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Canton welcomes annual Shakespeare festival
The Michigan Shakespeare Festival, most heroic and malevolent characters in
the official Shakespeare Festival of the Western drama. At the height of his power
State of Michigan, returns to the Village King Lear abdicates his throne, dividing
Theater at Cherry Hill next month. his power between two daughters who
The 2019 lineup includes betray him and drive him into madness
Shakespeare's King Lear and The Two and the country into war. King Lear fea-
Gentlemen of Verona and Edmond tures Michigan stage and screen actor
Rostand's 1897 epic romance Cyrano De John Lepard, one of the founders of the
Bergerac. Williamston Theatre.
Artistic Director Janice L. Blixt said, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, one of
“It's our 25th anniversary-and as they say, Shakespeare's early comedies, has never
go big or go home. We decided to go big.” before been produced at the Michigan
The festival will be at the Village Theater Shakespeare Festival. According the Blixt,
at Cherry Hill in Canton Aug. 2-18. “Two Gents is a delightful romantic come-
To celebrate this milestone for the dy that combines the sweet silliness of
Official Shakespeare Festival of the State being young and in love with heartfelt con-
of Michigan, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer nection and redemption.” Directed by
issued a proclamation designating July Artistic Associate Robert Kauzlaric, this
2019 the Michigan Shakespeare Festival show is perfect for families and runs 90
25th Anniversary Month, encouraging minutes without an intermission. John Lepard, left, portrays King Lear and David Blixt is Kent in the Shakespeare per-
Michigan residents to “take advantage of Cyrano De Bergerac is Edmund formance of King Lear set for the Village Theater at Cherry Hill. Photo by Melissa
its epic productions of classical theatre's Rostand's romantic, adventurous and glo- Szymke Adams.
greatest plays.” rious comic-drama that has become part
Headline show King Lear is considered of the classic canon. Cyrano is the most Paris, which keeps him from professing her. This production, based on the transla-
one of the best plays in the English lan- dangerous swordsman, the most romantic his love for the beautiful Roxane. Instead tion by Brian Hooker, is directed by Janice
guage, it combines tragic family drama poet and the most brilliant wit in 1640s he agrees to help the handsome-yet-dim L. Blixt and features Artistic Associate
with epic storytelling, replete with the Paris. He also has the largest nose in Christian by giving him the words to woo David Blixt in the title role.
Canton health center offers patient translation services
Julie Brown list of approved vendors for all
Staff Writer ” health system staff.
At the end of the day it's “At the end of the day it's the
Patients who don't speak the right thing to do,” he said, right thing to do,” he said, noting
English and their families are interpreting is offered at no addi-
not at a loss to communicate with noting interpreting is offered tional patient cost.
caregivers and staff at Beaumont at no additional patient cost. Rustom likes that it helps to
Health facilities. prevent subsequent falls and a
“You cannot imagine how patient taking the wrong medica-
much relief people experience,” tion.
said Moe Rustom, Beaumont Beaumont, with earlier offerings technologies in place. Rustom “All nurses are big on safety,”
director of Clinical before that. “We use a mix of notes family members often omit he said. Beaumont nurses have
Interpretation and Translation services,” he said, including an information if they try to inter- found the interpreting a major
Services. “This would be a god- OPI (Over the Phone) system. pret, and a family member “is not safety tool, especially in the oper-
send,” for patients and their fam- “You want to explain medica- competent in medical terminolo- ating room and with anesthesia.
ilies, he added, noting all U.S. tion, you want to explain treat- gy.” Patients “understand their
health systems offer interpreters. ment plans” for patient safety, he The health system staff, such care better,” Rustom added.
A sign at the Beaumont- said. The staff interpreters at as registered nurses, explains the “That has a lot of serious conse-
Canton laboratory and else- Dearborn and Royal Oak are interpreter is there not to take quences.” Pictures can be drawn
where notes many languages supplemented by OPI or a Skype- away the family's advocate role. to help explain surgery too. Moe Rustom
where interpreting is offered at type interpreter on an iPad. “There's a lit-
no charge to the patient. Rustom Rustom is a 30-year registered tle reassur-
said that Arabic, at No. 1, and nurse and native Arabic speaker ance needed,”
Spanish, at No. 2, account for who has interpreted in health he added.
about 95 percent of interpreters. care “multiple times. Very much “We rarely
Staff interpreters at the it's involved around the clinical encounter the
Dearborn and Royal Oak hospi- care,” with annual training Polish lan-
tals help to explain medication, required to be qualified. guage,” with
treatment plans, surgical proce- Patients and their families German also
dures and more. “Southeast learn, for example, pre- and post- rarely needed,
Michigan is very diverse,” said operative procedures, physical he said. Asian
Rustom, noting some 1.8 million therapy, and signing for permis- Indians usual-
people here speak a language sion on surgery. “All the proce- ly speak
other than English at home. The dures in the hospital require English fluent-
Beaumont system interprets interpreting,” he said, noting ly, too, and
some 55-65 different languages health care is highly regulated in finding such
each year. the U.S. an interpreter
It's been about 10 years for the Dearborn and Royal Oak hos- can take more
current interpreter setup at pitals also have the additional time. There's a
Charter Township of Plymouth
Plymouth, Michigan
July 25, 2019
Sealed Bids for the construction of the Litchfield Drive SAD Road Reconstruction will be received by Charter Township of
Plymouth, by the office of the Township Clerk at 9955 N. Haggerty Rd., Plymouth, Michigan until 10:00 am local time on August
16, 2019, at which time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read. The approximate quantities of major items of work
involved are as follows:
Concrete Road Pavement Removal and Replacement 5,964 syd
Aggregate Base 2,050 tons
6-inch Underdrain 3,600 ft
12-inch RCP Storm Sewer 325 ft
4-foot Catch Basins 4 each
This project is a Special Assessment District.
The Issuing Office for the Bidding Documents is the office of the ENGINEER, Orchard, Hiltz, & McCliment, Inc. (d.b.a. OHM
Advisors), 34000 Plymouth Road, Livonia, Michigan 48150.
Bidding Documents may be obtained after July 25, 2019 at 12:00 pm on BidNet Direct website (formerly MITN). Neither Owner
nor ENGINEER will be responsible for full or partial sets of Bidding Documents, including Addenda if any, obtained from
sources other than BidNet Direct website. Bidders should direct correspondence to the ENGINEER.
Bid security shall be furnished in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. Bid security in the form of a Bid Bond for a sum
no less than 5% of the amount of the Bid “A” will be required with each Bid. Bids shall be enclosed in sealed envelopes plain-
ly marked with the project name and the name of the bidder.
No bid may be withdrawn for a period of 90 calendar days after the scheduled closing time for receipt of the Bids. This time peri-
od may be extended by mutual agreement of the Owner and any Bidder or Bidders. The OWNER reserves the right to accept any
or all Bids and award the contract to other than the lowest bidder, to waive any irregularities or informalities or both; to reject
any or all Bids; and in general to make the award of the Contract in any manner deemed by the OWNER, in its sole discretion,
to be in the best interest of the OWNER.
No pre-bid meeting is scheduled for this project.
Jerry Vorva, Township Clerk
PT0258 - 072519 2.5 x 4.658 Charter Township of Plymouth