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July 21, 2022                                                  ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                                  PAGE 3

                                                       SUMPTER - INKSTER
                                                       SUMPTER - INKSTER

        Supervisor, trustees condemn reported comments

           Sumpter Township officials    “The generation we live in now
        publicly expressed their fury and  is the cancel generation. People
        frustration at the allegations of  will shut you down completely. You
        racism and incorrect reporting  will not be in business,” with
        recently published in a local news-  remarks like that, he said.
        paper.                           Later in the meeting, Bowman,
           The issue which has simmered  visibly emotional, spoke about the
        among the officials for weeks,  damage the publication of the alle-
        came to a boil during a July 12  gation did to him and his family,
        board meeting when Supervisor  directing his comments to Morgan.
        Tim Bowman threatened legal      “That was a very bad thing to
        action against a local newspaper  say. You hurt my family, you hurt
        which had published accusations  me. You've hurt everything about
        of racism leveled at him by Trustee  us. That's going to stick with me for
        Peggy Morgan. Morgan accused   a lifetime when somebody Googles
        Bowman of being racially preju-  my name, that's going to come up. I
        diced against Nelson Po based on  am not a racist person, never have  From left, seated, are Township Clerk Esther Hurst, Supervisor Tim Bowman and Treasurer Vincent
                                                                      Warren. Standing from left are Trustee Tim Rush, Trustee Peggy Morgan and Trustee Matt Oddy. Not pic-
        his Filipino heritage during a loud  been,” Bowman said.
        and contentious confrontation fol-  The issue erupted in June fol-  tured is Trustee Don LaPorte who was excused from the July 12 meeting.  Photo by David Willett.
        lowing a meeting June 23.      lowing discussion of a developer's  meeting, however, Morgan angrily  “You printed that not only Mr.  come to his community?” Oddy
           Bowman responded during an  attempt to secure the approval of  accosted Bowman and publicly  Bowman but Mr. Young (township  demanded.
        earlier meeting that he considered  two members of the board for a  accused him of racism regarding  attorney Rob Young) were perpe-  Rush said he believed the publi-
        Morgan's shouted allegations a  proposed project. Trustee Matt  the proposed development. She  trating a discriminatory act against  cation of the misinformation was a
        “verbal assault.” He explained that  Oddy said he deliberately withheld  also shouted at Rush and township  Nelson Po,” he said.  “There is not  “deliberate attack on the commu-
        her claims were completely with-  the name of the developer   attorney Rob Young during her  more of a vile act than to attack  nity. Nobody could be that igno-
        out basis as his son-in-law is  involved in an effort to avoid any  tirade. At a meeting June 28  somebody's character like that  rant,” he said. Rush took legal
        Filipino as is his 2-year-old grand-  misunderstanding or gossip about  Morgan admitted to the outburst  where, like Mr. Bowman said, it  action against the newspaper last
        daughter.                      what took place. He and Deputy  saying she “was angry.”      will be there forever.”        year and received an undisclosed
           During the meeting last week,  Supervisor/Trustee Tim Rush told  Morgan claimed the refusal of  Oddy continued with a list of  financial settlement.
        Bowman's son-in-law Tyler      the board that the meeting was  the board to name the developers  multiple erroneous and sensation-  Young, too, said he was
        Thomas, who is of Filipino her-  immediately curtailed when it  was based on prejudice against Po.  alized stories about members of  “shocked” at the publication of
        itage,  spoke to the board.    became obvious the developer's  That claim was later printed in a  the board of trustees and past offi-  such an allegation despite the
           Thomas told the board how sig-  plan was dependent on a marijua-  local newspaper, which prompted  cials, including a racially insulting  repeated past conduct of the news-
        nificantly Bowman had changed  na facility. Sumpter Township offi-  the ire and denials from officials,  cartoon of a former supervisor,  paper.  “I don’t care what you say
        his life and brought him to    cials have twice voted against opt-  who had repeatedly gone on  insulting cartoons about the police  about me, but to criticise that man
        Sumpter when he was “homeless  ing into the Michigan Medical  record that Po was not at the meet-  chief and various financial mis-  (Bowman)?”  he said.
        with parents who didn't care what I  Marijuana Licensing Agreement.  ing and that he was not involved in  deeds officials were falsely  “To make that kind of state-
        did.That man changed my life.  Rush and Oddy said they ended all  the project.              accused of committing that were  ment, that’s about the sickest, vilest
        When you call somebody that    discussion with the developers   During the meeting last week,  reported in the publication.   thing  I’ve ever heard,” he said.
