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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             July 21, 2022

                                                    PLYMOUTH - ROMULUS
                                                    PLYMOUTH - ROMULUS

        Amazon delivers $1,000 donation to city police

           Romulus public safety officers  very generous to support the                                                            able to provide the saving care in
        will be a bit safer thanks to a  Romulus   Public    Safety                              ”                                 the worst case scenarios imagi-
        recent donation from Amazon.   Foundation with this donation                The donated equipment will be                  nable.” The donated equipment
           Amazon     DTW1      Loss   and even volunteering their time                                                            will be used as a gunshot
        Prevention Manager Jennifer    at various foundation events                used as a gunshot response kit,                 response kit, survival kit, and
        Underwood and Procurement      which support public safety               survival kit, and individual first aid kit.       individual first aid kit. The kit
        Specialist Denzel Raines pre-  awareness,” said Kevin Krause,                                                              allows for easy one-handed
        sented a donation of $1,000 to the  director of fire services and                                                          access to supplies in an emer-
        Romulus      Public   Safety   emergency management for the   EMS Week, which Mark coordi-  to   the   Romulus    Police   gency situation. The pouch is
        Foundation last month. The     Romulus Fire Department.       nated,” he added.             Department for immediate use.  durable and includes a tourni-
        donation came in response to a  “Jennifer Underwood from         Donations allow the Romulus  The cost for 30 tactical kits  quet, tactical gloves, pressure
        month-long community safety    Amazon as well as Mark Estes   Public Safety Foundation to fund  increased by $600 in the three  bandage, gauze, burn dressing,
        campaign which began in April  from US Ecology are newer      the purchase of items like 30 tac-  months to collect and raise dona-  trauma shears, foil blanket, and
        2022. Funds are used to advance  trustees with the foundation but  tical gunshot and trauma  tion funds to purchase them, he  elastic bandages.
        public safety interests such as  their involvement has already  response kits which cost nearly  added.                      More information about the
        innovative projects, education,  made a huge impact in the    $4,500, a foundation spokesman   Romulus Police Chief Robert  Romulus    Public    Safety
        and equipment for Romulus resi-  Romulus community. For exam-  said. Donated funds from     Pfannes said he was “grateful to  Foundation is available at
        dents, officials explained.    ple a few weeks ago, US Ecology  Amazon DTW1 offset the increas-  Amazon and Romulus Public  or
           “We are very thankful to the  donated meals to Romulus para-  ing cost for tactical kits which  Safety Foundation, that officers
        folks at Amazon DTW1 who are   medic firefighters for National  were purchased and sent directly  will have the equipment avail-  SF.
        $50,000 Dunning grant will fund library technology upgrades

           The Plymouth District Library has   making high-quality hybrid programming
        received a grant of $50,000 from the   a reality for our community, she added.
        Margaret Dunning Foundation.           Meeting room users will also be able to
           Library Director Shauna Anderson    simply plug in their device to access the
        said the grant will support significant  full capabilities of the newly installed
        technology updates in the community    technology.
        meeting rooms.  With this grant, the     “The grant-funded technology updates
        library will update the audio-visual sys-  will allow the library to continue reaching
        tems in the Walldorf and Dunning meeting  the strong online participation we have
        rooms to better enable simultaneous    seen throughout the COVID-19 pandemic;
        online and in-person program participa-  it will also allow us to offer local nonprof-
        tion, she said.                        its and community groups who use library
           With the onset of the COVID-19 pan-  meeting rooms the ability to expand their
        demic, the library moved community pro-  own audience, and create a more connect-
        gramming to an online format, which was  ed community,” Anderson said.
        “very successful” Anderson said.  Once in-  The new technology is expected to be
        library programs returned, it became   in place by the first quarter of 2023 - the
        clear that there are many in the communi-  centennial year. Anderson said the library
        ty for whom online programming remains  staff was grateful to Margaret Dunning
        the best option.  Creating a simultaneous  and the foundation that continues her  was a successful businesswoman, philan-  in the Woodward Dream Cruise with her
        quality experience for both in-person and  legacy of incredible support of both the  thropist, and civic booster.  She was a  1930 Packard 740 Roadster.
        remote attendees, however, presented   library and the Plymouth community.    major supporter of many Plymouth non-   Ms. Dunning died in 2015 at the age of
        challenges beyond the existing failing   The Margaret Dunning Foundation was  profits, including the Plymouth District  104.  Her estate provided additional fund-
        technology.  The new system will employ  founded by Ms. Dunning in 1997.  She was  Library and the Plymouth Historical  ing for the Margaret Dunning Foundation,
        sophisticated cameras and microphones  born in 1910 in Redford Township and  Society.  In addition to her personal phi-  which continues to support her charitable
        that can effectively capture activity in  moved with her mother to Plymouth in the  lanthropy, Ms. Dunning was a classic car  interests and legacy.  For more informa-
        these large spaces for an online audience,  1920s.  During her lifetime, Ms. Dunning  enthusiast and was a regular participant  tion:



           Rocky has come home, thanks
        to assistance the public provided
        to Romulus police detectives.
           The puppy, a French bulldog-
        Boston terrier mix, was returned
        to his owners Jason and Amber
        Schlegel after being taken from
        them at gunpoint during a rob-
        bery last month. The owners
        were lured to a location on Mesa
        Way in the city in response to a
        call for emergency locksmith aid.
        When the couple arrived on the
        scene, they were confronted by
        gunmen who demanded cash
        and tools from their locksmith
        van. As the two suspects entered
        a vehicle which arrived to take
        them from the scene, one of the
        men grabbed the puppy from his
        owner's arms.
           Romulus police detectives
        thanked the public for assistance
        in locating the stolen puppy and
        reuniting him with his owners.
        The investigation into the rob-
        bery is continuing, they said, and
        urged anyone with information
        regarding the identity of the sus-
        pects to call (734) 942-8400.


        FROM PAGE 1
        already submitted their applica-
        tion can track that it has been
        received and track the mailing of
        their ballot, Benson said.
           If a voter has already voted
        absentee and wishes to change
        their vote (because the candidate
        has dropped out of the race, or for
        any other reason), a voter can spoil
        their ballot by submitting a written
        request to their city or township
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