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New principal appointed at Moraine Elementary
When students at Moraine from the Moraine school communi-
Elementary School return to in- ” ty and with Northville Public
person classes next month, they I am honored to join the Moraine Schools administration.”
will be greeted by a new principal. “I recently had the opportunity
Members of the Northville staff and the Northville Public Schools. to tour Moraine Elementary and it
Board of Education unanimously is amazing to see how student lead-
approved a one-year contract with ership has had such a positive
Joseph Reimann who will serve as these areas of focus he established growth-mindset culture at Moraine impact on the entire school. After
principal at the school for the 2021- a character development program, that is a pillar of the legacy of talking with staff and some
2022 school year. supported teacher-led learning Principal Dr. Denise Bryan who is Northville families, it is clear that
Reimann joins Northville and led a Parent Book Club. retiring after 14 years as principal our community is committed to
Public Schools from Grosse Ile Throughout his career, at Moraine. character education, world-class
Township Schools where he taught Reimann has been committed to “Mr. Reimann emerged as an opportunities, and high expecta-
music education, including band, continuous learning and acquiring exceptional candidate with 15 tions. What has been most impres-
across the pre K-12 grades (prima- Google certification, attending years of combined administrative, sive as I've learned more about
rily at middle school) for 10 years leadership conferences, and con- teaching, and counseling experi- Moraine and Northville is that stu- Joseph Reimann
before moving into elementary necting with educators nationwide. ence dedicated to developing a dents have a voice in their school
administration in 2016. He has This dedication to personal and staff, empowering student leader- community - they are active in returned to CMU for a master's
served as principal at Meridian professional growth has provided ship and engaging a school com- making their environment a better degree in school counseling before
Elementary and Parke Lane him the expertise in building munity,” said Northville place for learning and leading. I earning his administration creden-
Elementary. During his time as school-community partnerships Superintendent of Schools Mary am honored to join the Moraine tial through Eastern Michigan
principal, Reimann focused on and developing a leadership cul- Kay Gallagher. “His commitment staff and the Northville Public University in 2015.
three areas of improvement, ture that empowers and supports to cultivating a culture of learning, Schools,” Reimann said. Reimann lives in Beverly Hills
including student-focused advoca- students, district officials said. valuing positive relationships, and Reimann earned his under- with his wife of 12 years, Mandy,
cy, instructional leadership and Reimann's background aligns with working toward a shared vision graduate degree at Central and three children, Ellie, 8, Lydia,
community connection. In each of and will continue to foster the resonated with the input received Michigan University and later 6, and Joey, 4.
Beautification winners are named
The City of Northville and Northville appointed last month. New officers of the
Township chose 50 local businesses and commission include as Sue Marie Klimek,
civic organizations to receive beautifica- co-chair; Carol Pankow, secretary and
tion awards this year. Callie Milroy, treasurer.
A spokesman noted that the annual The commission requires regular
awards are presented by members of the attendance for a quorum in voting on
City of Northville Beautification decisions and actions.
Commission and the Northville Township The goal of the beautification commis-
Beautification Commission. sion is to continue to enhance more areas
City Beautification Commission of the city that need maintenance,
Chairwoman Diane Pittaway and member Pittaway said. She added that there “is no
Liliana Miyahara, accompanied by Mayor such thing as no maintenance.” While
Brian Turnbull, delivered signs to some of they plant the downtown area with orna-
the honorees on July 20. Certificates will mental annuals, other areas are land-
be delivered in person at a later date scaped with native plants and shrubs Mario, of Marathon Gas Station on South Main, proudly receives recognition for his
since the traditional September luncheon whenever possible, using organic garden- landscaped gardens.
hosted in September is postponed anoth- ing practices, she said.
er year due to pandemic precautions. “Always, we are looking out for the
During a meeting last month, the environmental welfare of our communi-
Northville City Council members ty,” said Pittaway. “We appreciate the busi-
renewed the tenure of six commission ness owners and volunteers who commit
members for another three years. The their time, effort, and resources to
newest member, Krista Foley-Siefert was enhance our surroundings.”
Adorn Fine Flowers co-owner Alicia Racine, pictured with Mayor Brian Turnbull, Mayor Brian Turnbull and Liliana Miyahara plant an award sign at the Yerkes' House
accepts the award from the Beautification Commission. garden in Mill Race Village.
Dairy Queen plan is approved
Who doesn't need a chocolate-dipped, 10:30 p.m.
double-twist vanilla at 11 p.m. after a long The new location at 40570 Five Road
hard day of Zoom meetings? includes a building next to George's 5
Members of the Northville Township Barrel Liquor & Market and would
Planning Commission heard plans for a include inside seating, tables and chairs
new Dairy Queen on Five Mile Road outside and the drive through window.
which would offer drive through service Todd Haidous who proposed the plan
until 11 p.m. during the summer months to the commissioners the hours were
and from 10 a.m. until 10 p.m. during cool- important to the business as was the drive-
er months. While those hours concerned through window especially during the
some members of the commission, wor- COVID safety restrictions. Haidous also
ried about the impact on nearby residen- operates Dairy Queen locations in
tial areas, commissioners approved the Dearborn, Hillsdale, Coldwater and
plan on a 4-2 vote with hours limited to Angola, Indiana.
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