        (racist) you're not just hurting Tim  when this became a topic and  Oddy proposed the board officially  “These unwarranted, unjust  Bowman, obviously overcome
        Bowman. He owns his own busi-  urged them to bring their proposal  request a retraction or correction  attacks not only harm the individ-  with emotion, said that both the
        ness which I work for, which I one  to the full board of trustees.  from the newspaper regarding the  ual targeted, but it harms our com-  newspaper and Morgan could
        day will take over. The business  Oddy stressed that he was only  article. He reiterated that board  munity, harms businesses, harms  expect to be “talking to a lawyer
        that has been in his family for gen-  recounting the meeting in an  members  had  repeatedly  employees trying to look for jobs  very soon. You're not getting away
        erations. When you say stuff like  attempt to thwart any rumors or  explained that Po was not involved  here. When they read the supervi-  with it. You're not ruining my
        that you are ruining that for my  misinterpretation.          in the project prior to publication  sor or attorney in the township is a  life.You're not degrading me in
        future and my family.            Following adjournment of that  of the article in question.    racist, why would they want to  front of my family.”
        Inkster library awarded $1.2 million in new state budget

           The Leanna Hicks Public Library of    “With more funding than ever going to  Methodist Children's Home Society in  grams and $250,000 for sidewalk repairs at
        Inkster and Welcome Center is scheduled  areas like education and mental health,  Redford Charter Township in support of  Handy Park and Claude Allison Park in
        to receive $1.2 million as part of the $76.7  this budget makes clear that my  their day treatment and respite care pro-  Redford.
        billion recently approved Michigan state  Democratic colleagues and I are focused
        budget.                                on   the  priorities  of   everyday
           The new budget will become effective  Michiganders. By making smart invest-
        Oct. 1, but no date for funding the library  ments today, we can ensure a safe, equi-
        and welcome center was announced.      table future for our children and genera-
           Michigan State Sen. Betty Jean      tions to come. I'm grateful for the hard
        Alexander (D-Detroit) said she was very  work that went into the 2023 budget, and I
        pleased with the allocations for funding in  look forward to seeing these critical
        her district.                          investments improve the lives of residents
           “This historic budget reflects the needs  in my district and throughout Michigan.”
        of all our communities, not only in Detroit  Other funding in the budget for the 5th
        and Southeast Michigan, but across the  Senate District includes: $51 million for
        state. I'm proud to have fought to ensure  Detroit Wayne Integrated Health
        millions go toward our most vulnerable,  Network; $15 million for a Wayne County
        including children and the elderly, as we  mental health crisis center; $950,000 for
        strive to lift everyone in our neighbor-  Playworks Michigan in Detroit for outdoor
        hoods.                                 programs for children; $500,000 for
                                                                                                                 NOTICE OF ELECTION
                                                                                                      CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN
                                     SUMPTER TOWNSHIP                                                               AUGUST 2, 2022
                                NOTICE OF PRIMARY ELECTION
                                   TUESDAY, AUGUST 2, 2022                            TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF NORTHVILLE TOWNSHIP:
                                     STATE OF MICHIGAN                                Notice is hereby given that a Primary Election will be held in Northville Township on Tuesday, August 2, 2022. The polls will
                    TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF SUMPTER:             be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
         NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a State Primary Election will be held in the Township of Sumpter, State of Michigan, on  At the following locations:
         Tuesday, August 2, 2022, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. prevailing Eastern Time, at which time the following
         offices are to be voted on in Wayne County:                                  Precinct 1    Moraine Elementary    46811 Eight Mile Road
                • State of Michigan Governor        • County Executive                Precinct 2    Moraine Elementary    46811 Eight Mile Road
                • United States Representative in Congress 6th District  • County Sheriff  Precinct 3  Northville High School  45700 Six Mile Road
                • United States Legislative State Senator 4th District  • County Commissioner 11th District  Precinct 4  Northville High School  45700 Six Mile Road
                • United States Representative in State   • Sumpter Township Treasurer  Precinct 5  Township Hall         44405 Six Mile Road
                 Legislature 31st District          • Delegate to County Convention   Precinct 6    Winchester Elementary  16141 Winchester
