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PAGE 6                                                         ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS OF MICHIGAN                                             July 14, 2022

                                                   INKSTER - NORTHVILLE
                                                   INKSTER - NORTHVILLE

        Survey shows top 3 priorities for city improvement

           The top three improvement
        projects selected by respondents
        to a recent Northville survey
        included land for the Farmers
        Market, a riverwalk at the
        Northville Downs property and
        a master plan for Ford Field.
           Members of the city council,
        City Manager Pat Sullivan and
        consultants Nate Geinzer and
        Jaymes Vettraino attended a
        special meeting June 29 to prior-
        itize the projects recommended
        by three separate task forces in
        the city including the Rouge
        Restoration Task Force, the
        Ford Field Task Force and the
        Farmers Market Task Force.
           Geinzer presented results
        from the city strategic prioritiza-
        tion survey, noting there were
        947 respondents equally divided
        among residents and non-resi-  The popular Northville Farmers Market was one of the top priorities respondents listed in a recent improvement survey.
        dents, including owners of city
        businesses. The community-       Vettraino said the top proj-  consultants and Sullivan con-  Sullivan asked council members  months ago, the city applied for
        scored projects were calculated  ects will be divided into four cat-  curred that projects likely to be  to consider applying for a $1 mil-  $900,000 in Congressional
        and considered as a data point  egories: 1) fund as soon as possi-  funded by grants need to be  lion RAP grant to extend the  Directed Spending for Ford
        in determining priorities.     ble by any method; 2) slate for  weighed against the desire to  trail from the trailhead at Seven  Field improvements. U.S. Rep.
           The three top projects select-  capital planning (projects to be  accomplish higher priority proj-  Mile and Hines along the south  Haley Stevens and Sen. Gary
        ed through task force recom-   completed within 3-4 years); 3)  ects where grant funding isn't  side to Center Street with sever-  Peters championed the request.
        mendations, deliberations and  shovel-ready projects eligible for  feasible.                al river crossings. If the grant  Mayor Pro tem Barbara
        the survey are to locate and   American Rescue Plan Act         For example, Sullivan said  applications were successful,  Moroski-Browne said she wants
        potentially acquire land for the  (ARPA) grant funds and 4) other  Northville Township has  the city cost for the project  to continue the discussion about
        Farmers' Market; create a river-  grant funding.              applied for a grant to fund a non-  would be $250,000, he said.  project priorities during the
        walk at the Downs after the      There are 152 projects cur-  motorized trail along Seven Mile  Prior to applying for grants,  next few months at council
        developer daylights the river the  rently in the “parking lot” -  to Northville Road and Hines  engineering studies often need  meetings. Vittraino recommend-
        commission of a master plan for  lower priority items that may  Park. Grant writer Vince Ranger,  to be performed at a 30 percent  ed that the city manager provide
        Ford Field that fast tracks the  become higher priority items if  of OHM consultants said there is  design level to determine the  those project updates - citing
        installation of a new play struc-  funding becomes available or  RAP(Revitalization   and   scope and cost of the project.  both progress and hinderances.
        ture and public restrooms, along  other opportunities make the  Placemaking) grant money fund-  This step in the process is a cost  He said Vittraino Consulting is
        with a new handicap accessible  project easier to complete, offi-  ed through the state of Michigan  borne by the city and needs to be  available to assist with financial
        entrance on Hutton Street.     cials said. Council members,   available for this project.   budgeted, he added. Several    strategies.
        Inkster wins grant to protect residents from radon

           The U.S. Department of Housing and  Regional Administrator Diane M. Shelley  the U.S. annually due to lung cancer from  through small openings in the foundation
        Urban Development (HUD) has awarded    said. "This program is only one of HUD's  radon exposure.                   or basement and become concentrated in
        $504,797 to Inkster Housing Commission to  many efforts to reduce disparities in the  Radon is an odorless, colorless radioac-  the indoor air environment. When radon is
        protect low-income families in public hous-  health of low-income families."  tive gas that is a decay product of elements  inhaled, it can damage DNA in lung tissue
        ing properties from radon. Inkster Housing  "We are thrilled to have the opportunity  in soil and rock and is present in every part  and increase the risk of developing lung
        Commission will use the funds to test 710  to ensure our housing units are as safe as  of the country. Low levels of radon are  cancer. Radon is the number one cause of
        ground-floor units and mitigate those above  possible and be one of the nine public hous-  found in the outside air. Radon gas can  lung cancer among non-smokers, according
        the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency  ing authorities awarded these funds. This  move through the soil and enter buildings  to EPA published estimates.
        guidelines of 4 pCi/L.                 perpetuates our vision to be the premier
           The award is part of $4 million awarded  affordable housing provider locally, region-
        to nine public housing agencies (PHAs)  ally, and nationally that fosters diverse and
        throughout the country through the HUD  vibrant communities to include housing,
        new Radon Testing and Mitigation       education, and economic growth," Inkster
        Demonstration Program. Public housing  Housing Commission Executive Director
        administrators will use the funds in public  Aaron Cooper said. "We thank HUD and all
        housing properties where low-income fami-  elected officials that continue to support
        lies reside to conduct testing and, when  our efforts to bring forth safe and affordable
        needed, mitigate radon in public housing  housing in Inkster. I also want to acknowl-
        units they manage.                     edge our board of commissioners, staff, and
           "With this funding, the Inkster Housing  residents for supporting a successful grant
        Commission can strengthen the link of  application."
        healthy housing and health by mitigating  The EPA estimates about one in 15
        radon issues and reducing risk of serious  homes (7 percent) in the U.S. have elevated
        illness because of exposure," HUD Midwest  radon levels and about 21,000 people die in
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