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Voters favor incumbents during primary balloting
Last week, Westland voters Antoinette Martin and Sarah garnered a total of 4,311 votes or the November ballot.
narrowed the field of candidates Austin will all advance to the 12.29 percent of the totals. Westland voters also approved
who will go on to compete in the General Election when voters Candidate Fowlkes received a a new lower library millage by
general election on Nov. 2. will elect a mayor and four city total of 3,280 votes or 9.35 per- 52.15 percent. A total of 5,418 vot-
More than 10,500 ballots were council representatives. cent; Sampey received 2,660 ers cast yes votes on the question
cast in the Primary Election Aug. Official votes tallies show Wild votes or 7.58 percent; Cox was the while 4,972 said no. The current
3, with 8,115 of those as absentee with 6,763 votes, or 64.33percent choice of 2,523 voters or 7.19 per- operating millage was set to
ballots, according to the office of of the total votes cast with Green cent; Martin received 2,410 votes expire in 2022 and the 10-year .85
City Clerk Richard LeBlanc. The receiving 2,500 votes or 23.78 per- or 6.87 percent and Austin operating millage rate is less
top two candidates for the may- cent of the total. Beier received received Austin 2,172 votes or than the expiring level. The new
oral office, incumbent William R. 1,015 votes, or 9.65 percent while 6.19 percent. rate will become effective with
Wild and Councilwoman Tasha garnered 213 votes or 2.03 per- Candidate Candi Halton with- tax year 2022 and end in tax year
Green along with the top eight cent of the total. 2,002 votes or 5.71 percent; 2031. This additional millage will
city council candidates, incum- In the city council race, Hart Michael Delph with 1,967 votes raise approximately $1.45 million
bents Jim Hart, Peter Herzberg received 4,564 votes or 13.01 per- or 5.61 percent; Josh Powell with in the first year and will provide
and James Godbout along with cent of the total; Herzberg 1,624 votes or 4.63 percent and funding for continued library
candidates Debra Fowlkes, received 4,499 votes or 12.82 per- Jon Haddad with 1,289 votes or operations, according to library
Melissa Sampey, David Cox, cent of the total while Godbout 3.67 percent will not move on to officials. Mayor William R. Wild
Authority reappointment is approved
Jason Freese, the co-owner of
Norman's Market, has been reappointed
to the Westland Downtown Development
Authority (DDA).
Freese's reappointment was confirmed
by the members of the Westland City
Council during the Aug. 2 meeting. He will
serve a four-year term that will expire
July 18, 2025.
Freese is a graduate of John Glenn
High School and his father served on the
original DDA board under Mayor Robert
Thomas. During his first term on the DDA,
Freese was an active participant in many
sub-committees, including a steering com-
mittee which is currently developing a Jason Freese
comprehensive strategic plan for econom- Road and Wayne Road south of Ford
ic development within the community. Road to Glenwood. The DDA promotes
“As a small business owner, Freese and facilitates plans that result in contin-
Helping hands brings first hand experience of the needs ued development, redevelopment, revital-
of the businesses within the DDA,” com-
ization and/or reuse of properties within
Members of the Westland Fire Department have organized a Gofundme page on mented Mayor William R. Wild. “He is the DDA district boundaries. Regularly
Facebook to help the 33 families displaced by the Aug. 4 fire at Westwood Village enthusiastic about making a different in scheduled board meetings take place at 8
Apartments in the city. Firefighters responded beginning at about 11:20 p.m. after the community and we are happy to have p.m. the fourth Thursday of every month
a call about smoke in the hallway. Firefighters attempting to evacuate the resi- him continue to serve.” at city hall, 36300 Warren Road and are
dents were forced out of the building hallways by the rapidly expanding fire mov-
ing through the attic space. Firefighters battled the blaze for 12 hours before The DDA is governed by an 11 member open to the public.
bringing it under control. There were no injuries reported, officials said. Affected board appointed by the mayor and subject Anyone interested in serving on a
families lost all their belongings in the blaze. Firefighters, led by Jeffrey Stobbe, to the approval of city council. Members Westland board or commission can find a
organized the page to help the displaced families, hoping to raise $3,000 to help are appointed to four year terms. complete list of vacancies, information,
them. Last week, about $10,065 had been collected, officials said, as they Members must reside, work or have own- requirements and explanations on each
thanked all those who contributed. ership interest in property within the and an application on www.cityofwest-
DDA District that includes all of Ford