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PAGE 4                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             July 25, 2019

               INKSTER - WAYNE - WESTLAND

        Westland police efforts honored by MADD

           The    Westland    Police     The     Westland    Police                              ”                                 Bureau for their continued
        Department was recognized as   Department dedicated an oper-            We are proud of our police department              supervision over these lifesaving
        one of the “Outstanding Law    ating while intoxicated (OWI)                                                               programs,” commented Police
        Enforcement Agencies” of 2018  detail that placed an officer on    and their continued dedication and commitment           Chief Jeff Jedrusik.
        by Mothers Against Drunk       the road four nights per week to              to protecting the community.                    “The safety of our residents
        Driving (M.A.D.D.) of Michigan at  focus solely on drunk/drugged                                                           and individuals traveling within
        the annual Lifesavers Award    driving.  These efforts, along with                                                         Westland's city limits remains a
        Ceremony last month.           others, resulted in a total of 332  only two Wayne County Police  focused on drunk/drugged driv-  top priority,” commented Mayor
           The department received this  OWI (operating while intoxicat-  Departments that has two  ing, seat belt use and distracted  William R. Wild.  “We are proud
        award in recognition of the out-  ed) arrests in 2018, of which 280  nationally recognized drug  driving.                  of our police department and
        standing Westland efforts in   were alcohol related at 52 were  recognition experts and they   “I would like to give special  their continued dedication and
        drunk/drugged driving preven-  drug related.                  both took part in the Safe    recognition to Sgt. (Robert) Fruit  commitment to protecting the
        tion, education and enforcement.    The department is also one of  Community Grants, which  and the Westland Police Traffic  community.”
        Window on Wayne will return to Downtown Days

           Wayne Downtown Days 2019      Kim White-Jenkins, contest   categories (Youth, Adult and  Aug. 10. The winners of each cat-  Birthday Celebration hosted by
        will feature the Third Annual  sponsor and owner of Helium    Senior) at the official Window on  egory will be announced at 5 p.m.  Mayor John Rhaesa.
        Window on Wayne Photography    Studio Artist Market said she was  Wayne Facebook page at    following the Aug. 10 voting.    Downtown Days 2019 will also
        Contest, sponsored by Helium   looking forward to the display.     Downtown Days began in 2017  feature an exciting lineup of fam-
        Studios.                         “Helium Studio is thrilled to  waynephotocontest/. To vote, sim-  and since then has become the  ily-friendly live music entertain-
           A tradition that started with  provide cash prizes to the win-  ply hit the “Like” button on the  Wayne Main Street signature  ment, food vendors, the flea mar-
        the first Downtown Days in 2017,  ners in each category. The con-  photo of choice. The finalists of  summer  event.  In  2019  ket/community garage sale, and a
        Window on Wayne will feature   test continues to grow as more  each category will then be dis-  Downtown Days will take place  number of art-focused programs,
        more than 25 photos of the sights  photographers, now in three cat-  played at Downtown Days.  at Veteran's Plaza, in the heart of  including the Second Annual Art-
        that can be found in the city,  egories, get involved and show  The finalists of each category  downtown Wayne.            O-Motive car hood contest and
        according to a prepared state-  off their favorite parts of the City  will be voted on by members of  The event this year is espe-  the Detroit Institute of Art Drop-
        ment from Wayne Main Street,   of Wayne.”                     the public during Downtown    cially significant to the city as  In workshop. Organizers esti-
        organizers of the event.         The contest is currently ongo-  Days. Members of the community  2019 marks the sesquicentennial  mate that Downtown Days will
           Photographs will be on dis-  ing and members of the commu-  can visit the library between  anniversary of Wayne. To cele-  draw 4,000-5,000 festivalgoers
        play at the Wayne Public Library  nity can vote for their favorite  noon and 5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 9  brate the milestone, Downtown  from Wayne and surrounding
        during the event.              photograph in each of the three  and noon and 4 p.m. on Saturday,  Days will feature a 150th  communities.

           Fireworks accident severely

           injures 3-year-old bystander

             Contributions to a Go-Fund-  neighborhood. Lucy was 70   close the multiple fractures.
           Me account are still being    yards away when she was      Doctors say the surgery went
           sought to help the family of 3-  struck in the back of her head,  well, remarking afterwards
           year-old Lucy Bukis of        according to reports and the  that,” it looked like she had
           Westland.                     impact of the explosive caused  been hit in the head with a
             The child remains hospital-  multiple fractures and a brain  hammer.”
           ized at Mott Children's Hospital  bleed. The child fell to the  Friends of the family set up a
           at the University of Michigan  ground and was unconscious  Go-Fund-Me Account to help
           after a wayward firework struck  for several seconds following  with medical and travel expens-
           her in the head and shattered  the impact, according to her  es at
           her skull July 13.            mother.                      ica-expenses-for-Lucy.
             Reports indicate that a       Lucy underwent surgery at     Lucy was expected to be
           neighbor's fireworks malfunc-  Mott Children's Hospital to  released from the hospital this  work since February, after  and he said his family is
           tioned and started shooting   implant two metal plates and  week, according to her father,  injuring his knee. His family of  extremely grateful for the help
           sideways in the Bukis' family  attach screws in her skull to  Ron Bukis, who has been out of  seven is about to become eight,  they have received to date.

        Schools                        any public comment on the issue  Donations are sought to purchase
                                       as it is “a pending legal matter.”
                                         Carnell has agreed to come
                                       out of retirement to act as the
        FROM PAGE 1                    district. She is the former super- helmets for youth football team
                                       interim superintendent of the
        cussed with her was not properly
        followed and that her request to  intendent of the Westwood
        have the meeting regarding her  Community School District and   Inkster Mayor Byron Nolen   approximately $87.50 so the    James Richardson at (313) 585
        suspension in closed session was  earned her PhD degree from  has joined the effort to help the  group needs to generate $6,125  5218.
        denied.                        Eastern Michigan University.   Inkster Raiders Youth Football  to fund the entire purchase.   Checks or money orders
           The lawsuit, filed July 15, also  She has also worked for the City  Team collect enough money to  Donations and information  should be made payable to the
        claims that the “unfounded” alle-  of Detroit, Detroit Public  purchase 70 new football hel-  are available at Nolen's office  Inkster Raiders.
        gations and criticism were racial-  Schools, former Michigan Gov.  mets for the players.    (313) 563 4234, or through the   “This is about community, not
        ly motivated as she is African  Jennifer Granholm, the Michigan  Each helmet is priced at   president of the Inkster Raiders,  politics, “ Nolen said.
        American.  She further claims in  Department of Education and
        her suit that the imposed leave  the Southgate Community      Annual police memorial scheduled
        was retaliation for her attempts  School District.
        to correct diversity and compli-  She will assume the interim
        ance issues in the district of  superintendent duties in place of  The Annual Inkster Police   There will be a luncheon fol-  Sgt. Ira Parker; Ofc. Clay Hoover
        about 12,000 students. She is ask-  Jennifer Curry, the district super-  Memorial service honoring the  lowing the service at the Booker  and Ofc. Daniel Dubiel who
        ing the court to award her $2 mil-  intendent of standards, who was  four officers killed in the line of  Dozier Recreation Complex.  were all killed by gunfire July 9,
        lion for her “emotional suffer-  appointed to the interim position  duty is planned for 11:30 a.m.  Honored will be Ofc.   1987.
        ing.”                          June 20, when Holt was placed  Friday, Aug. 9 at the Inkster  Kenneth E. Woodmore who was     The event is open to the pub-
           Board members have refused  on paid administrative leave.  Police Department.            killed by gunfire June 17, 1994;  lic.


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