         PROPOSALS;                                                                   Precinct 7    Meads Mill Middle School  16700 Franklin
         Jails Millage Renewal-To renew the millage authorized in 2012, shall Wayne County be authorized to continue to levy this mill-  Precinct 8  Silver Springs Elementary  19801 Silver Springs Drive
         age at the 2021 rollback rate of .9358 mills (about 94 cents per thousand dollars of taxable valuation) for ten more years (2022  Precinct 9  Silver Springs Elementary  19801 Silver Springs Drive
         through 2031) for any of the following previously authorized uses: To acquire, construct, and/or operate jail, misdemeanant, or  Precinct 10  Ridge Wood Elementary  49775 Six Mile Road
         juvenile incarceration or detention facilities, and for adult penalty options such as work release, home detention and community  Precinct 11  Ridge Wood Elementary  49775 Six Mile Road
         restitution; with at least one-tenth of the millage used to acquire, build and operate a juvenile offender work/training institution?  Precinct 12  Meads Mill Middle School  16700 Franklin
         This renewal is estimated to generate approximately $45,074,507 in property tax revenue in 2022.
         Police Protection Millage Renewal (1 mills)–Shall the expired previous voted increase in the tax limitations imposed under  For the purposes of electing a candidate to the following offices:
         Article IX, Sec. 6 of the Michigan Constitution in Sumpter Township, of 1 mill ($1.00 per $1, 000 of taxable value), reduced to
         .98044 mills ($.98044 per $1,000 of taxable value) by the required millage rollbacks, be renewed at and increased up to the orig-  •  State - Governor
         inal voted 1 mills ($1.00 per $1,000 of taxable value) and levied for 4 years, 2022 through 2025 inclusive, for police protection,  •  Congressional - Representative in Congress 6th District
         operations, and maintenance of the Sumpter Township police department, raising an estimated $382,500.00 in the first year the  •  Legislative - State Senator 13th District
         millage is levied?                                                           •  Legislative - Representative in State Legislature
         Police Protection Millage Renewal (2 mills)-Shall the expired previous voted increase in the tax limitations imposed under  o  22nd District for precincts 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12
         Article IX, Sec. 6 of the Michigan Constitution in Sumpter Township, of 2 mills ($2.00 per $1, 000 of taxable value), reduced to  o  23rd District for precincts 4, 10, 11
         1.96088 mills ($1.96088 per $1,000 of taxable value) by the required millage rollbacks, be renewed at and increased up to the  •  County - County Executive
         original voted 2 mills ($2.00 per $1,000 of taxable value) and levied for 4 years, 2022 through 2025 inclusive, for police pro-  •  County - Sheriff
         tection, operations, and maintenance of the Sumpter Township police department, raising an estimated $765,000.00 in the first  •  County - County Commissioner 9th District
         year the millage is levied?                                                  •  Delegate to County Convention
         District Library Operating Millage Proposal-This proposal will allow the District Library to levy additional millage in the City
         of Belleville, Charter Township of Van Buren, and Township of Sumpter for library operating purposes. Shall the limitation on  PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that all Northville Township residents will be voting on the following:
         the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all taxable property within the geographic boundaries of the Belleville Area
         District Library, Wayne County, Michigan, be increased by 0.6864 mill ($0.6864 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation) for a peri-  •  Wayne County - Proposition J - Jails Millage Renewal
         od of 15 years, 2022 to 2036, inclusive, to provide funds for library operating purposes; the estimate of the revenue the District  o  To renew the millage authorized in 2012, shall Wayne County be authorized to continue to levy this millage at the
         Library will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2022 is approximately $1,189,137 (this restores millage that expired  2021 rollback rate of .9358 mills (about 94 cents per thousand dollars of taxable valuation) for ten more years (2022
         with the 2021 tax levy)?                                                            through 2031) for any of the following previously authorized uses:
                                                                                             To acquire, construct, and/or operate jail, misdemeanant, or juvenile incarceration of detention facilities, and for
         NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that sample ballots shall also be available by precinct at the Clerk’s Office.  adult penalty options such as work release, home detention and community restitution; with at least one-tenth of the
                                                                                             millage used to acquire, build and operate a juvenile offender work/training institution? This renewal is estimated
         The places of voting for the Primary Election to be held on Tuesday, August 2, 2022, will be as follows:  to generate approximately $45,074,507 in property tax revenue in 2022.
