urban planning sug-  the owners benefit from the   the prestige, certainly not the
                                       defeated. Moroz reminded the  gested 8 to 10 feet. That propos-  patios as they add jobs, add  income,” she said. “We all do
                                       commissioners that there had  al was also defeated by commis-  value and give back through  this job because we love the City
                                       been no change or increase in  sioners. Some said they voted  numerous sponsorships and   of Plymouth,” she said.
                                       the rental rate for more than a  against the mayor's proposal  service club donations to sup-  No date for any further
                                       decade, despite the increase in  because they favored a larger  port the community.       action on the issue was dis-
                Vol. 76, No. 33        operating costs to the city for  rent increase, perhaps to $2.50  Commissioner   Alanna   cussed at the meeting.
             Visitors from as far away
          as Alabama, New Orleans,
          Cleveland, and Minnesota        Village festival
          traveled to Inkster last week
          to participate in the  Inktown
          Tour.                           3rd annual event features art, music, farmer’s market
                          See page 6.
                                            The Third Annual Cherry   evening of access to a variety of
                                          Hill Village Festival will return  specialty food trucks, live enter-
                                          to Canton Township Aug. 26  tainment, and a beer garden.
                                          and 27.                     Drink tickets can be purchased
                Vol. 23, No. 33             The event will include art,  in advance online at www.can-
                                          food, music, and other enter- for $20 for
            Northville volunteer
          Planning Commissioner           tainment at the crossroads of  five tickets.
          Donna Tinberg is the recipi-    Ridge and Cherry Hill roads, as  Day of event prices will be
          ent of the Michigan             well as at the Village Arts  $5 per ticket. Must be 21+ to
          Association of Planning         Factory.                    redeem tickets.
          Helen S. Willis Outstanding       The outdoor art festival will  The Canton Farmers Market
          Commissioner Award.             feature Village Arts Factory res-  will take place on Ridge Road
                          See page 4.     ident studio artists, food trucks,  from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. Sunday,
                                          live entertainment on two   Aug. 27 featuring a variety of
                                          stages, face painting, kids' activ-  Michigan-grown and produced
                                          ities and games, the 9th Annual  food as well as hand-crafted
                                          Rally on Ridge Food Truck   artisan items.
                                          event, the Canton Farmers      The market will take place  The Third Annual Cherry Hill Village Festival Aug. 26 and 27 will
                                          Market, a Sunday community  on Ridge Road in front of The  include artisan vendors; the annual Agent Orange Awareness 5K
                Vol. 23, No. 33           brunch, and more than 40 local  Village Theater. In addition,  run, live music on the Canton LIVE Stage and Rally on Ridge
             Long awaited plans for       vendors selling artwork, crafts,  there will be live music on the  food trucks. Photos courtesy of Canton Township.
          the Plymouth Road property      concessions, and home goods.  Canton LIVE stage, as well as a
          which formerly housed the       Presented by the Village Arts  community brunch presented
          Courthouse Grille will move     Factory, Canton Leisure     by Maraschino's Pub from 9-11
          forward using state funding.    Services, and the Canton    a.m.
                          See page 3.
                                          Chamber of Commerce, the       Registration is now open for
                                          event is sponsored by American  the second annual Agent
                                          1 Credit Union, Canton      Orange     Awareness    5K
                                          Preparatory High School, and  Run/Walk in Cherry Hill
                                          Jacob Matthew Jewelers.     Village.
                Vol. 138, No. 33            The festival will be open    The run/walk will start the
                                          from 11 a.m. until 9 p.m.   Cherry Hill Village Festival on
             Romulus Mayor Robert         Saturday, Aug. 26 and from 11  Saturday, Aug. 26, while also
          McCraight recently provided     a.m. until 4 p.m. on Sunday,  raising awareness of the linger-
          an update regarding the sta-    Aug. 27.                    ing effects of Agent Orange on
          tus of the reconstruction at      Live entertainment will take  veterans and their families.
          the intersection of Wayne       place on two stages: the Village  Registration is $45 per runner
          and Ecorse Road in the city.    Arts Factory Stage, located at  and includes a finisher medal.
                          See page 2.     50755 Cherry Hill Road and the  Official race T-Shirts and water
                                          Canton LIVE Stage, located on  bottles are also available for
                                          the corner of Ridge and Cherry  purchase online at the registra-
                                          Hill roads.                 tion site at https://rfeventser-
                                            The Village Arts Factory will
                Vol. 76, No. 33           present an array of music head-  agent-orange-5k, with proceeds
             Water from residential       liners, including Detroit jazz  helping to fund the continued
                                                                      operation of the Veterans
                                          legend Kimmie Horne and the
          taps in the City of Wayne       show stopping Blue Ensemble  Dormitory at the Village Arts
          remains contaminated with       from Ann Arbor. Additional per-  Factory.
          high levels of lead, according  formers include The Cherry      A kids' 1/4 Mile Fun Run is
          to inspectors from the          Bombs and the Swing City Big  now available for children, or
          Michigan Department of          Band.                       the young at heart. No pre-reg-
          Health and Human Services.        The Canton LIVE Stage will  istration is required.
                          See page 3.
                                          feature performances by: the   To participate just bring a
                                          Tequila Mockingbirds; Mad   donation of a toiletry item, a
                                          Mad World Band; The Kilk    pack of men's socks, or non-per-
                                          Band and the Rick Lieder    ishable food item on race day
                                          Band.                       for the Veterans Dormitory.
                                            The festival will include the  The run is sponsored by JDog
                Vol. 76, No. 33           9th Annual Rally On Ridge:  Junk Removal & Hauling..        In addition, shuttles will be  Saturday and from noon until 4
             Sts. Simon and Jude          This popular annual event is   Parking will be available on  available at: Trinity Health IHA  p.m. on Sunday.
          Catholic Church in Westland     now a part of the Cherry Hill  area streets, as well as in park-  Medical Group-Cherry Hill  For additional information,
          will celebrate mass for the     Festival and will take place  ing lots at Preservation Park  Village, Workman Elementary  visit www.villageartsfactory.
          last time Oct. 1 after 60 years  from 4-9 p.m. on Saturday, Aug.  and Cherry Hill United  School, and the Canton Dog  com or
          in the community.               26.  Visitors can enjoy an  Methodist Church.            Park from noon until 9 p.m.  1383.
                          See page 6.

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