         Precincts 1 and 2: Sumpter Community Center Gymnasium, 23501 Sumpter Rd., Belleville, MI 48111  •  District Library - Northville District Library Millage Renewal
         Precincts 3 and 4: Fire Station #1, 20550 Sumpter Rd., Belleville, MI 48111       o  Shall the Northville District Library's previously voted millage of 0.200 mills ($0.200 per $1,000 of taxable value),
                                                                                             which has been reduced by the required millage rollbacks to 0.18955 mills, be renewed at 0.18955 mills ($0.18955
         Sumpter Township                                                                    per $1,000 of taxable value), and levied for ten (10) years, beginning in 2023 and through 2032 inclusive, for gen-
         Notice of Public Accuracy Test of Voting Equipment                                  eral library operating purposes, raising an estimated $524,519.00 in 2023, of which an estimated $11,195.00 will be
                                                                                             disbursed to the Northville Township Brownfield Redevelopment Authority as being collected only from all prop-
         To the qualified electors of the Sumpter Township, Wayne County, State of Michigan: Notice is hereby given that a Public  erties located within the Authority's district, as required by law?
         Accuracy Test for the electronic equipment that will be used in Precincts 2 & 3 for the Primary Election is scheduled for
         Wednesday, July 27, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. in the Sumpter Township Community Gymnasium, located at 23501 Sumpter Rd.,  44405 Six Mile Road, Northville MI 48168. Sample ballots can also be found at the township's website:
         Belleville, MI 48111. The Public Accuracy Test is conducted to demonstrate that the computer programming used to tabulate the
         votes cast at the election meets the requirements of Michigan election law.
         All polling locations are handicap accessible. To obtain election instructions in an alternative format (audio or Braille), or for any  Absentee ballots are available for all elections; registered voters may contact the local clerk to obtain an application for an absent
         further information, contact the Clerk’s Office at 23480 Sumpter Road, Belleville, Michigan, 48111, or call (734) 461-6201, prior  voter ballot.
         to Election Day.
                                                                                      To comply with the Help America  Vote Act (HAVA), voting instructions will be available in audio format and in Braille.
         NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that applications for absentee voter ballots are now available from the Office of the Township  Arrangements for obtaining the instructions in these alternative formats can be made by contacting the township clerk in advance
         Clerk, 23480 Sumpter Road for the August 2, 2022 Primary Election.           of the election. All polling locations are accessible for voters with disabilities.
         This notice is given by order of the Township of Sumpter, State of Michigan and published in accordance with Section 168.653a
         of the Michigan Compiled Election Law, as amended.                           Roger Lundberg
                                                                                      Northville Township Clerk
         Esther Hurst, Clerk                        Publish: Ann Arbor News, July 24, 2022  (248) 348-5825
         Township of Sumpter                            The Eagle, July 21, 2022
                                                    Posted: July 21, 2022  ST0117 - 072122  2.5 x 7.674  Publish: July 21, 2022                     NT0189 - 072122  2.5 x 7.964
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